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The beautiful face of a civilised war

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A Just War. One that civilised people(including qaxooti transplants) can take great pride in. Huzzah!



Duq Ngonge, still think the Iraq war was a 'just war', a humane and legal war(all your words) ? If you do, by the authority invested in me by the universal principles of mankind, I officially pronounce you a sick F, one that I pray tastes the the same 'liberation' and 'enlightenment' that is being visited upon the Iraqi people. Aamiin.


Watch for the Is-Qancis dam to break: "Oh no, these are a few bad apples, these are isolated incidents. A few faulty cogs in the great machine that is Western military might. Surely you wouldn't be rash enough to generalize and take this unfortunate(sniffle, blows nose, sniffle) incident out of context."


Gotta love what a lil education does to a unprincipled mind. Faarax Jaamac, meet Aristotle. And say hi to Kant and Carlyle over there. And make sure you grab a coupla drinks from bartender Moral I. Relativist.


In psychobabble-speak: The product, of course, is a unmoored, confused, indoctrinated individual readily lapping up the talking points/explanations/justifications provided by a society s/he desperately wants to be part of. Refugee, shake hands with Assimilation.


And so, the same Flight 13 individual who wouldn't blink an eye when a $300 million 'smart missile' kills 40 civilians celebrating a wedding, cuz you know, it's high-tech 'sivilised' warfare and all, will burst a vein screeching about the inhumanity of an angry crowd dragging the body of a soldier down the street. Or the execution of dhabo-dhilif war criminals. Or even, laughable as it is, the very act of self-defense. "How dare you defend yourself, you primitive smelly savage ? Lay down your arms and submit to the forces of modernity and dowladnimo. You shall be liberated and enlightened. You will be taught how to shit standing up, and then, not use any water to clean up, this is the legacy of Voltaire and Hobbes."


I know, it's mind-boggling, which is why anytime I want a good chuckle, I visit SOL.


But then again, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe the scenes of death and destruction oo kor ku xusan, which has been playing out in Iraq, Afhganistan, and Somalia has changed the minds of our resident 'enlightenment' peeps. Maybe the sight of the repentant soldier as he narrates the lives he stole, in cold blood, maybe that'll shock their consciences out of it's dormant slumber. If the killer can spend sleepless nights begging for mercy for the mayhem he wrought, surely that'll give cause for the blind supporter to fix his moral compass. What the camera captures is but a fraction of the deliberate atrocities being committed and being excused away in the name of modernity, war against(of) terror, and dowladnimo.


So, let's hear it y'all: LazieG, Ngonge and Co. Whatchu sayin' ? Enjoyin' the vid ? How you like the investment of your tax-money ? And the jackpot question: If you knew then what you know now, would you still have supported the invasion of Iraq ? And to juxtapose it slightly, the invasion of Somalia ?



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Rafay Siddiqui, a Marine veteran of Iraq, says that in the military, “you’re not a man until you’ve taken advantage of a woman.” Impressionable 18 and 19-year-old young men come into the service, see “everyone doing it, so they themselves have to do it too because they want to fit in.”
He testifies about his experiences not in Iraq but in Djibouti, Africa on an earlier deployment. Young girls, trying to escape poverty, came to Djibouti and ended up working as prostitutes for Marines and for French legionnaires who were also stationed there

All due respect to any Djiboutians up in here, but um, your country is a giant brothel for American and French johns. Both figuratively and literally. You know, in case you weren't aware.


NSS Chief Riyaale wants to duplicate the above by offering Berbera, as a nubile virgin, for the Americans to ravish. And the patriotic Somalilanders clap and applaud his decision, cuz you know, you gotta stick with the President to get to the promised land of Holy Recognition. Not one word of protest. Not a single criticism. Not online. Not by the 'independent' baarlamaan. Silence.


"But no, no, no, no. Easy now, youngin'. It's called statesmanship. That's how world politicking works, B. You gosta give some, to get some, naah mean. We offer up Berbera on a silver platter, throw in a couple of expendable hot lil things, and boom-shaka-laka, we get international recognition. Big pimpin', yo, big pimpin'"


The depths of dhulinimo people stoop to for the sake of their jahal. Lord have mercy.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:



Rafay Siddiqui, a Marine veteran of Iraq, says that in the military, “you’re not a man until you’ve taken advantage of a woman.” Impressionable 18 and 19-year-old young men come into the service, see “everyone doing it, so they themselves have to do it too because they want to fit in.”
He testifies about his experiences not in Iraq but in Djibouti, Africa on an earlier deployment. Young girls, trying to escape poverty, came to Djibouti and ended up working as prostitutes for Marines and for French legionnaires who were also stationed there.

All due respect to any Djiboutians up in here, but um, your country is a giant brothel for American and French johns. Both figuratively and literally. You know, in case you weren't aware.


NSS Chief Riyaale wants to duplicate the above by offering Berbera, as a nubile virgin, for the Americans to ravish. And the patriotic Somalilanders clap and applaud his decision, cuz you know, you gotta stick with the President to get to the promised land of Holy Recognition. Not one word of protest. Not a single criticism. Not online. Not by the 'independent' baarlamaan. Silence.


"But no, no, no, no. Easy now, youngin'. It's called statesmanship. That's how world politicking works, B. You gosta give some, to get some, naah mean. We offer up Berbera on a silver platter, throw in a couple of expendable hot lil things, and boom-shaka-laka, we get international recognition. Big pimpin', yo, big pimpin'"


The depths of dhulinimo people stoop to for the sake of their jahal. Lord have mercy.
I'm not sure what your on about, but myself and others on this forum have expressed on this very site our opposition to any foreign troops in Somaliland. Secondly, This talk of Berbera being a possible American base is speculative, for many reasons that have already been discussed including the fact that Riiyalee may not make it to the end of 2009, so hold your horses before labeling and making all types of assumptions. Thirdly, Djibouti could probably do without all the foreign troops however, like much of Africa the people of Djibouti don't have much say to that effect and their country doesn't exactly have a democratic process. Last 'election' had one name on the ballot in true Saddam Hussein fashion, that name being Ismael Omar Guelleh and as you can imagine he won by a landslide.

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^^ We agree then. I'm not referring to the good shacab of Waqooyi. I know that the shacab there, just like the shacab in Djobuti, Puntland, Kismayo, or Mogadisho, are weak and have no voice. And I know that they are against any pimpin' of Somali soil. Any human being would. It's a universal constant oo uu baahnayn explanation.


What I am blasting tho for being silent, is the traditional power structure, the Garaads, the Sultans, the Ugaas's, as well as the other figures of leadership: the Newspapers, the Business community, the Parliment, the MPs, and the Opposition parties, both in Djbouti and Somaliland.


That said, I'm a realist. I'm not expecting everybody to speak out, but you know something is deeply wrong when nobody dares contradict the status quo, even when it involves something as sacrosanct as national territory.


The cancer of moral cowardice and of appeasement has eaten away at almost every single individual in the Somali power structure. And that is one of the root causes of our disintegration and downfall, as a country, and as a people.

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Al Rundi, the poet said:



And were you to behold their weeping when they are sold, the matter would strike fear into your heart, and sorrow would seize you.


quote:Alas, many a mother and child have been parted as souls and bodies are separated!


And many a maiden fair as the sun when it rises, as though she were rubies and pearls,


Is led off to abomination by a barbarian against her will, while her eye is in tears and her heart is stunned.


The heart melts with sorrow at such [sights], if there is any Islam or belief in that heart!

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Winter Soldiers are brave and we all bear witness (and responsibility) for the Iraq war as the obscenity of our generation.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ We agree then. I'm not referring to the good shacab of Waqooyi. I know that the shacab there, just like the shacab in Djobuti, Puntland, Kismayo, or Mogadisho, are weak and have no voice. And I know that they are against any pimpin' of Somali soil. Any human being would. It's a universal constant oo uu baahnayn explanation.


What I am blasting tho for being silent, is the traditional power structure, the Garaads, the Sultans, the Ugaas's, as well as the other figures of leadership: the Newspapers, the Business community, the Parliment, the MPs, and the Opposition parties, both in Djbouti and Somaliland.


That said, I'm a realist. I'm not expecting everybody to speak out, but you know something is deeply wrong when nobody dares contradict the status quo, even when it involves something as sacrosanct as national territory.


The cancer of moral cowardice and of appeasement has eaten away at almost every single individual in the Somali power structure. And that is one of the root causes of our disintegration and downfall, as a country, and as a people.

You seem to be painting with broad strokes here, I can understand this is a particularly frustrating time in the history of somalis for those of us whom have ever envisioned somalis livng in peace and relative unity (especially when comfronted by slaughter and humiliation at th hands of foreigners), however we must look to each scenario on its own and see the state of somali nationhood for what it is today, as you said we need to be realists. Before I get into state of the Somali Nation I will briefly respond to what you mentioned in reference to Somaliland.


The Guurti, after playing a large part in saving Somaliland from the internal squables and disunity that threatened to plunge us into war more than a decade ago, has since become a rubber stamping house for the current president. So not much is to be expected from them, in terms of keeping the policies of the president honest. That said, 2009 will be a crucial year in Somaliland and will test just how far we've come in terms of a functional society and government. So until these elections take place, the expections we have of this government is not to jeopardize the sovereignty of our country. I'll state again, we still don't know if there is any real interest on the part of the U.S. to set a base in Berbera, all we know si Riiyaale said he would 'welcome' such a move.


As the conflict rages on today between the resistance and the occupiers, I feel there is only one guarantee; That people will not forget what is happening today in the streets of Mogadishu anytime soon and that the somali nation (since the Ethiopian invasion) has been dealt such a severe blow, that it may take another several decades before it recovers. I watched on T.V. as Ethiopian tanks rolled into Mogadishu with the Ethiopian flag plain in sight in disbelief as I'm sure many others had. Xamar, the capital of a once united Somali Nation has now fallen and the worst part of it all, this is being advocated by other 'Somalis'. Even today, you will find these hypocrits with their crocodile tears on this forum and elsewhere waving the Somali flag and at the same time suggesting the people of Somalia should bend to their tribal leader simply because he is the choosen pet of the occupation. Others will tell you that for the sake of 'peace' a negotiated settlement should be worked out with these cowards, one that would legitimize the occupation (or its supposed end) as well as its proxies. I wish this were the actions of a few misguided tribe worshiping morons, but it seems to affect quite a significant portion of the Somali population. Matters of peace and politics have fallen back on almost a strictly tribal basis, where as shortly before the invasion, alot of progress was made in terms alleviating and overcoming triabalism. Nowadays you see anybody that has any sort of tribal connection to the proxies of occupation, reffer to the resistance as 'terrorist' or otherwise speak on how to legitimize the illegitimate 'government'.

This is the state of the Somali Nation today, where our people will sell each other out to death and carnage for a very low price. I don't see an end to this anytime soon.

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A secessionist and Islamic anarchist's vindictive self-righteousness!!


We know it is deep anger that has formed magma at the bottom and why many of you buy into linked-trilogy of discontents: historical marginalization, the distrust that comes with the unity of the Somali Republic, and fear of the return of governance, law and order in Mogadishu and the rest of the south. The long years of anarchy where these self-righteous men brought unprecedented ruin to our capital, simultaneously perpetuated anarchy and the dismemberment of our country attests to this well documented facts. The subsequent violent reaction to the TFG when it was formed though it was fairly representative government set alarm bells ringing for those of us who hope to see national unity and the return of law and order.

Where were you for the last darn 17 years?


One group was battling hard to secede from Somalia while the other group, turned into savagery more by the side effects of the tribal war than by anything else, strongly backed both in ideal and practical terms a prolonged anarchy. Until this TFG came, we have seen the rise of these opportunistic tribal and former warlords under the smokescreen of Islamism. The rise of this group was a subsequent reaction to the TFG and its executive leadership. The Pushovers bought the idea and rallied behind them.


Because your attempt to force and oust the TFG into an exile was reversed, this same murderous group has to resort to false nationalism, playing the victim card, recruiting children and killing the innocent on a daily basis.


You can shed all the crocodile tears you want, but the days when Somalia will have the return of your beloved murderous Aweis, notorious IndhaAde and the likes at the helm while under the influence of the advancement of global Jihad and extremism are numbered.

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and at the front of this line marching to the gilotine for beheading ..should be uncle yeeye and the rest of facist tfg traitors.


thats what i call beauty of war.

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