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They are resorting to ambushes now?

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Baardheere 14, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Ciidamo ka amar qaata wasiirk G/dhigga dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale ayaa maanta lagu weeraray inta u dhaxeysa degmooyinka Diinsoor iyo Baardheere, halkaasi oo ay ku geeriyoodeen tiro ka mid ah ciidamadiisa, kuwo kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen.


baabuur nuuciisu yahay Lancruser ama Cabdi bile sida ay Somalida u taqaano oo ay saarnaayeen maleeshiyooyin ku hubeysan qoryaha fudud nuucyadooda kala duwan oo xalay ka tagay degmada Baardheere ayaa kooxo maleeshiyooyin ay u galeen inta u dhaxeysa Qansaxdheere iyo Tuulada Kurtun oo 40 km u jirta degmadaasi, xilli ay ku sii jeedeen magaalada Baydhabo, iyadoo israsaaseyn ka dhacday halkaasi ay ku geeriyoodeen labo ka mid ah ciidamada wasiirka G/dhigga halka 3 kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen.


Maleeshiyooyinkaan oo qorshahooda uu ahaa in ay ku biiraan maleeshiyo kale oo wasiirka G/dhigga dowladda Somalia ugu xareysan xeryaha ku yaala duleedka magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxa ay isku dhaceen kooxo kale oo maleeshiyaad aan wali la garaneyn cidda ay ka amar qaataan.


Sidoo kale ma jirto wax war ah oo ku aadan qasaaraha gaaray maleeshiyooyinka wada u galay gaarigaan, iyadoo warar is khilaafsana ay ka soo baxayaan sababta weerarka loogu geeystay maleeshiyada ciidamada wasiirk G/dhigga.


Dad weynaha qaar ayaa waxa ay ku tilmaameen falkaan in uu ahaa mid qorsheysan halka dad kalena ay sheegayaan in maleeshiyo aan cidna ka amar qaadan ay weerarkaasi ka dambeeyeen


Axmed Cumar Saalixi


Shabelle Media Network Gedo

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Ciidamo daacad u wasiirka G/dhigga oo lagu rasaaseeyay inta u dhaxeysa Qansaxdheere iyo Kurtun.



Mogadishu - 14-December Labo ruux ayaa geeriyootay 3 kalena waa ay dhaawacmeen, ka dib markii gaari dagaal uu leeyahay wasiirka G/dhigga dowladda Somalia ay kooxo maleeshiyo ah ay u gashay wadada u dhaxeysa Kurtun iyo Qansaxdheere ee gobolka Baay, xilli maleeshiyadaan ay ku soo jeeday magaalada Baydhabo.


Maleeshiyadaan oo xalay ka soo amababaxday degmada baardheere ee gobolka Gedo ayaa waxa ay ku wajahnaayeen magaalada baydhabo, iyadoo markii ay ka gudbeen degmada Qansaxdheere ay kooxo hubeysan ay rasaas maanta kula beegsadeen meel u dhow Tuulada Kurtun, iyadoo wali aan la garaneyn sababata ka dambeysa israsaaseyntaasi.


Maleeshiyadan ayaa sida la sheegay waxaa magaalada Baardheere uga yeeray wasiirka G/dhiggga oo ku wargaliyay in ay yimaadaan magaalada Baydhabo, iyadoo aan la garaneyn wali heybta kooxaha maleeshiyooyinka jidka u galay maleeshitadan.


Sida ay sheegeen goobjoogayaal ku sugan deegaanka Kurtun ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda oo ka soo ambabaxay magaalada Baydhabo ay ku soo fool leeyihiin halka iska horimaadka maanta uu ka dhacay.


Ma jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay wasiirka G/dhigga dowladda Somalia oo ku aadan arinkaan.



Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ciidamo daacad u ah dowladda Somalia ay kooxo maleeshiyo ah ay jidka u galaan.

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Dagaal dhex marey ciidamada maxaakiimta iyo kuwa la socdey Barre Hiiraale


December 14, 2006 Markacadeey


Wararka laga helayo magaalada Baydhabo ooah xarunta gobolka Baay ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaad uu watey Barre Hiiraale, wasiirka gaashaandhiga ee dowlada federaalka Soomaaliyeed ay isku dhaceen maleeshiyaad ay leeyihiin golaha maxaakiimta.


Dagaal ayaa iminka lagu waramayaa in uu ka socda deegaanka lagu magacaabo Kurtun oo u dhaxeeya deegaanka Berdaale iyo magaalada Baydhabo, iyada oo wararka ay sheegayaan in gaari lagu wadey Barre Hiiraale oo uu saaran yahay uu goor dhoweyd gaarey magaalada Baydhabo.


Magaalada baydhabo ayuu iminka ka jiraan abaabul xoogan, iyada oo ciidamada dowlada federaalka la qorsheynayo in ay tagaan goobta uu dagaalka uu ka dhacay, lamana oga in BArre uu horey u sii raaci doono ciidamadan.


Ilaa iyo Hadda ma jiro wax hadal ah oo ka soo baxay dhinacyada dowlada federaalka iyo golaha maxaakiimta, hase yeeshee magaalada Baydhabo ayaa si weyn looga hadal hayaa arrintan sida uu ii xaqiijiyay Fahad Maxamed Abuukar oo ah weriye ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo.



Maxamed Cali Madka

Xafiiska markacadeey Muqdisho

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LOL@ They are resorting to ambushes now ?


What were you expecting, akhi ? Adeer Hiraale made his bed, and now, guess what.......he's gotta sleep in it. Might not be as comfortable as his bed in K-Mayo, but it's still his.


This is war. Assasination of high-profile figures and ambushes are just a small part of it. Besides, he's the Minister of Defence(War), fer cryin' outloud. Homeboy's gotta expect at least some action. Mase, y'all expect the Ethos to do all the messy know..the whole fightin' and dyin' thang. :D


long overdue chuckle@"resorting to ambushes" :D

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Maybe you had better understand the avowed position of the group you support, no?


If I am not mistaken, the UIC is not at "war" with the TFG, right? The UIC has declared war (Jihad for that matter) on the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia. The UIC has already given recognition to the existence of the Somali Transitional Federal Government and they continue to reiterate their position that they are not at war with the TFG.


Now I don't know where you get your information from, but the last time I cared to look Barre Hiiraale was a Somali, Muslim man whose lineage testifies to that fact. Also, Baardheere is a Somali city, settled by Somalis, and the men who left that city were Somalis.


Keep in mind that not only did wage war on Somalis who were following a governmental order to come to Baidoa (a government the UIC recognizes), but also ambushed them in a manner that is far from the legitimate face-to-face battle, though the attackers seemed have been given their medicine.


What's wrong with this picture?

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

What's wrong with this picture?

Please permit me to answer the question. The TFG, the "legitimate" Somali government, a government "certified" by the international and regional organizations (UN, AU, EU, IGAD, iwm) of the world, a government overwhelmingly "elected" by the citizens of Somalia, a government that has a "mandate" from its citizens-- is a government that's everyday (well almost) whining about its recognition by a terrorist movement (Union of Islamic Courts), a government that's earnestly negotiating (Khartoum) with said terrorist movement, a government that several months ago applauded (maybe even collaborated with) the said terrorist movement's victory over the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (an Alliance the government was supposed to help).


Don't you know it's an international crime to ask recognition from a terrorist movement?


Don't you know it's an international crime to negotiate with a terrorist movement?


Don't you know it's an international crime to not collaborate with a Counter-Terrorism Alliance against a terrorist movement?



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Here are a few things wrong with that picture:


a) Semantics and diplomatic-positioning aside, both sides(TFG and the Courts) are effectively at war. Fuel embargos, encirclement of Baidoa, skirmishes, attacks and counter-attacks(Diinsoor, Burhakabo, etc) all attest to that fact. No side has to formally declare war for that to be the case. Of course, the Courts say they recognise the TFG, but that's simple smart P.R. and politics. If they weren't at war before, they sure as heck became so the minute Etho soldiers pitched their tents in Baido and Galkacyo.


b) Now, if both sides are at war(let's be honest), why can't the Courts target Barre Hirale, the Minister of Defense(War), and goverment troops. Are you seriosly suggesting that they shouldn't simple because: "Hiiraale was a Somali, Muslim man whose lineage testifies to that fact". Filinka waxaa wadaa the Dukestar when he claimed we should all rally behind A/Y because "shanta salaad wuu tokathaa and he doesn't consume jaat" :D Hiraale and A/Y's Islamnimo and Somalinmo didn't stop them from calling in the Etho's(war naga so gaaraa :D ), why should Islamnimo and Somalinimo stop the Courts from conducting legitimate military operations ?


C'moon, brah...Let's get real here. Like I said, This is war. Ambushes are a central componet of military strategy. Still don't understand why you object to it.

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Plus, let's all give a round of applause to the Courts for conducting a successful military operation outside of civillian areas. Ilaahay ha uu naxareesto the men that got killed and wounded, but they were military men who knew what they were getting themselves into. Civillians, they were not.

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Kashafa, I am not surprised you didn't understand my claim; you're utterly juvenile (read: young) for this sort of argument. What I am trying to make you understand is also the reason that prevents the ICU from taking credit for the attack even though the men who were behind it are alleging they are "aligned" with the ICU.

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^ Duqa, you're running aground here. OK, the ICU and the TFG aren't officially at war, and thus, the courts can't take credit for the successful ambush.









Semantics ma koo soo laabanay ? They're in a state of war. In other words, they're killing each other. In other words, they're shelling each others position with these things called mortars and artiellery. War, believe it or not, is at hand. Can't believe we're arguing this obvious fact !!


Once you concede that fact(war is a-happenin'), your charge of treachery by the Courts falls flat on it's face. You still won't(can't) answer the question: Why should the Courts, or any group affiliated with the Courts for that matter, NOT attack any goverment troops they find ? Especially a big, fat, juicy target like the Minister of Defence and his convoy.


This is a prime example of what I mean by intelligent men being reduced to simpeltons by Al-Qabil. Adeer Hiraale gets ambushed and HA loses his reasoning marbles. I feel you, man. You in a tight spot whatwith the whole kinship thing, but next time, come up with something better than "Don't attack Hiraale because a) he's my uncle, yo( :D , kidding) b) he's a Somali Muslim with lineage, and c)war hasn't been announced yet so let him waltz all around the country in full military uniform with his merry band of askaris...........unharmed!"

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^ Thanks, JB. I'm honoured. Only a Muslim would want Islam and it's values to reign supreme. Only a brainwashed refugee/'enlightened' secularist would want otherwise.


Next time, don't use quoatation marks with Allah's name. I know, I know, you don't belive in Him, your choice. Just show some respect. Gracias.

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The question was rhetorical in nature; it did not require a response nor an argument. Had you been one of the regulars of the place, I would have informed you of that fact. However, you are not a regular nor as informed as what is going on so I took the opportunity to enlighten you. Appearently there is so much understanding as I can evoke.


Is the ICU at "war" with the TFG? Do soldiers loyal to the Minister of Defense then warrant an attack?


The question is no, yet in your juvenile (read; youthful) understanding you believe yes. Abdulahi Yusuf has said today there can be no more peace talks and he is ready for war. The ICU is trying to cool the situation by reiterating that they are not at war with the government yet what they have done (by ambushing soldiers in the government) is the opposite. The importance of this ambush is such that it has finally led to a declaration of war between the two camps and you want to argue that my topic is based only on semantics..? Adeer waxba ha is daalin, you have some learning to do.



Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo sheegay ineysan Maxkamadaha weerari doonin DFKMGS.


Muqdsiho Saturday 16 December 2006 Simba Radio


Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Shuurada Golaha Maxaakiimta Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys, ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah aysan marnaba weerari doonin Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia.


Wareysi uu siiyay Wakaaladda Wararka ee Reuters, ayaa Sheekh Xasan waxa uu ku sheegay in qorshaha weerar ee ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah uu ku wajahan yahay kaliya ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ah ee dalka qabsaday.


Sheekh Xasan waxa uu sheegay inaanay ku tala galin inay weeraraan Dowladda laakiin ay waajib ku tahay in ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ay ku weeraraan meel kasta oo ay joogaan.


Waxa uu sheegay in dalka Somalia ay qabsatay Ethiopia islamarkaana Maxakamadaha Islaamiga ah ay goor hore waajib ku ahayd inay dalka ka saaraan, waxaana uu shalayto ka muujiyay in Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah aysan qabsan Magaalada Baydhaba markii ay awoodda dalka kusoo baxeen Bishii June


Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys, waxa uu sheegay in waqtigii Toddobada maalmood ahaa oo ay u qabteen in ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ay dalka Somalia uga baxaan uu weli taagan yahay.


Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Shuurada Golaha Maxaakiimta Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys, waxa kale oo uu yiri in Dowladda reer Galbeedka ay taageeraan ee fadhida Magaalada Baydhaba inaysan heysan taageero shaacsan.


Waxa uu sheegay in Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ay matalaan dadka Soomaaliyeed, ayna kaga xaq badan yihiin Dowladda KMG ah, isaga ioo intaasi ku daray inay qalad ahayd in laga hor istaago inay la wareegaan Magaalada Baydhaba


Sheekh xasan waxa uu sheegay in Golaha Maxaakiimta Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ay weli diyaar u yihiin inay wada xaajood la galaan Dowladda KMG, haddii wareeg cusub oo wada hadalladii Khartoum ahaa dib loo bilaabayo, kadib markii wada hadalladu ay hakadeen horaantii November.




Simba Media Center , Mogadishu

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