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Hassan Turki: Somalis Should be Ready to fight against the UN Troops

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Based on HT's public comments, if someone says to me that HT is on CIA's payroll, then I wouldn't resist believing in that, because this gentleman talks irresponsibly and his outrageous remarks cause more harm than good.

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The Ethiopians were trained by the U.S., Ugandese were trained by G. Britain, and the Burundians were trained by France.


If the nations that supply these countries with the resources to stay in Somalia, decide to send their own troops under the guise of "UN peace keepers"


What differentiates them from the current mercenaries in Somalia?





Muxaadarada waxaa so jeediyay sh. boqolsoon (raximahullaah)

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who said they can't win ?? ,,, they won in the 90s and that is well-known.



I'm wondering who is leading them to fight against the UN coz all the big heads are comfortably sitting in Asmara ,,,,,

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

Based on HT's public comments, if someone says to me that HT is on CIA's payroll, then I wouldn't resist believing in that, because this gentleman talks irresponsibly and his outrageous remarks cause more harm than good.

lol, and that's why they are trying to kill him? Alitixaad apparently allied themselves with General Cadyid and fought the Amnisom in the Black Hawk down! The current breed of young and old armed Islamists will( no doubt) take the wat to the coming troops! Somalia looks like its heading to the 90s era and some believe the UN will bring green grass!

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JB, no body won in the 90s. You would have redefine what win means if you consider the death of 30 or so UN troops and the death of hundreds of Somalis in a mission that was supposed to feed thousands of starving Somalis.

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The mission failed ,,,,,,,, that is what i mean.


The deployment of around 25,000 troop from all over the world did nothing against few hundreds of Somalis at the time. I remember many ppl applauded for the decision of the US to capture Aideed.

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^ Fulay! You probably walk backwards and say goodbye when you mean hello. We won't give up until the country is all blown up. :D


HT, waa raggeedii, I salute you addeer with all the dignity and praise one woman can offer. Thank you for having the backbone to defend what must be defended.

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Sheekh HT meel uu ka socdo iyo meel uu u socdo anigu ma garan koley! There is no question on his stamina and valour, but his judgement and political awareness is that of an infant. It hurts to comment in this harsh way, because odayga Xidid ayaan nahay. very close xidid.


He doesn't respect the chain of command. Remember i don't mean Sheikh Sharif or those whom he has a difference in outlook. I mean even his friends in Al-shababa. He is like an Island and takes all decisions by himself.

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A&T: You might want to try and explain what's so deploreable about HT's position if you can.


I feel he's spot on, in refusing the UN troops. Axmaarka iyo ayaga waxba isma dooriyaan intay TFG [gaalo raaca] meesha ku jirto!

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^ Inadeer, Axmaaro la'aan TFG waxba ma aha. They will be hanged in the streets Like Ceaseuscu of Romania in a broad daylight!!!


The UN troops will not intervene in the politics, I assume. While the Axmaaro are holding the TFG togather. If they leave, expect replay of the boxing scenes in Nairobi. They are utterly ill-desciplined and won't last a week.


H&T has made several uncalled for vitriolic comments on several occassions, including threathing to storm Hargeisa. Was that a priority at the time? Or is it wise all togather? What does we will fight the UN mean? Muu iska aamuso, till things get clear.

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What does we will fight the UN mean?

No peacekeeping mission is ever about 'enforcing peace', atleast in Somalia, not now, nor ever was it a peacekeeping mission. It always involved more than helping little old ladies cross the road, and handing out juuni bariis. This is not a peacekeeping mission in the traditional sense, abti. Dadkan dad ba wata. We all know it and the good HT knows it!

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Hassan Turki is an innocent man. I blve he is sincere in his desire of seeing a dignified and and independent Somalia led by practicing Muslims. However the man doesn't know how to bring about that vision. He is naive in the art of war making. He doesn't have practical understanding of employing "khidca" when necessary. He has no winning strategy we know of apart of fighting the enemy "tooth and nail".

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