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Hassan Turki: Somalis Should be Ready to fight against the UN Troops

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Sh,.Xasan Turki ayaa shaaca ka qaaday In Ciidamada la sheegayo Ee Qaramada Midoobay ay doonayaan Inay dalka Soomaaliya usoo diraan Laga Hor tago islamarkaana ay tahay ayuu yiri shirqoolkii Gaalada ay dalalka muslimiinta Ku Doonayaan inay Ku qabsadaan iyadoo Uu sheegay inuu arintaasi ka dambeyso Xukuumada Maraykanku .


Shekha Oo maanta shir jaraa,id ku qabtay Dhinaca telefoonada ayaa Ugu Baaqay Guud ahaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Meel kasta oo ay Joogaan inay Isu Diyaariyaan Dagaal Xoogan Oo Ka Dhan ah Ciidamada QM Ee La Filayo In La Keeno Soomaaliya taasoo Uu sheegay Inay fasahaadiynayan Diintooda iyo sharaftooda islaamnimo .


Sh,xasan Turki ayaa sidoo kale carabka ku adkeeyey inay Ciidamadii Ethiopia ay ku jabeen dalka soomaaliya islamrkaana ay Iminka gababsi yihiin taaso ay Wiiqeen ayuu Yiri Mujaahidiinta islaamka ee u dagaalamaya Diintooda iyo sharaftooda islaamnimo iyadoo uu xusay in maanta aysan jirin Ciidamo xoogan oo Ethiopian ah oo Dalka jooga Inta Ku Hadhayna waxaa Ku Filan ayuu Yiri mujaahidiin Yar oo La dagalanta .


"Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Waa ay Yaqaanaan Sida ay Ula Dagaalmaan Cadowga Dalkooda Ku Soo Duula Waligeedna Waan Ka Guulaysan Jirnay Maantana Waanu Ka Guulaysan Doonaa Insha allaah " ayuu yiri sheekh xasan Turki


Dhinaca kale Mar sheekha la weydiiyey xasan Turki ahaan dhinacee ayaad ka Tirsan tahay ayuu waxuu ku jawaabay waxaan la tirsanahay Cid kasta oo kasoo Horjeeda cadowga ISLAAMKA


Sidoo kale xasan Turki ayaa la weydiiyey Iminka xagee ku sugan tahay ayuu waxuu ku jawaabay waxaan joogaa Geed Qudhac ah Oo Soomaaliya ku yaala Hoostiisa .


Hadalkan uu sheegay xasan Turki ayaa Kusoo Beegmaya Xili ay QM ka dhawaajiyeen in soomaaliya La keeno Ciidamo Caalami ah La keeno islamarkaana ay xeebta dheer badweynta Hindiya Ku sugan Yihiin Maraakiibta Dagaalka ee Huwanta Yurub iyo Maraykanku .

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Sheekh Xassan Turki is crazy and primitive. There is no reason to fight the UN troops. That is if they are coming to replace the Tigre mercenaries.


I don't support him in any way; but I can understand the fears of him, Sheekh Xassen Dahir Aweys and those listed as terrorist by the UN and the US. It is only logical that they will fight to the last bullet if they do feel, rightly, personally unsafe. It is what each of us would have done. I know some might twist this comment to score political points, but who would have accepted to voluntarily march to the guillotine?


The UN must provide safe exit roads for those who feel threatened by the change of the status quo in a package of peace-building intiatives.


This comment shall not be taken as a retraction of my hardline stance on the Ethiopian occupiers.

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Emperor, beryahan adigu orodkiibaa kaa dhamaadey ninyow...sidaad hadba topic waliba u jawaab isu lahayd ayaad halakan ku ragaaddey! Take a break, akhi, have a kit kat :D

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^Akhtii topican kuma jirinee, and I have my keyboard and can type lasoco dee ninyahow, I wasn't only replying to people but posting topics as well...


Abtigis, wheter its a change of your previous hardline remarks or not, I must commend and congratulate you for this stance on this issue, it wise of you to be saying that in this case....

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^ make no mistake. I will never ever tone down my hate and loathing to Abysinnian rulers. The people of Ethiopia are good and god-fearing humans, perhaps more closer to Somali in many ways than any other race. But their rulers have continously displayed a policy of destruction and enemity towards Somali's.


The current one is perhaps the worst. Charity begins at home and the "overflowing love" Meles has for Somalia and his attempt to "reconstruct" its people, should have been due more on the suffering Somali's in Somaligalbeed. No regime has killed, maimed and molested the pride of Somali's than that of Meles.


The war in Somalia is only one phase of a long war of liberation that is yet to come. There will be no peace until the people of Somaligalbeed finally manage to deterimne who they want to be. We have never been Ethiopians, we are not Ethiopians and we will NEVER be Ethiopians. WE are Somali's and we will join a great and proud Somali nation.


For all the redicule my emotions might evoke, and for all the 'what an Idealist' chants I hear in my sub-conscious, I have no doubt that dream will come along as real one day. I may not be there to see it though. The determination of my people and the anger of the youth (who are sentenced to deaths at will in kangaroo courts) on a daily basis assures me of the inevitability of that victory!!


If Somali's wish not to count us as worthy brothers who need their support, or at least their sympathy, I only see them as brothers who are wronging another brother. It will never diminish my love and longing for them.


Somaliweyn is not a dream of the fools!!!!

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^God,that made me teary yaa Abtigiis.. :(


Its so unfortunate that many here at SOL,try to brush your passion,determination and sincerity as a mad man,with nick names thrown at you from left to right..Which kind of took me by suprised at this group mentality that had been displayed here on our boards of late...But dont be feased by them,majority of us here lead comfortable lives in the west..What do we know about the real struggles of our people where ever they are..


As for the brothers in Somaligalbeed..May Allah ease their struggles,one day, one day they shall be free from the shackles of Ethiopian rulers..Amiin

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It is that I know sympathetic Somali's in their millions, like you, are out there; that gives me an immense solace. Amiin, ha la aqbalo walaal.


Don't mind the madness and other paints. Even the Rasuul (SCW) has been called a witch, an imposter, and a zany wanderer. Who am I? A nobody basically!! So, that won't worry or discourage me.


But it is intersting that contrary to the characterisations I am given, I am a man of peace. It is only ONE position I have taken on a solitary issue that triggered all the name calling. At no point did I espoused violence, posted tribal comments or hyped vitriols of war against fellow somali's. So, the labels kind of surprised me.


Coming from established veterans of SOL, it was only natural they will stick. And the desciples run wild with it.


Slowly, but surely they will wake up to their blunders. I know. Ok, let me not dwell much on defending myself. You did that more than I could have done.

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^ Let others tell you the details. But I think you know the difference. Ethiopia has an agenda in Somalia, while I am assuming a contingent of UN troops from various countries won't have a pre-determined objective of siding with warlords or sowing seeds of discord among the clans.


Adi se wixii koonfur ku dagi waa hoogaa oo ma ogolid!!

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The Zack   

^Adeer get your facts straight. Its not the ONLF who the real terrorist are but the Tigre Regime who terrorizes millions in Ethiopia and Somali!


Plus, how does Meles pay you to speak for him or is it just that qabiil thing?

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There is "no solution but war" to solve Somalia's problems

OMG, he reeks of ignorance.


"The talks in Djibouti will never change anything. I urge our colleagues to come back, take their guns and fight our enemy. We shall defeat Ethiopians, Burundians, Ugandans and the coming UN forces as we defeated the warlords," Turki said.

Everyday, a new xoolo takes upon himself to speak for the majority.


Today he is calling himself al-tuur, tuur ku sixro yaadhaho.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

^ make no mistake. I will never ever tone down my hate and loathing to Abysinnian rulers. The people of Ethiopia are good and god-fearing humans, perhaps more closer to Somali in many ways than any other race. But their rulers have continously displayed a policy of destruction and enemity towards Somali's.


The current one is perhaps the worst. Charity begins at home and the "overflowing love" Meles has for Somalia and his attempt to "reconstruct" its people, should have been due more on the suffering Somali's in Somaligalbeed. No regime has killed, maimed and molested the pride of Somali's than that of Meles.


The war in Somalia is only one phase of a long war of liberation that is yet to come. There will be no peace until the people of Somaligalbeed finally manage to deterimne who they want to be. We have never been Ethiopians, we are not Ethiopians and we will NEVER be Ethiopians. WE are Somali's and we will join a great and proud Somali nation.


For all the redicule my emotions might evoke, and for all the 'what an Idealist' chants I hear in my sub-conscious, I have no doubt that dream will come along as real one day. I may not be there to see it though. The determination of my people and the anger of the youth (who are sentenced to deaths at will in kangaroo courts) on a daily basis assures me of the inevitability of that victory!!


If Somali's wish not to count us as worthy brothers who need their support, or at least their sympathy, I only see them as brothers who are wronging another brother. It will never diminish my love and longing for them.


Somaliweyn is not a dream of the fools!!!!


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