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Sharif Hotels visit a victory for Omar Jamal defeat for Abu Bakar Center

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lol@dukey, facii iska celiye inaa tahay been maaha, ee iska celi SHARIF's tolka from spreading propoganda.



Besides meeting with the Diaspora community, the highlight of Sharif's week came when he pleaded with international community and emphasized the need to work with other countries collectively in order to defeat the Jahiliya movement and their sponsors, wherever they may be and and the other accomplishment of the week came when he denounced terror havens aka the famous center in North America. Besides that, he has been to more cities in a week than I have all year, waa ragiisa kaas ay dhahaan SHEIK SHARIF AKA suit man aka SHARIF HOTEL.




PS: Wallee inaa tahay Adeero's great nephew shaki makujiro@dukey.

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Somali president condemns Minn. terror recruiting


ST. PAUL, Minn. — The president of Somalia on Sunday denounced the recruiting of young men from Minnesota's huge Somali community for terrorist activity in his war-ravaged homeland, and said he plans to work with the U.S. government to bring those still alive back home.


President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed spoke with The Associated Press while visiting the Minneapolis area, where authorities believe as many as 20 young Somali men — possibly recruited by a vision of jihad to fight — returned to the impoverished nation over the last two years.


At least three have died in Somalia, including one who authorities believe was the first American suicide bomber. Three others have pleaded guilty in the U.S. to terror-related charges.


"We believe this is a wrong action, that these young men were wronged, they were robbed out of their life. Their parents were wronged," Ahmed told the AP through an interpreter. "The laws of the United States were violated. The security of Somalia was violated. So we condemn (them) without reservation."


Ahmed was in the Minneapolis area — home of the largest Somali population in the U.S. — to build support as his government tries to bring peace to the Horn of Africa country that has been plagued by violence for decades. The nation of 7 million people has not had a functioning government since 1991, when clan-based warlords overthrew a dictator and then turned on each other.


Ahmed was elected by Somalia's parliament in January, but his government has little control. A group called al-Shabab, which the U.S. says has ties to al-Qaida, has taken over most of Somalia and boosted its numbers with foreign fighters. There are near-daily battles in Mogadishu, the country's capital, and tens of thousands of civilians have died.


Many of the country's former leaders, scholars and other dignitaries relocated to the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas. Many were educated and started successful businesses in the region and send millions of dollars back to Somalia.


The Somali community in Minnesota numbered 35,000 in 2007, according to the Census.


Ahmed told the AP that the young men who left the area "were stolen and taken without the knowledge of their parents and imams." He said he met with imams from area mosques and "we agreed that they were really sorry with what happened, which tarnished their image and that of our religion."


He said the Somali government agrees to work with state and federal governments, as well as imams and parents, to prevent more recruiting.


When asked what the Somali government could do to help, he said "we hope to reach out to these young men and explain to them how wrong what they are doing is, and that they should return to the safety of their families."


Ahmed met Sunday afternoon with relatives of some of the young men who died. They told him about their sons and what had happened to them.


"He gave us very hearty condolences," said Abdirizak Bihi, a community leader and uncle of one of the boys. "We feel much better."


Ahmed told Bihi that he thinks about Bihi's nephew, 18-year-old Burhan Hassan, every day and is reminded of the tragedy of young lives lost to terrorism, Bihi said.


The president also said he wants an ongoing relationship with the families in Minnesota and to work with them to "stop the evil at work," Bihi said.


Ahmed is in Minnesota for three days as he tries to build support for his struggling government. He's met with scholars, university students, former Somali leaders, women, elders and others.


Sunday evening, he spoke to about 5,000 people at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. The crowd cheered when Ahmed again condemned the terrorist recruiting.


"Those responsible for this trouble, I am asking them to stop what they are doing," he said in Somali that was translated.

Ahmed expressed his condolences to the parents of the young men who have been recruited and said his government would give them any assistance it could. He said he was saddened to see the men flee the U.S. to engage in violence.


"These parents brought their children here for a peaceful life," he said.


Ahmed also plans trips to Chicago and Columbus, Ohio, another city with a large Somali population, as he continues to advocate for peace in Somalia.

His message was resonating in Minnesota, where he was welcomed with support. But many know he has a long struggle ahead.


"To support the government is the only solution to bring back peace," said Eng Hassannow Mohamud, a former cabinet member in Somalia who now lives in the Twin Cities. "We really want to help. ... We are ready to take our part."


Ahmed said he has strategies for rebuilding Somalia such as to build up security, education and health care systems. On the humanitarian front, he said, the government needs to reach out to the hundreds of thousands of Somalis who are displaced, both in and outside the country, and get them assistance they need.


He said he hopes it will "not be long" before he brings peace to Somalia. He knows he needs to rid his country of terrorism.

"We ourselves cannot stay there if we don't do that," he said

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