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General Duke

Sharif Hotels visit a victory for Omar Jamal defeat for Abu Bakar Center

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Omar Jamal comes out on top :D


The war between Omar Jamal the famous Somali activist of Minnesota and the Abu Bakar Sidique Center took another turn with Sharif Hotel’s visit. It seems Mr Jamaal convinced Mr Ahmed in order to stay relevant he must denounce the “extremists” in our midst and also make a clear unambiguous statement with regards to his “governments” stance on the missing youths and the recruitment rings in MN.


Mr Sharif Ahmed let loose his canons and the Abu Bakar group and their supporters specially the website were taken a back by the denunciation of their former hero and icon.


Sharif Hotel threw his former supporters under the buss.

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Somalia's president says terrorism growing there

4 Oct 4, 2009 - 11:54:10 AM


ST. PAUL, Minn. — The president of Somalia said Saturday his government is challenged by terrorism — which he called a "foreign idea" — and asked the Somali diaspora support him as he struggles to create peace in his war-torn country.


President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed spoke briefly at a breakfast for Books for Africa, a nonprofit that ships millions of donated books to African nations. The address was part of a three-day visit to the Twin Cities — home to the country's largest Somali population — to try to find solutions to the violence in Somalia.


Although Ahmed did not say the word "terrorism," he implied it is one of his country's biggest challenges.


"The problems in Somalia are not clans fighting each other today," Ahmed said, through an interpreter. "It is a foreign idea that is trying to take hold in Somalia. A foreign idea that is causing problems in different parts of the world.


"So we ask that Somalia not be left alone to fend for itself," he said.


Ahmed said Somalia will see peace once it has a strong, functioning government that "takes responsibility for its people, for its neighbors in the region and for international security."


Somalia, an impoverished Horn of Africa nation of 7 million people, has not had a functioning government since 1991, when clan-based warlords overthrew a dictator and then turned on each other. The country plunged into chaos.


Ahmed, a moderate Islamist, was elected by Somalia's parliament in January, but his government has little control. Al-Shabab, which the U.S. says has ties to al-Qaida, has taken over most of Somalia and boosted its numbers with foreign fighters. There are near-daily battles in Mogadishu, the country's capital, and tens of thousands of civilians have been killed.


Ahmed's visit to Minnesota includes private meetings with many sectors of the Somali community, as well as a Sunday rally expected to attract 5,000. Some local Somalis hoped Ahmed would publicly condemn terrorist recruiting in Minneapolis.


As many as 20 young Somali men left Minnesota, recruited to possibly fight with al-Shabab. At least three have died in Somalia, and three others have pleaded guilty to terror charges.


Omar Jamal, executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center, said Ahmed assured him when they met Friday that he would denounce the terror group at Sunday's rally.


"The president was very open, very welcoming and very angry about the situation in the country and al-Shabab, and he said wherever they are, they should be fought against," Jamal said. Ahmed was not immediately available for an interview with The Associated Press.


Relatives of the men who left Minnesota want Ahmed to denounce the terrorist group while in Minneapolis and to meet them privately, said Abdirizak Bihi, a community leader and uncle of one young man who died in Somalia. As of Saturday afternoon, a private meeting had not been scheduled. A member of the president's cabinet met with families Friday and offered condolences, Bihi said.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The war between Omar Jamal the famous Somali activist of Minnesota and the Abu Bakar Sidique Center took another turn with Sharif Hotel’s visits. It seems Mr Jamaal convinced Mr Ahmed in order to stay relevant he must denounce the “extremists” in our midst and also make a clear unambiguous statement with regards to his “governments” stance on the missing youths and the recruitment rings in MN.


Mr Sharif Ahmed let loose his canons and the Abu Bakar group and their supporters specially the website were taken a back by the denunciation of their former hero and icon.


Sharif Hotel threw his former supporters under the buss.

He denounced violence and extremism of all forms.both in the diaspora and home. Wtf?

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Obviously you did not get it, Omar Jamal & Bixi met the man and expressed to him the tragedy that took place in this city and how he was involved as leader of the Clan courts.

Mr Sharif statement was clear last night and the reactions of the “religious” groups in MN, has been noted on SOL this morning.

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Minneapolis: Sheikh Shariif oo Khudbadiisii ku Weeraray Masaajidda Allah,
badda Soomaaliyana muran weyn geliyay

Title of article


Khudbaddii Sheikh Shariif uu halkaas ka jeediyey waxa uu kaga hadlay waxaa ka mid ahaa: “Dadka yaryar oo caqligooda la xadayo” oo uu sheegay in ‘masuuliyad inaga wada saaran tahay’, waxana uu yiri “waxaan idinka codsanaynaa idinkana carruurtiina in aad dib ugu laabatiin. Haddaad masjidka geyseen oo wanaagga aad la doonateen waa fiicantahay, laakiin masaajidkii waa la soo dhex galay. Waxaa waajib ah in aan la socono carruurteenu masjidka marka ay tagaan maxay qabtaan, maxaa yeelay berrito waxaa imaanaya inay ku dhehaan hooyo adiga naftarkaaga in lagu dilo ayaa waajib ah. Wax kalena ma aha ee caqligooda ayaa la bedelay.”


“Wararka sida aan ku heleyno, maskaxdooda in la bedelo looguma simin ee in la daroogeeyo ayaa socota, marka wiilasha daroogada aad kala cararteen oo tacliinta aad geyseen in masaajidka lagala baxo oo daroogo la siiyo waa arrin aad iyo aad khatar u ah. Ficilkaasi waa ficil xun waana cambaaraynaynaa. Dawladda Soomaaliyeed waxay u aragtaa dadkii mustabalka Soomaaliya hoggaamin lahaa oo jid khalad ah lagu baabi’inaayo.”


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Omar Jamal, a Somali-born civil rights advocate, estimates half of missing fathers were killed in the Somali civil war. The absence of a strong father figure might make young Somali-Americans "more susceptible to recruitment from charismatic male authority figures," FBI Associate Director Philip Mudd said.


To be clear, we don't really know who's doing the jihad recruiting. Jamal and Bihi say the Abubakar mosque is involved, especially through its youth programs, which are basically Islamic versions of Christian youth groups. "Fiery sermons and fiery teachings and indoctrination -- radical indoctrination -- were definitely taking place," Bihi says. All of the travelers, he adds, "were prominent members of the mosque." Fueling Jamal's and Bihi's accusations, a federal grand jury reportedly subpoenaed a female organizer of the youth programs. "People . . . blame her for the missing kids," Bihi says

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Omar Jamal, executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center, said Ahmed assured him when they met Friday that he would denounce the terror group at Sunday's rally.

Dukey, did Sharif denounce Abu Bakar center at yesterday's rally?


C'mon, you can do better update than this. Where are the pictures?



By the way, Where is Xiini? How is Xiini boy feeling this morning knowing that his idol Sharif is no longer on his side? Drop me a tear ya xiini, don't hold back.

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^^^He did not name it, but his words were clear, he denounced those who took the kids, and even went further and told parents to keep a watch on their children unless they even start waging war on their mothers.


It was clear and strong and the reaction of summs up what Abu Bakar thought of the whole thing.

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Somali president: Recruiters likely still in U.S.

by Laura Yuen, Minnesota Public Radio

October 3, 2009



St. Paul, Minn. —
The president of Somalia said today he believes that recruiters who lured Minnesota men to fight with a terrorist group remain in the United States.



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"Waxaad ogtihiin in caruurtii masaajida aan geynay loogu galay halkaas, iyagoo maskaxda laga badalayo si ay Somaliya u aadaan ugana soo dagaallamaan”,
waxaana uu intaasi raaciyay in caruurtaasi qaarkood daroogo la siiyo si ey u fuliyaan faflka khatarta ah sida isqarxinta iwm.



Tacsi ayuu u diray madaxweynaha waalidiinta Somaliyeed ee caruurtooda maskaxda laga xaday ee Somaliya loo diray kuwaasoo qaarkood ku dhintay halkaas.

Minnesota ayaa ah magaalada ey Somalida ugu badantahay Mareykanka, waxaana lagu wadaa in uu madaxweynuhu cagta soo mariyo gobolo kale oo ey Somalidu dagan tahay oo ku yaal Mareykanka ka hor inta uusan kasoo dhoofin dalkaasi Mareykanka.


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Originally posted by General Duke:



Obviously you did not get it, Omar Jamal & Bixi met the man and expressed to him the tragedy that took place in this city and how he was involved as leader of the Clan courts.

Mr Sharif statement was clear last night and the reactions of the “religious” groups in MN, has been noted on SOL this morning.

War yaa ilaahey uuntay oo ninkan maskaxdiisa galaa? Niyow,is there anything in your life that does not revolve around your qabil?


the President denounces extremism,(something omar has always yapped about)..meets the families of the boys killed and omar tags along, HE meets the imaams,they are all happy,and they all agree to work together.Including Omar and Bixi and their lost starbucks riverside crew(minus you).everyone agreed to let the past go by. why did you make this a contest of omar vs the shiiqs of abubkr sidiq?


Adeer,you are stuck on the past. this was a sucessful trip, for the president,the imams and the local community of mn.including omar and bixi

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^^^lool. Farax Brown, why are you so unhappy? Why is so mad and why is Sharif Hotel not able to control a single town in all of Somalia after 10 months?


Those are the important questions lad; Omar Jamal humiliated you and your clan mad individuals. :D


For your President said exactly what Omar has been saying all along and not the other way round. Sharif Hotel moved to Omar Jamal & Bixi's view point. Is that not a fact? The only thing here is he went beyond this and talked about drugs adding a new dimension to the issue. :eek:

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lool. Farax Brown, why are you so unhappy? Why is so mad, and why is Sharif Hotel not able to control a single town in all of Somalia after 9 months?


Thats the important question, Omar Jamal humiliated you and your clan mad individuals.

Duke. Life is not always about your qabil. Your cuzins are smart and shrewd politicians. they played it smart. Having realized all avenues of opposition have been closed,Omar and Bixi did the smart thing and joined the rest of the community in welcoming the President.


At first it was about the djbouti agreement, then,the fake sea agreement with kenya and then the missing men...the shiiq addressed all of this. what is there to oppose markaan?


It is obvious you want to spin this to your talking points...,flood the place to overun the positive trip the president had. Since you got nothing else to say, you went for the ONLY thing that had a semblance of attack...and tie it to your couzin and puntland. Jeezuz.


well. i am off to watch MNF. Go Viks!

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I was at the conference yesterday and that was one few comments that left many in the crowd scrtaching their heads. The President of the TFG went as far as to say "your kids must be monitored on what they do at the Masjid" what the f%^ck moment. He also went even further when he said that kids are not only recruited but made to depend on drugs in order for the brainwashing process to to take effect.


He also brought up the 'selling of the sea' controversy, which he never really quite gotten around to explain it.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

Life is not always about your qabil.........................


At first it was about the djbouti agreement, then,the fake sea agreement with kenya and then the missing men...the shiiq addressed all of this.
what is there to oppose markaan?



First obviously this is about your clan and not the Duke's, you always pretend to be a man who is all about the national interest. Yet you support this man because of clan reasons because you share the same distant clan father and nothing else.


What is there to support? This man has been to more American towns in a week than he has to a single Somali village, town, dwelling or region outside Villa Somalia. This does not trouble you.


That he relies on foreign forces that he once waged Jihad on, on Ethiopia in Hiiraan and AMISOM in his bedroom, also does not bother you.


That this man clearly has put Somalia’s sea border into dispute when there was never one in our 49 year history, does not trouble you.


That he is now fighting his former allies, friends and mentors, does not bother.

That he is using the same talking points as Omar Jama, a man you so despised and who has outwitted this man, also does not bother you.


What matters to you is that he is your clan, and for that you ignore everything you once pretended to stand for when the other man from that clan was President. :D

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