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RRA faction is meaningless

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The RRA faction or political wing, is in my opinion the most over hyped political or millitary faction in recent Somali history.


For one it brought no peave to the people of BAY& BAKOOL, in fact the area is sliding to bitter meaningless cla conflict,everyday one ehars there is a renewd fighting in that vicinity.


The RRA , leaders Shatigaduud, Xabsade and Adan Madobe are stooges of who ever pays them the most. For example Xabsade is stuck with his old paymaster Abdiqasin, what ever Abdiqasin does he is right there, his city is occupied by troops from Abdiqasin;s clan led by Inda Cade.


The other RRA leaders are stuck in wajid "training troops" who sometimes shoot at each other. And while the area burns they are unable to do anything.


So there needs to be a rethink with the regards to the RRA who are too weak and lack the backbone to bring about any change one way or another.

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