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Somali women back govt

10/11/2006 11:53 - (SA)


Salad Duhul



Mogadishu - Hundreds of Somali women took to the streets on Friday to express their support for the weak transitional government, urging the international community not to neglect the administration challenged by a powerful Islamic movement.


The peaceful rally, organised by female members of the transitional parliament, was held in Baidoa, the only city controlled by Somalia's internationally backed government.


Khadija Mohammed Diriye, a member of the Somali parliament, said: "We call on the world to fully support the transitional government until it stands on its own feet, because that will serve the interest of women in the country."


She spoke to about 500 white-clad demonstrators, who were chanting "success for the government".


Seventy militiamen defected from the transitional government and joined the Council for Islamic Courts on Thursday. Islamic judge Mohamed Ibrahim Bilal said the men were sent to Mogadishu to be incorporated into the Islamic courts militia.


'We thank Ethiopia for support'


General Ismail Qasim Naji, chief of staff of the government army, confirmed the defection, saying the men refused to attend a formal training.


Ethiopian military advisers had been training militiamen to become a new national army. Diriye said Ethiopia's assistance was welcome.


She said: "We thank neighbouring countries for the support they render to our government, especially we thank Ethiopia."


Qamar Adan Ali, chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of the Somali parliament, said: "The world has to heed our call and not turn a blind eye to our suffering."


One of the top leaders in the Islamic courts, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, said early on Friday that the United States mistakenly thought the Islamic courts harboured terrorists.


The Islamic courts had demanded that Ethiopian troops leave the country before they would participate in peace talks and Ahmed said the US could help the peace process.


He said the US "can pressure the Ethiopian government to stop its interference in Somalia's affairs. This could pave the way for success in the ... peace talks".,,2-11-1447_2028438,00.html



Appealing to the 'international community''s sense of chivalry. The usage of the usual stick to beat Islam with.

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