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Does anyone have any information concerning the whereabouts of the much publicized unity government of Somalia? If you have seen or heard anything please inform me as soon as possible.


Mahadsanid smile.gif

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Maybe Juje (wasiirka barabagaandhaha iyo bunbuuninta waxqabadka dawladda ee xaruntiisa tahay SOL) will tell us.


Or Xiin Faniin ( Wasiirka aaydholojiyada iyo wacyegelinta).



Jokes aside,


This bad copy of the TFG has thus far succeeded in the following;


1) they have sold parts of somali territory.

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Lool @ Waranle.


Somalia has been cursed, just look at its wierdo people and their behaviour. Mowle lagama quuste rajadu waa madowdahay.

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