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KULMIYE Convention Came to the End ,,,,,, Leaders Elected

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^ :DWar ba'a smile.gif war gabanku sow issagan haraaday siduu isu lahaa rag iska dhici.


And your feeling get hurt when we call spade a spade and say you are a distinguished blowhard. Haha :D


Awoowe having painstakingly clarified that you are not equating the very collapse of the state with victory or triumph of one Somali tribe over other one, you seem to be repeating the same childish mistake albeit in different tune. Looks like you are picking on the “elites” of Somali segment in their entirety! What a waste! And I thought I got you on the balls and touched your nerve.


Billash! with all this ink you still have difficulty in coming to terms with the clear distinction between the junta -- regime that was in power -- and the elite class which encompass those in the academia, business class, and what not. They may share blood but by golly everyone in that bloodline is not responsible with whatever crimes their supposedly clansmen had committed while in power. To do that is to give credence to the guilty by association line of reasoning.


Awoowe the trouble with your line of thought is that you are stuck with clan bigotry that knows no limit.


Let me help you with this lengthy rebuttal of yours aight! I want you to be a manly man and concede when you are corrected. To do so is strength not a weakness. Attach bullets per paragraph if you must. I’m giving you edges with handles in which you can latch onto your fingers for a nice grip. Make use of it! Sidana isu dhaan wax ba’ay baad tahay e


The way the state was led, managed, administrated, controlled, and what have you was awfully wrong. It was abject, utter, and total failure of leadership. And it was understood as such. Boowe, ha ku haraadin taa saa we are on the same page.


Where we differ is whether what replaced the dictatorship was necessarily better than junta it replaced. It is my firm and unshakable opinion that the anarchy that replaced was a tragedy in the larger view of things. This is a good subject for discussion.


On the issue of victory versus defeat, it seems to me that you make a habit to cast the tragedy that’s befallen over entire Somalis as victory-defeat dichotomy. When one reads your posts one takes with him the notion that the seventeen years of anarchy in larger swaths of the country is basically victory for some and defeat for others.


Moreover one can’t help but notice the way you assign the scores along clan lines. It is true that some clans had been (and still are) displaced from their homes because of their clan affiliation. I wouldn’t mind if camel herder in Oodweyne township jumps in a dhaanto and hurls few stanzas of gabay for the occasion of what he perceives as the downfall moment of his historical clan rival. His is excusable for he knows no better for he suffers what I would term the Camel Complex -- to be defined later.


However, you are expected to perform differently in such tragic event. You should let some light into that rusty heart of yours. You supposed to exercise some moral ethics or have your Islamic upbringing kick in and resist this temptation of having to interpret the inhumanity of the conflict as being advantageous to your clan. Cheer for the unseating of the regime in your hearts content. But don’t you dare to hate the other side in such categorical way with a blinding passion. You can split hair all you want and shift this simmering hate from the tenants in the cruel and shabby refugee camps (as if they were the elites -- what a caaq) to the entire business and enlightened class of over millions of souls. It is just not right buddy.


On Inna Yussf, don’t waste your breath papa on this one. For the fact of the matter is that we share the sentiments that he erred in thinking that he could solve the conflict through a military means instead of making the necessary compromises with his rivals. I even share your disdain for Tigre mercenaries.


Where we differ on this issue is the utility of genuine reconciliation at this 11 hour. I’m for it. You are against. You suspect the reason I’m for it is because I share my 35th great grandfather with this character. A line of thinking I found to be unfortunate.


Moreover I think you sort of forget the Tigre friends, through omission I suspect! Benadir residents have more warlords that are good terms with Tigre regime in Addis than any other Somali faction. One would correctly assert that there is distinction between where the civilians and power hungry warlords stand on the issue. Objective and informed observer would use that same yardstick when it comes to the “D” rank and file folk.


On neutrality boowe what you need to understand is that my position of not cheerleading for any of the warlords is not a neutral position. It is the right position. I support the process and by extension the system. Reconciliation is a process -- not an event. If folks get it right it is “the” way out of this bottomless bit. I am open to the terms of the negotiation -- whatever works is my attitude. Just, inclusive, unitary, and shar’ia based government is a government anchored on a bedrock. We might not get there any time soon but still it is worth the support. It is pity that you hang onto straw man with such passion. But is understandable.


On secession awoowe I have never seen such a bogus and clan-driven fairytale with so many followers. By and large and overwhelmingly so the followers happen to belong to one segment of the population. Furthermore challenging, refuting, or even criticizing the central argument garners such a reaction that one is forced to wonder out loud why such an issue of large importance is so guarded.


In normal thinking person would readily concede that if one hell bent to change recent status quo -- the state -- one would also open to accommodate other interest groups who might find that it is their interest to not endorse such a move. Common sense, right!!


I have yet to understand the logic behind the whole project. It is quite beneath you to base the dismembering of a country on such a bogus idea that finds its validity from colonial subjugation. If you wipe the slate clean off of colonial fairytales you would end up stumbling on to the crux of the matter which is who really wants to dismember the country and why!


On the after the fact argument that goes this way: country is in shambles, the state has collapsed and now in the trash can of “failed state, folks are each others throat and by and large along clan lines and because of the situation, the recovering and functioning corners of the Somalia that once existed need to make some sort of decision 1) to prevent a similar fate similar to the quarrelling corners and 2) need to have a status that will enable them to make international transactions, give them access to markets, and what not!


This would be a legit demand provided whatever status granted would be readily superseded by future stable and legit government that’s acceptable to the existing recovery zones. However that’s not what the proponents of this argument are tabling. Secession is what they are after and they can’t even stomach what that entails when it comes to the divisibility of what was a former British Protectorate!!



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And who, furthermore, when they have realized that political outcome (in which their selfish and clannish greediness have brought about in the first place), decided collectively – rather cowardly in my view, and hence the genesis of the word "Defeated Lot" – to skip town (i.e., Mogadisho) as well as the country altogether and therefore head to a "Diaspora Existence".


So defeated lot are those who skipped town (Somalia) and would include Oodka & Baashi and me and all the those who could not stomach with what was happening in Somalia back in 1980-1991 and decided to emigrate to other countries. A large number of Somalis from every region call their home Minneapolis and London percisely because their own survival and their families depend on it. It is high time we acknowledge that young men or women in Mogadishu, Bosaso or Hargaysa will prefer nothing but to ge a change to migrate to the West and escape a difficult life in a failed state.

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Oodweyne is a very cynical and conceited individual who sees things through one side of the coin. Consider this, the whole TFG is run and supported by one sub-clan.


Consider this whole collection of families were outgunned and forced to live in an abject misery in the Diaspora so large in number that they won't be able to stand themselves against the formidable foes of the self-made Huns had Ethiopia been out of equation or withdraws.


Consider again this subclan is responsible for all the current mayhems, killings, and the accumulation of a long-term social and political injustices committed by this family alone that they were so deserving of angry and violent backlashes that uprooted them of their homes.


To him, Somaliland, his beloved illusive state, is absolved of its invasion of Las Anod and her dubious agreement with Ethiopia, an agreement that kidnapps and hands over innocent Somali civilians.


To him, SNMs' heineous actions and crimes against humanity are justified or SNM's secret contract with the Communist Ethiopia to march its troops to Hargeisa against the Somali government is the Star Spangled Banner of his clan's victory over a historical enemy.

To him, Somalia is fictitious and the anthem of its flag rings nazi culture.


Very twisted and warped mindset!!!!!!!!!11

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^^ Irony is wasted on some folks: An Ethiopian dancing boy, Koora Aw-Dhabodhilif, is trying to jump on the moral high horse and gallop away at sanctimonious speed ? Saaxib, am I reading you wrong ? mase you, of all people, are actually using the words: humanity, morality, injustice, anger, and mayhem ? From whence this sudden conversion to piety and humanitarianism ? What happened to 'the drill' and destroying the Shayaatiin along with the 'oh-so-sad' 'oh-so-unfortunate' collateral damage ? I mean, damn yo, you just busted a quick U-turn at breakneck pace. Grandstanding iyo brobaganda marka la dheelaayo, xooga waala camiraa nooh, make it believable and authentic. Laakin bahasha oo qaawan hadaa lasoo shir-tagtid, you will become comic relief for the audience. Your inability to grasp irony is almost Borat-esque .


Here you are, the textbook definition of an obedient dhabodhilif(fetch,boy, fetch) trying to invoke Ethiopian aggression as an argument ? Wonders never cease.


Let Oodweyne and Baashi bang it out, senior citizens need inay xoogaa nafisaan by rehashing who-did-what-when circa 1653 A.D. in classical fadhi-ku-dirir style. Harmless runtii, they rehash and refight the past, while the thoroughbreds on the ground change the course of Somali history.


Athiga we'll call you when the court jester is needed.

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A special just for Oodweyne:


Doqonkii dibbira waa lagu yaqaan daaca qudhumede

Darajuu ismoodsiiyaa dabadeed yidhaa I daawada e

Muxuu been daldalayoo taariikh dabakhan nagu afuufay

Darandoori muxuu noogu riday hadal duluc sii ridnayn


Dacar uurku la bukiyo muxuu nabarro soo daadshey

Damiinkii Suldaan ahaana muxuu ka daba-naageeyey

Looma dirsane tolow muxuu durbaan dhawaaqla’ tumay

Dulliyohow ninkastoo damiir lihi daaqad kaa aragye


Dugsigaa kuu been sheegiyo daaradahan dhaadheere

Meel lagu diriryaadan aragoo degin daayin abidkaaye

Duul cadhaysan baan kusoo geliniyo darawiish lalaya e

Labada daamood baa kuu buxiyo uurkoo daahsanaaye


Damaacigana waa laydin ku yaqaan nimakiinan daacaya e

Cagadhigta walle dooxooyinka Nugaal doobi kuma culataane

Dameeradiina iska dhaqdoo dhaansada dhulku waa dooge

Dusha ka rartoo fuula ileen dunji waad u lahaydeene



Intaas uun baan idinleeyahay maanta...

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Let me try to yolk the overwhelming emotional verbiage that surrounds the whole place by reasoning carefully (of course with some bias).So eerie in its rhythm as it seems to the Somaliland dissenters I personally don’t see anything wrong with people taking their country that was on its back, fat and purposelessly, lifted itself up and give itself a momentum, direction and purpose. All of these personal and political instincts came together when one tries to understand the Somali politics. In all of this Somaliland dissenters needs to step back and see how Somalia is slipping into anarchy every day-more vicious, more cruel and more terrifying everyday! It holds on your psyches that Somalia can never be dismembered, which rightly “the best and the brightest” on each camp can argue over, but as reality today dictates it would be hard to reconcile the differences that has been created by the war over the lat seventeen years-the bifurcation of pro-and anti-Somaliland camp. In retrospect the political complexity can be traced to the preeminent reality-the clan division and mistrust between clans. The Somali people appear uncomfortable with the ideas of co-existing with one another.


Somaliland choice of breaking away generates a sense of excitement for its people. It is a golden interlude for Somalilanders to take care of their privileged atmosphere of peace that they enjoy. As once the Sociologist Louis Wirth observed “A society is possible in the last analysis” since the individual carries in his head a picture of that society. The plight of the rest of Somalia is not something any one with sense of justice would rejoice on and should not make Somalilanders conquer the pocket of ignorance and prejudice. The perpetuation of misery in Somalia is something the rest of Somalia can do something about while the ability of Somalilanders to achieve a society that reflects faith in governance should not make the dissenters to brush it off as a clan fiefdom.

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

A special just for


Doqonkii dibbira waa lagu yaqaan daaca qudhumede

Darajuu ismoodsiiyaa dabadeed yidhaa I daawada e

Muxuu been daldalayoo taariikh dabakhan nagu afuufay

Darandoori muxuu noogu riday hadal duluc sii ridnayn


Dacar uurku la bukiyo muxuu nabarro soo daadshey

ahaana muxuu ka daba-naageeyey

Looma dirsane tolow muxuu durbaan dhawaaqla’ tumay

Dulliyohow ninkastoo damiir lihi daaqad kaa aragye


Dugsigaa kuu been sheegiyo daaradahan dhaadheere

Meel lagu diriryaadan aragoo degin daayin abidkaaye

Duul cadhaysan baan kusoo geliniyo darawiish lalaya e

Labada daamood baa kuu buxiyo uurkoo daahsanaaye


Damaacigana waa laydin ku yaqaan nimakiinan daacaya e

Cagadhigta walle dooxooyinka
doobi kuma culataane

Dameeradiina iska dhaqdoo dhaansada dhulku waa dooge

Dusha ka rartoo fuula ileen dunji waad u lahaydeene



Intaas uun baan idinleeyahay maanta...

Taasi waa cay dee sxb ,,,, do u want me to come back with my 2 cents hadaba ??? ,,,, armaad cadhootaa ,, loooool

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Kashafa, you of all should not lecture me of morality. Your records of justifying the horrific beheadings of innocent civilians by the brutal Al-Shayaadiin have shown us your true color.

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Dabbalkan maqiiqan

Damiirku ka guuray

Dadkiisa la laayay

Dalkiisa la boobay

Xabashi dulleeyay

Haddana uu dirlaayay

Dabadeed xasuuqay

Kuwii dugaasha watayna

Intay doollar gurteen

Dibbira dhacoodii

Daacadii ka dhacday

Aduunku dikaamay


Dalkiisa dhulkiisa

Dadkiisa dhashiida

Dhamaan Damiirkooda

Dib markuu u xaraashay

Yaa kaluu dibindaabin

Doraato sax baan ahaa

Shalay door baan ahaa

Berrina dowlad shaqaysa

Ninkii dibindaabyo

Dumaddayda la maagan

Waan daawayn aqaan

Maxaan diin abaahiyay ,, :D

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

Kashafa, you of all should not lecture me of morality. Your records of justifying the horrific beheadings of innocent civilians by the brutal Al-Shayaadiin have shown us your true color.

Kashafta said it best....


"An Ethiopian dancing boy, Koora Aw-Dhabodhilif, is trying to jump on the moral high horse and gallop away at sanctimonious speed"


You're pathetic man lol. Find us more articles on SL elections and post them on SOL.

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