General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 War deg deg ah: Gudoomiyihii Maxkamada Darajada koowaad ee gobalka Bari oo goor dhaw ay kooxo toogteen. 11. november 2009 Bosaso(AllPuntland)- War goor dhaw soo gaaray AllPuntland ayaa sheegaya in magaalada Boosaaso ay kooxo hubeysan ku toogteen gudoomiyihii Maxkamada darajada koowaad ee magaalada Boosaaso Maxamed Cabdi Awaare, waxaana dilkan fuliyey kooxo hubeysan oo aan la aqoonsan. Laamaha caafimaadka ayaa usheegay APL in dhaawac culus uu soo gaaray Maxamed Cabdi Awaare,una geeriyooday intii aan laga qaadin meeshii ay rasaastu ku haleeshay, waxaana aan la garan karin cid ka dambeysay. Saraakiisha Amaanka ayaa usheegay APL in aysan cidna uqaban dilkan, balse waxa ay sheegeen in ay wadaan baaritaano xoog leh oo ku aadan cida ka dambeysay, waxaana la xiray guud ahaan meesha uu falkan ka dhacay. Rag madax qarsaday ayaa fuliyey falkan, waxaana lasheegay in ay baxsadeen, goob-joogayaal ayaa usheegay APL in ay xarada oo dhan laga kala yaacay markii ay rasaastu dhacday, isla markaasna uu falkan ku dhacay si lama filaan ah. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland, News Desk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qandalawi Posted November 11, 2009 Lool Under attack by who? who attacked them, Aliens? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 War deg deg ah : Xarunta Dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo oo Bambo goor dhaw lugu tuuray.. 11. november 2009 Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Xarunta dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa lugu tuuray Bambo kuwa gacanta ah,taasoo aan la garan karin cida ka dambeysa, waxaana ciidamadu amaanku ay rideen rasaas lasheegay in lugu kala cayrinayay dad badan oo iskugu soo xoomay Xarunta dawladda Hoose. Ciidamada amaanka ayaa xiray wadooyinka soo gala Xarunta dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana qaar ka mid ah madaxda dawladda Hoose ay usheegeen APL in ay rasaas ku rideen qof looga shakiyey in uu ka dambeeyey tuurida Bambooyinkan, isla markaasna aan gacanta lugu soo dhigin. Saraakiisha Amaanka ee dawladda Hoose ayaa sheegay in ay hada ku jiraan adkeynta amaanka, isla markaasna ay wadaan baaritaano ku aadan cida ka dambeysay qaraxan lugu tuuray aqalka dawladda Hoose. Shaqaalaha dawladda Hoose ayaa uxaqiijiyey APL in aysan cidna wax ku noqon qaraxan, luguna beegay xili aysan socon wax shaqo ah, luguna tuuray goobta dawladda Hoose oo aysan ka ag-dhaweyn Ilaalada Xarunta oo waqtiyadan oo kale Xarunta ilaalo xoogan ka qabta. Duqa magaalada Gaalkacyo C/rixmaan Xaaji Maxamuud Xasan iyo Saraakiil kale oo dhanka amaanka ah ayaa galay gudaha Xarunta, waxaana dadka loo diiday in ay udhawadaan goobta dawladda Hoose. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland, News Desk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 Garowe: Mudane ka tirsan barlamaanka Puntland oo goor dhaw lugu dilay Garowe. 11. november 2009 Garowe(AllPuntland)- Xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Gaab oo ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa goor dhaw lugu dilay magaalada Garowe ee caasumada Puntland, sida ay APL usheegeen Wariyaal iyo dhinacyo kale oo ku sugan caasumada Puntland. Ibraahim Cilmi Gaab oo ka mid ahaa Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa lugu dilay gudah caasumada Puntland ,gaar ahaana isago marayay gudaha caasumada, sida ay sheegayaan Wariyaasha Madax banaan ee caasumada Puntland. Dawladda Puntland madaxdeeda qaar ka mid ah ayaa sheegay in la dilay Mudahan barlamaan, isla markasna aysan garan karin cidii ka dambeysay falkan oo ay baxsadeen, waxa ayse sheegeen in ay ku jiraan baaritaano xoog leh oo ku wajahan arrimahan. Faahfaahin kale ma aysan bixin Madaxda dawladda Puntland, waana falkii sadexaad oo caawa ka dhaca gudaha Puntland, ayadoo maqribkii lugu dilay Boosaso gudoomiyihii Maxkamada darajada koowaad Maxamed Cabdi Awaare, Galkacyo oo qarax lala eegtay Xarunta dawladda Hoose iyo Garowe oo lugu dilay Mudanahan baarlamaan, dad badan oo ku dhaqan Puntlanda ayaa qaba walaac xoog leh oo ku adan arrimahan oo aan dhamaantood la garan karin cid ka dambeysay. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland, News Desk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 The attacks have taken place in a number of cities, at the same time period and have targeted symbols of the state, a judge, a lawmaker and the municipal HQ of a key city. It’s the state and its symbols that are under attack, and its time it executed a few trouble makers to send a clear message. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UZTAAD Posted November 11, 2009 I think all this cowardly assassinations are done by local underground alshabaab cells who are attempting to destabilize puntland and import their vicious crime into these peaceful part of the country there fore puntland should act firmly and uproot this disease before it spread further. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haatu Posted November 11, 2009 Bal fiiriya siduu nooga nixiyey!! Duke, no need to exaggerate like that. I thought P/land was being attacked militarily. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 ^^^This is enough for me adeer, killings today is more than a wake up call. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted November 11, 2009 How many killings so far today? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haatu Posted November 11, 2009 Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^This is enough for me adeer, killings today is more than a wake up call. Yes saaxiib, but you get where I'm coming from. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 ^^^No an attack is underway, it does not have to be from the outside. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qandalawi Posted November 11, 2009 This sort of attacks have been going on for a while, and suprisingly no one claims responsibility. PS: One of the conspiracy theories is that, it is the Ethiopians that are creating chaos in Puntland because of their imprisoned spy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted November 11, 2009 ^^^It could be, but its the states responsibility to defend its workers, a judge and an MP can not be killed without consequence, as for those who made these moves, who ever they are the states organs must react and take action. Faroole is being watched his honeymoon is over. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haatu Posted November 11, 2009 This all smells suspicious. So many high level officials killed so easily. There must be someone inside the government or has close connections to it that's after all of this. No group of person outside the gov can achieve all of this or maybe, just maybe, P/lands security services are really lacking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted November 11, 2009 ^Valid point! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites