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Confusion: denail and counter claims: Baido Vs Mogadishu.....

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1..The Mogadishu courts claim that they will not attack Baido, then you get a Mr Mansuur who hails from Bay and claims they will attack Baidoa.


2...The TFG makes much noise and puts its troops on high alert..


3... Ethiopia claims it will crush the courts in order to defend the TFG? Then we get sightings of Ethiopian troops all over Gedo, Bay and Bakool..


What on Earth is happening? ...Here is the news..

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Muqdisho: Maxkamadaha oo ku dhawaaqay Jihaad ka dhan ah Itoobiya iyo Itoobiya oo jawaab ka bixisay ..

Thursday, July 20, 2006




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Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdisho ayaa ku dhawaaqay jihaad dhan ka ah dawladda Itoobiya , warakan ayaa soo baxay maanta oo Khamiis ah , xilli lasheegayo in Itoobiya ay usoo gudubtay Soomaaliya.


Labada dhinac ee kala ah dawladda iyo Maxkamadahaba waxaa ciidamadooda ay ku jiraan heegan ballaaran, taasi oo bulshada cabsi ku dhalisay.


Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, oo maxkamadaha ka tirsan ayaa sheegay in ciidan wata 20 tikniko ah oo Itoobiyaan ah inay Arbacadii Dooloow kasoo gudbeen.


" Haddii Ilaahay idmo Itoobiyaanka waannu ka kaxayn doonnaa dalkeenna , waxaana ku dhawaaqaynaa Jihaad ka dhan ah" ayuu warfidiyeennada u sheegay Robow.


The regional power, Ethiopia backs the interim government of President Abdullahi Yusuf, based in the provincial town of Baidoa because it lacks the strength to move into Mogadishu.


Dawladda Adis Ababa ayaa jawaab kabixisay ereyga Jihaad ee ay ku dhawaaqeen maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdisho, waxayna ku tilmaantay mid doqon nimo ah isla markaana ah dacaayad aan qiimo badan lahayn.


Addis Ababa termed the jihad call "foolish and cheap propaganda" aimed at winning support from Muslim states.

"Maxkamaduhu waxay rabaan inay qasaan dawladda shida sharciga loo soo dhisay ee Federaalka Soomaaliya" sidaasi waxaa yiri afhayeenka wasiirka arimaha dibada Zemedhun Tekle.


Itoobiya way beenisay inay soo gashay Soomaaliya, waxayse ballan qaadday inay bur burinayso haddii ay Baydhabo qabsadaan ama ay xudduuddeeda kasoo gudbaan.


Dawladda Itoobiya oo caadi ahaan dadkeedu u badan yihiin Kiristaan ayaa ka baqo qabta in Islaamiyiintu ay gobolka saamayn ku yeeshaan.


CCC Farayaamo











The new court?

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Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo la wareegay Buur Hakaba

Last Updated::2006-07-19 18:46:16


Baydhabo:- Maleeshiyada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa maanta gaaray degmada Buur Hakaba halkaasi oo ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta deegankaas.


Maleeshiyooyin uu horkacayo Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abu Mansuur oo kamid ah golaha maxaakimta islaamiga ee Muqdisho kana soo jeeda beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle ayaa la sheegay inay ku hubeysan yihiin in ka badan 27 oo gadiidka dagaalka ah.


Xubnahan ayaa sheegay in Maxkamada doraad looga dhawaaqay magaalada Muqdisho oo lagu magacaabo Al Bayaan ay la wareegtay hawlgalada dhamaan deegaanada beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle.


Maxkamadan AL Bayaan ayey sheegeen in ay tahay mid loo sameeyey beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle isla markaana gaarsiin doonaan xukunkeeda dhamaan deegaanada beeshaasi.


Arrintan ayaa cabsi weyn keentay ayadoo ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka ay ku sugan yihiin goob aan saas uga fogeyn deegaanka Buur Hakaba.


Dowlada Federaalka ayaa horey ugu eedeysay Maxkamadaha in ay wadaan duulaan ay ku qabsadaan xarunta dowlada ee Baydhabo, ayaa laga yaabaa in eedeyn mahaasi ay sii xoojiyaan dhaq dhaqaaqa cusub oo ay maxkamadaha ka bilaabeen gobalada Bay iyo Bakool.


Maxkamada Al Bayaan ayaa waxaa ciidan ahaan xoogweyn siinaya maleeshiyooyinka Hogaamiyaha Yusuf Siyaad Indhacade oo asagu sheegay inuu yahay Hogaamiyaha Dhinaca Amniga ee Maxkamadaha Islaamiga.


Dhaq dhaqaaqa cusub ee Maxkamadaha ayaa kusoo aaday 24 saac kadib markii ay soo baxeen wararka sheegaya in Dowlada Federaalka ogolaatay in ay ka qeyb gasho wareega 2aad ee shirka Khartuum ee dhexmari Doona Maxkamadaha Islaamiga iyo Dowlada Federaalka.

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Somalia: Islamists threaten to attack Addis Ababa

Thu. July 20, 2006 04:29 pm.


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Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) The top security official of the Islamic Courts Sheikh Yusuf Mohamed Siad known as ‘Indha-adde’ said on Thursday if Ethiopia invades Somalia capital then they would attack Addis Ababa, amid fears of possible confrontation between increasingly powerful Islamic militiamen and Ethiopian forces who entered Baidoa town, to defend the UN-backed Somalia government based there.


Speaking with the recently defected militiamen from the government, Sheikh Siad Indha-adde emphasized the militiamen to show more patriotism and join honestly to Islamic courts.


130 militiamen originally from Somalia Hiran central region have defected from the military camps outside of Baidoa after they had lacked care from the government.


“If Ethiopians don’t spare a peace to us, we would promise to engage a war with them and we will see then the result of that,†Sheikh Indha Adde said adding “I would recommend that Ethiopia should peace initiative with its neighbor country and respect its independence. “We urge again Ethiopian government to withdraw its troops from Somalia and also we ask the international community to press Ethiopia to abstain from interfering Somalia affairs,†he said.


The statement of Islamists’ top official came as Ethiopian soldiers in military trucks drove into provincial town of Baidoa on Thursday day after Islamic militiamen armed with battle wagons reached in Burhakaba 60km to Baidoa town, 240km southwest of Mogadishu.


Meanwhile, the leader of expectative Council of Islamic Courts (CIC) Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed accused Somali’s interim president Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed of planning an attack from his Puntland region and warned against full scale of war in the country.


Sheikh Ahmed urged Puntland authority to give advice to president Yusuf who is leading the country into disastrous way.


News Category: Somalia

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Ciidan la sheegay inay kasoo gadoodeen FS oo maanta Muqdisho soo gaaray.


Muqdisho:-Ciidamo la sheegay inay kasoo baxsadeen dowlada kmg ah ayaa maxkamaduhu kasoo gelbiyeen degmada Buur Hakaba iyagoo maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ayadoo ay si weyn usoo dhaweeyeen mas’uuliyiin golaha maxaakiimta ka tirsan oo ay hogaaminayeen gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo madaxda difaacada Sheekh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indho Cadde.


Munaasabad ballaaran oo askartan lagu soo dhaweynayey ayaa lagu qabtay xaruntii hore ee ciidankii danbi baarista ee C.I.D-da halkaasi oo ah goobta ciidan la dejiyey.


Gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxaakiimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed oo munaasabadaasi hadal kooban ka jeediyey ayaa waxa uu sheegay in maxaakiimtu ay ku faraxsanyihiin kusoo biiritaan ciidankan isagoo sheegay in ay qeyb ka qaadan doonaan halganka dalka lagaga xureynayo dadka u shaqeeya cadowga umada Soomaaliyeed,wuxuuna xusay in ciidankan si buuxda ay uga mid yihiin ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Madaxa difaacafa maxaakiimta islaamiga Sh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacadde oo isna munaasabadaasi hadal ka jeediyey ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uusan ahayn nin u qalmin inuu sheegto madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya isagoo taa sabab uga dhigay diifta ka muuqata ciidamadan kasoo cararay magaalada Baydhabo ,wuxuuna u ballanqaaday ciidamadan midkii kuu biiraa ciidanka maxkamadaha in xiligan laga bilaabo mushaar isagoo dhinaca kale xusay in haddii Muqdisho Ethiopianka ay soo weeraraan iyana ay weeriari doonaan magaalada Adis Ababa.


Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow Abu Mansuur ayaa sheegay in ciidankan ay garteen halka ku jirto daanta shacabka Soomaaliyeed isla markaana kusoo biiritaankooda ciidanka maxkamadaha uu yahay mid ay soo dhaweynayaan dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Ciidankaa la sheegay inay ka soo baxsadeen FS ayaa ayaa na loo xaqiijiyey in tiradoodu tahay 20 oo ka carooday nin ay jifi yihiin oo la toogtay, kadib markii uu toogasho ku dilay nin kale oo ay isku beel yihiin, waxaana ay sheegeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan FS la ogaa tegida dhaliyadaas, waxaase shalay la sheegay inay ahaayeen 300 nin halka hadana maanta lagu sheegay 135 askari.???????????


Jibriil Nuur


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Jihad threat after troops enter Somalia


By Steve Bloomfield, Africa Correspondent

Published: 21 July 2006


Islamists controlling the Somali capital, Mogadishu, vowed to "wage a jihadi war" after Ethiopian troops crossed the border into the country last night. International observers have warned that Somalia is on the brink of a conflict that could be as bloody as the civil war 15 years ago in which 300,000 died.


Ethiopia sent troops to bolster the weak transitional government, based at Baidoa, and threatened to "crush" the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) if it attacked the town. More than 100 Ethiopian army vehicles were seen entering Somalia, and witnesses reported that troops in Ethiopian army uniform were in Baidoa. Ethiopia's government denied that any of its troops were in Somalia, but as many as 5,000 Ethiopian troops could have already crossed the border.


The Islamists control much of southern Somalia after defeating an alliance of US-backed warlords in Mogadishu last month. Ali Mohamed Gedi, the interim Somali prime minister, claimed this week that the Islamists were preparing to attack Baidoa.


The latest developments come after the UIC moved to within less than 40 miles of the town on Wednesday night. A senior member of the UIC claimed that the group would soon enter Baidoa, but within hours the fighters had retreated, taking with them 150 government troops who defected.


Ethiopia's Information Minister, Berhan Hailu, said his country would use "all means at our disposal to crush the Islamist group" if they tried to attack Baidoa". Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia's Prime Minister, is understood to fear an extremist Islamic state on his doorstep.


Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, in charge of defence for the UIC, said: 'God willing, we will remove the Ethiopians in our country and wage a jihadi war against them."


John Prendergast, of the think-tank International Crisis Group, said the potential confrontation "threatens to be as intense as the 1991-1992 civil war that killed 300,000 and provoked the US intervention". US troops entered Somalia in 1992 as part of a United Nations humanitarian mission to bring security to the country. But in 1993, 18 US Army Rangers were killed after two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down, prompting the US to pull out.


The transitional government, which was set up in Kenya in 2004, has been restricted to Baidoa, 130 miles north-east of Mogadishu; it is not safe for them to move. The government, which is backed by the UN, has been unable to bring peace or stability to a country that has been without a functioning government since 1991.


Less than two months after the Islamists took control of Mogadishu, however, a semblance of law and order has returned. Security checkpoints, which warlords used to extract money, have been taken down, immediately lowering the price of food. Fears that the UIC will introduce hardline sharia law remain, however. Gunmen have opened fire at cinemas showing World Cup matches and thieves have been stoned to death.


Islamists controlling the Somali capital, Mogadishu, vowed to "wage a jihadi war" after Ethiopian troops crossed the border into the country last night. International observers have warned that Somalia is on the brink of a conflict that could be as bloody as the civil war 15 years ago in which 300,000 died.


Ethiopia sent troops to bolster the weak transitional government, based at Baidoa, and threatened to "crush" the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) if it attacked the town. More than 100 Ethiopian army vehicles were seen entering Somalia, and witnesses reported that troops in Ethiopian army uniform were in Baidoa. Ethiopia's government denied that any of its troops were in Somalia, but as many as 5,000 Ethiopian troops could have already crossed the border.


The Islamists control much of southern Somalia after defeating an alliance of US-backed warlords in Mogadishu last month. Ali Mohamed Gedi, the interim Somali prime minister, claimed this week that the Islamists were preparing to attack Baidoa.


The latest developments come after the UIC moved to within less than 40 miles of the town on Wednesday night. A senior member of the UIC claimed that the group would soon enter Baidoa, but within hours the fighters had retreated, taking with them 150 government troops who defected.


Ethiopia's Information Minister, Berhan Hailu, said his country would use "all means at our disposal to crush the Islamist group" if they tried to attack Baidoa". Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia's Prime Minister, is understood to fear an extremist Islamic state on his doorstep.

Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, in charge of defence for the UIC, said: 'God willing, we will remove the Ethiopians in our country and wage a jihadi war against them."


John Prendergast, of the think-tank International Crisis Group, said the potential confrontation "threatens to be as intense as the 1991-1992 civil war that killed 300,000 and provoked the US intervention". US troops entered Somalia in 1992 as part of a United Nations humanitarian mission to bring security to the country. But in 1993, 18 US Army Rangers were killed after two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down, prompting the US to pull out.


The transitional government, which was set up in Kenya in 2004, has been restricted to Baidoa, 130 miles north-east of Mogadishu; it is not safe for them to move. The government, which is backed by the UN, has been unable to bring peace or stability to a country that has been without a functioning government since 1991.


Less than two months after the Islamists took control of Mogadishu, however, a semblance of law and order has returned. Security checkpoints, which warlords used to extract money, have been taken down, immediately lowering the price of food. Fears that the UIC will introduce hardline sharia law remain, however. Gunmen have opened fire at cinemas showing World Cup matches and thieves have been stoned to death.

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Muqdisho:Yuusuf Indhocadde oo ciidamo ku diyaarinaya Garoonka Balli doogle.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Garoonka diyaaradaha Balli doogle , inuu ciidamo ku diyaarinayo Yuusuf Indhocadde, guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeellada hoose.


Warkan oo aannu ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa intaasi ku daraya in saraakiisha sar sare ee maxkamadaha qaarkoodna loo kala qaybiyay dhowr barood oo ay ciidamo ka abaabulaan.


Yuusuf Indhocadde oo Muqdisho kusugnaa ayaa la sheegay in uu diyaarinayo ciidamo weerara magaalada Baydhabo ee fariisinka dawladda Soomaaliya.


Warar kaleeto oo Muqdisho ka imaanayana waxay sheegayaan in Sheekh Xasan Turki uu asaguna joogo deegaanka Qoryoolay , halkaasina uu ciidamo isku dubbaridayo.


Waxaa sidoo kale magaalada Muqdisho lasheegay in hub iyo rasaas hor leh loogu qaybiyay ciidan kasoo baxsaday dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale dawladda Federaalka ayaa ciidamadeeda ay ku jiraan iminka heegankii ugu ballaarnaa , inkastoo saraakiisha ciidamada Soomaaliyana ay ka dhawaajiyeen in xaaladdu aysan aad u kacsanayn.


Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa dhineceeda ka dhawaajisay inay weerari doonto ciddii isku dayda inay weerar kusoo qaadaan dawladda Soomaaliya ama qabsadaan magaalada Baydhabo.


Maalintii shalay ahaydna maxkamadaha ayaa ka dhawaajiyay inay dagaal Jihaad ah kala hortagayaan dawladda Itoobiya , haddii ay dalka soo gasho.


CCC Farayaamo


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Originally posted by General Duke:

1..The Mogadishu courts claim that they will not attack Baido, then you get a Mr Mansuur who hails from Bay and claims they will attack Baidoa.


2...The TFG makes much noise and puts its troops on high alert..


3... Ethiopia claims it will crush the courts in order to defend the TFG? Then we get sightings of Ethiopian troops all over Gedo, Bay and Bakool..


What on Earth is happening? ...Here is the news..

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Dowlada Federaalka oo beenisay Ciidamada Itoobiya ee la sheegay in ay yimaadeen

Last Updated::2006-07-21 14:24:54


Baydhabo:- Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa warar been abuur ah ku tilmaamay war uu sii daayey

wariye u shaqeeya BBC-da.


Warkan oo xalay BBC-da laanteeda afsomaliga sii daaysay ayaa lagu sheegay in mid kamid ah Wariyayaasha BBC-da oo ay magaciisu idaacada sheegin ay sheegtay inuu arkay ciidamo itoobiyaan ah soo galay gudaha magaalada Baydhabo.


Warkan ayey sidoo kale qaateen idaacadaha iyo wakaaladaha warar ee caalamka sida Associated Press oo uu warkan u gudbiyey wariyaha u jooga Muqdisho Suxufi Mohamed Colaad Hassan.


Warkan ayey dowlada Federaalka been abuur ku tilmaamtay, ayadoo maanta aysan magaalada ka dhex muuqan wax ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah.


Warkii xalay ee BBC-da ayaa lagu sheegay in ciidamadan la dejiyey Airporka iyo Madaxtooyada Baydhabo.


Warkan ayaan weli la xaqiijin ayadoo wariyaha HorseedNet u jooga Baydhabo ee Hussein Farah u sheegay in ay goobahaasi ay joogaan ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka.


Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa beenisay warkan ayadoo Wasaarada Difaaca iyo Lataliyaha Raysalwasaaraha ay intuba beeniyeen warkan.


Sidoo kale Dowlada Federaalka ayaa warkan been ku sheegtay ayadoo Siihayaha xilka Raysalwasaaraha Md.Ismaciil Hura Buba oo ah Raysalwasare kuxigeenka uu warkan ku sheegay warar la sameeyey.


Sidoo kale Wasiirka Hantida Qaranka iyo Qalabeynta ee dawlada Soomaaliya Maxamuud Sayid Aadan ayaa sheegay in aysan jirin wax ciidamo itoobiyaan ah oo yimid, isla markanaa laga rabo dadkii warkaasi faafiyey in ay sheegaan meesha ay joogaan.


Maxamuud Sayid ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka ay ku filan yihiin difaaca Dowlada.


Wasiirka ayaa intaa raaciyey in Dowlada Itoobiya ay tahay dowlad kamid ah IGAD isla markaana taageersan Dowlada Federaalka.


Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa horey u sheegtay in ay difaaci doonto dowlada hadii ay weerar kala kulanto dhinaca Maxkamadaha Islaamiga.


Maaha markii ugu horeysay oo ay saxaafada faafiso warar sheegaya in ay ciidamo itoobiyaan ah soo galeen, ayadoo hada ka hor Shariif Axmed oo ah guddoomiyaha fulinta ee Maxkamadaha uu sheegay in ay ciidamo itoobiyaan soo galeen Baydhabo, wararkaasi oo markii danbe beenowbay.


Dhinaca kale Shariif Axmed oo xalay saxaafada kula hadlay Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in ay dagaal jihaad ah la geli doonaan Itoobiya hadii aysan ciidamadeeda kala bixin Soomaaliya, waa suu hadalka u dhigayee.


Wararka is khilaafsan oo ay labada dhinac is dhaafsanayaan ayaa ah mid abuuri kara isku dhac dhexmara Dowlada Federaalka iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo u muuqda kuwo maleeshiyooyinkooda labada dhinacba heegan geliyey.


Hussein Farah

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