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General Duke

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Is There A Similarity Between Dahir Riyale and Mugabe?



Somaliland was neither found nor saved by Dahir Riyale. If Mugabe was the one who saved Zimbabwe, Dahir Riyale is the one Somaliland was saved from. He was among the dark forces of Siad Bare who tortured innocent citizens for not adhering to the rules of his master. He was lucky to have been forgiven for his crimes and luckier even more for inheriting the highest office of the land

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Somaliland was neither found nor saved by Dahir Riyale. If Mugabe was the one who saved Zimbabwe, Dahir Riyale is the one Somaliland was saved from.
He was among the dark forces of Siad Bare who tortured innocent citizens for not adhering to the rules of his master.
He was lucky to have been forgiven for his crimes and luckier even more for inheriting the highest office of the land. No one in the society rejected this lucky inheritance. On the contrary, the people of Somaliland welcomed him and ignored all that could deny him office. Then, he tells us that he was chosen by the people and luckier still, they have chosen him over KULMIYE, the party that had all the war veterans in it. People then were a bit surprised of the outcome of a vote. They expected otherwise but being inherently democratic, they let him stay in office. Now the same people want to hold an election and vote for their candidate. He is a candidate (the only one from his party) but he does not trust the people. Why not? They voted for him once – overwhelmingly, he tells us- why can’t he trust them again. It can only be that he does not have the confidence of being elected and he is afraid that the comrades who have rigged the votes for him last time have given up the job. Unless he lacks confidence to be chosen again by the public, he could not have gone too far transgressing the laws of the land, intimidating the same people who have voted for him. He needs to study his history and his legacy that will offer him nothing but shame. He cannot control people with intimidation. He and his comrades cannot suppress the will of the people.
He should allow elections to take place and the people to choose their leader.



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Somaliland Upcoming Elections :D



The presidential election was due to be held on or before the end of the current president's term. President Riyale's five year term ends on April 14, 2008. His five year term started from April 14, 2003 although he was sworn in as president in May 2002, one day after the death of president Egal in a South African Hospital


The new National Electoral Commission, which went to work only in September 2007, in agreement with the three national political parties, postponed the date for the presidential elections to August 31, 2008 to give itself more time to complete the voter registration in the country.

Local elections were due to be held in December 2007 but were also postponed for the same reason to June of 2008

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I don't know when these gentlemen become my adeers but their boys are rooming freely from Cadaado to Kismaayo while ********** Yeey is holed up in Mogadisho.

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Che-Guevara, it is not wise to use the term "adeer".


You are only rendering the government as a "clan government". I am really surprised that you have been brainwashed you into believing this clan vs clan squabble.

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Che adeer, roaming free? lol. Commit murders is not strength and was Mogadishu not their seat of power? Thus they chose to roam in the bushes and strike at weak targets because of choice? Give it up adeer.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Che, my adeer is on route to NY and Washington.

Kooro...Tell that to Duke.


P.S. Warlord infested entity called TFG dowlad ma aha.



Duke....You of all people shouldn't talk about committing murders.

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^^^Adeer the TFG has not murdered anyone, fighting kills civilains and thats a damn shame. However the Al Shabaab target individuals for murder like the five teachers and make daily threat as if they have a divine right to commit murder.


Anyhow I was spoiling for a fight with the secesionist. Where are they?

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^Like you they disappear when they think things aren't going their way laakin waxa Hargeysa ka curanaya shouldn't be about scoring political points. Shacab Muslina oo Soomaaliyeed caragaa ka buuxa. Usoo ducay Ilahaay inuu Riyaale iyo Mujaahid kusheega dhinac u dhaafiyo. Iyagana waxaan leeyahay soo duceeye sidii Ilahey Yeey, Tigray iyo d-abadhilif oo dhan dhinac noo dhaafiyo.

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^^^Adeer the people of the North West deserve their peace, they are my people after all. Its just our secess brothers have all the weakenesses within them that they always poinnt fingers at. Remmeber the devestating war between Egaal and Tuur, much like what happened in the south and even in Puntland.


As for your lame commenst keep them coming.

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