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General Duke

Secessionist profile of RIYAALE

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Is There A Similarity Between Dahir Riyale and Mugabe?



looooooooooooool ,, does that mean you FINALLY recognize Rayaale as a President ? ,,, thanks anyway.


Putting President Rayaale with some other AFrican leaders is making clear about your U-turn in your position. I knew inay runtu hortaada iman doonto and you'll finally get this.

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aint nothing wrong with hitting her... at least.. me n her will produce awesome kids!! smile.gif


weelal and hablo... that care for their country..

and not some clan cheerleader off-springs!! :mad:

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All those people in the pic are not remembered as presidents but ruthless dictators DICTATORS, who refused to follow democracy. I'm not comparing Riyaale to them, he follows the dominant tribe of the secessionists tribal enclave.

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loooooool ,,, whether they are DICTATORS or Democrats they were/are presidents anyway ,, and comparing Rayaale to them is a clear indication of how you can't be blind anymore ,,,, :D


Don't worry sxb ,,, we're humans and you can always change your mind ,,, loooooooool

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Originally posted by Lois Lane:



Walaal, the problem here is not Riyaale. We all know why he holds this position. We all know how he got there. We all see and understand the flawed system of the secessionist political platform. Yet the problem still does not lie with him. At this point while you once again put on your costume of one that cares for the faith of the northern Somalis, you have failed yet again to disguise yourself better. In your rush to divide, patronize and insult the northern citizens, you made it clear that you could care less of Riyaale and his thievery. Because my dear, had that been truly the case, you would not sings the false praises of one whom the real meaning of Raagniimo escapes. The likes of you, who support this gang of morons along with the self-blinded secessionist followers, are the true obstacles to Somalia reaching greatness. How you can so shamelessly follow a murderer is beyond me. Thank God for that, as some of us are spared from qabilistic propaganda.


If only you had the real courage to believe in Somalia and her poor citizens from Zeylac to Muqdisho, if only you wanted Somalia’s rise to the top, you would not have taken part of cheap shots and patronising those that think differently. There is a great amount of northerners who want and believe in Somaliweyn, but the likes of you truly turn them off.


Furthermore, while you believe in the greatness of your leaders (Somalia’s hijackers), you should have at least the decency to denounce their faux pas. Rather your weak attempt to veil this administration’s murderous act against Somali civilians shows your pathetic leader for what he truly is.


Perhaps in the future you might want to try to be less bias and maybe, then some might take you seriously.


Lastly Machievelli said: The wish to acquire more is admittedly a very natural and common thing; and when men succeed in this they are always praised rather than condemned. But when they lack the ability to do so and yet want to acquire more at all costs, they deserve condemnation for their mistakes.


Thus, this so-called leader, and the idea of breaking our country into pieces must be condemned, by anyone who is a true patriot.


Think about it walaal.


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JB: lol This was posted by people who used to recognise Riyaale and the fake clan regional "country"


Now go back to the title, secessionists profile of Riyaale.


If it was a unionist we would compare him to failed secesionists of old like the Baifra chief what was his name, though Biafra was far more advanced and had more legitimacy than North West Somalia.

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General duke we will see what u do when Puntland gets oil and Mogadishu will stay like that for the next coming century s its all about Somaliland left the union of Somalia in 1991 I know u guys are one of these people who say don’t leave us we cant live in alone Mogadishu or Rule Somalia just bye our self we know that we are willing to help u guys in the near future and show how to make Functioning state Work, unlike autonomy state called puntland

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