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Mogadishu:AMISON heaviliy shell the city 12 die in 1 spot as mortar hits a bus

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Inkaban 10 qofood oo halmeel ku Geeriyooday kadin Gaari PL ah Oo ay la Socdeen uu Madfac ku Habsaday.



Warar Goor dhoweyd naga soo garay agagarka Iskooska Baar Ubax Ee Magaalada Muqdisho aya waxa ay sheegayaan in meel qura ku dhinteen Dad gaara ilaa 10 qofood oo ahaa dhmaantood dad rayid ah oo saarna gaari PL ah oo ka shaqeeya inta u dhaxeysa Soobe iyo Baar Ubax.


Dadka geeriyodaya ayaa waxa u ilaa iyo hada Meydad koodu yalaan iskooska Baar Ubaxa waxaana jira Qaba qaabo xoogan oo ay wadaan Gaadiidka Gar gaarka Ee magaalada Muqdisho,


Dadka ku Geeriyoday Gaariga ayaa waxa Ka badbaadiyay wiil yar oo kaliya intii kalana wa ay ku dhinteen kadin Madfac habaaw ah ku Ku Dul habsaday garigii ay la socdeen.


Xaalada Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Maanta ah Mid aad U kacsan oo ay dadbadani ku dhinteen iuyadoona ay wali soconayaa Dagaalo Qarar u dhaxeeyo Dowlada Somaliya Iyo kooxaha Ka soo Horjeeda.


Wixii warar ee Ku soo ordha xaalada kacsan ee dagaaladu bar bar sicdaan waxaad kala socon kartaa sacad walba Dayniile Online



Cabdiraxmaan Macalin Xuseen

Tafatiraha Wabka



dayniilecom@hotmail. com

deyniilenews@yahoo.c om

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Does it really say AMISOM? Emperior, please stop misleading the readers, will you? I know you wish that you could implicate Amisom on all tragedy but it seems this time you thought out too loud. :D


Mind you, the report says 10 people and not 12. Allaha u naxariisto.


PS: Xaaladaha kale bal ka waran sxb? Weli ma Eastigaan joogtaa mise tuuladii? smile.gif

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The irony is these 2 guys Emperor and Duke were looking the other way when Ethiopians were levelling residential area's to the ground when their hero (A.Yusuf) was shelled, and suddenly they care for the people of Mogadishu?


They are the cyber version of the hypocrite Zakaria Mohamud Abdi Haji

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Emp & Duke are confused as ever :D . they like the tfg pm yet despise the man who chose him. they have defeatist tone toward tfg troops, yet like thier commander (he was demoted but still remain very signifant in this fight).


confused and conflicted, they are harmless

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Johnny B   

^Harmless indeed!.

As they both don't support a 'Talibatic' Somalia, the relief on their faces (brought by Mr Sharmarke's government )unlike the wording of their topics tells a different story altogether.

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^^^Xiin: Adeer you were the one giving the Al Shabaab a clean bill of health and excusing their actions and making fun of those who warned this was troubling and criminal.


Now you are crying out like a lost child, as ever trying to prove your worthless caravan that has resulted in prelonging the conlict of Somalia was right.


You are a light weaight like your Sharif.

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Paragon have some shame brother, the innocent are dying as a result of this shelling and disarrayed mortars, and you question my reporting...


Now if you carefully read the title I haven't said the 12 death are the direct result of AMISOM, however its no secret that the AMISOM troops have heavily bombarded the city and this bus was hit by a mortar, it could have well been from other sources or as the result of AMISON shelling... All in all, the consequence is the death of innocent, you should sympethise with the poor civilians and comdemn the actions of the foreign troops like you have always did in the past...


Lool@Theiry, when am I fitnah? now or back in the days when I said Alshabaab were a problem to Somalia...

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Drop the mask, you should have ''sympathized with the poor civilians'' when the Ethiopians were bombarding the city in defense of A.Yusuf.


And your fake news has been exposed, AMISOM did not shell the city today and the 12 have died because of a mortar.

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AMISOM have the heavy weapons, thus dont hide the fact that they are defending the Sharif and his admin, its a fact.


Xiin: Adeer you are trying your best, its not enough and nor is Sharif's performance. I told you before I will judge him on what he does, and he has lost Jowhar for the sake of love.

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LOool @ Akhaas, Liqaye ma dhoocilaha hadalkoodi ayaa meesha latimid... Adeer this is the politics section, if you can't have it go back to the jokes section...


Again, your nationalistic and love for the nation is coming to light as the day passes, come out of the closet, you looter inc. supporters

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Waar emperor how ever much you would like to personalise this, your attempts at spin are cowardly, have the gumption, the steel, the raganimo to stand by your previous assertion and the intentions of your headlines, rather than make a volte-face as soon as some one calls you on your balshidh.


Talabaad yours were a very poor imitation of Duke's tactics, come up with something original.

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