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Gates and the Pentagon are determined to push for the restoration of Somali Republic

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I was quite gladdened by the remarks of the Defense Secretary.

Piracy might be, after all, a blessing in disguise. Somalia's political and economic catastrophe is definately manageable as its population is small compared to Afghanistan and Iraq, yet more strategic than Afghanistan.


http://www.hiiraan.c om/news2/2009/Apr/ga tes_says_somalia_gov ernment_is_key_to_pr oblem.aspx

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I hope they change the attitude towards Somalia and start to work the restoration of our state. But we must remmeber thats its our task mainly. We must make it happen. They can only help. But not make it work.

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blessing in disguise an American spoke. what will they for SOmalia that they didn't do in the past 20 years? And Somalia is not more strategic Iraq.

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Belial, the idea that we can make it happen has hastened the degeneration of our social conditions. Nation building is costly and very difficult and the process towards that end can easily be disrupted and killed anytime it makes little tangible progress.

When the Iraqi Government was overthrown and dismantled from outside, they didn't let the country slide into an anarchy, because doing so sparks an intractable civil war. And it's almost impossible to repair the interdependent parts that previously made the system whole and functioning, once they are forced to disintegrate.


Somalia therefore needs massive intervention in terms of financial assistance similar to the Martial plan in Europe after WWII. Piracy is not only what makes our conflict internationalized, the refugees in Malta, Yemen and other places demand critical recovery plan at home .



I believe the Somali capital must first be stabilized by doing the following:


1.Deploy multinational UN forces as echoed by the UN Secretary General


2. Help the Somali government build a strong army and police force through a decent payout policy plan, conflict resolution mechanism, and training administered directly by the UN.


3. Build the Somali navy by adopting the same procedure of payment mechanism and training and work with regional administrations like Puntland and Somaliland.


4. Criminally indict the profiteers and warlords and other peace spoilers and bring them to justice by at least freezing their assets and imposing travel restrictions.


5. Keep this mandate of two years for the transitional government in effect and hold elected Somali leaders accountable by setting up an independent judiciary and Accounting Office.


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Nassir how does this:


4. Criminally indict the profiteers and warlords and other peace spoilers and bring them to justice by at least freezing their assets and imposing travel restrictions.


Lead to a stabilized somali capital, the search for retribution rarely leads to pragmatic solutions....

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NASSIR, thanks again. It was Clinton who abandoned Somalia and thus led to this long bitter war. Now I hope Obama will change things and thus help us get out of isolation.


Things are changing.

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First things first, the US government needs to prop up this latest TFG before it falls to the zealots, anarchists, foreign profiteers and qabiliists.


It needs to persuade Sheikh Shariif that his priority is hammering out a peace deal with the main players on the other side as soon as possible.


Sheikh Shariif should be making multiple moves right now, he should realise he doesnt have much time before things get stagnant and his popularity with the people plummets.


At the moment, although he does reiterate his government is willing to talk to all parties, he needs to take the initiative and focus on internal reconciliation rather than courting International support. Because real support from the UN,EU and US will only be based on political progress, and even then their support/funds will only ever reinforce peace. Sheikh Shariif first needs to 'build' a makeshift peace.

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Well said Centurion. I believe that we can't do it on our own.

The current international nation-state system did not simply rise on its own. It was created and helped to a great extent.

Mogadisho in the 50s was much more advanced than it's right now. Once peace is made possible through reconciliation and strong national defence, then the brain drain will stop and investments, trade and productoon would pick up pretty fast.


Duke, you wlc saxib.


Eraserhead, those who do good will be rewarded with awards, medals, international recognition and the opposite dark forces will be punished to effect a latent and explicit consequences of their actions. This is a social control mechanism and it's an effective way of regulating society's disorderly and unpredictable behavior.

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Originally posted by Centurion:

First things first, the US government needs to prop up this latest TFG before it falls to the zealots, anarchists, foreign profiteers and qabiliists.


It needs to persuade Sheikh Shariif that his priority is hammering out a peace deal with the main players on the other side as soon as possible.


Sheikh Shariif should be making multiple moves right now, he should realise he doesnt have much time before things get stagnant and his popularity with the people plummets.


At the moment, although he does reiterate his government is willing to talk to all parties, he needs to take the initiative and focus on internal reconciliation rather than courting International support. Because real support from the UN,EU and US will only be based on political progress, and even then their support/funds will only ever reinforce peace. Sheikh Shariif first needs to 'build' a makeshift peace.

indeed. they should take a cue from how iraq which was teeming with insurgents before has turned around. Build a strong central government with a apolice and army. destroy the anarchists with the help of population, offering them money and jobs like how sons of iraq got rid of al qaeda.


sheikh sharif and the west should move fsat.

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