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Puntland Minister Of Livestock And Germany VSF Implement Medicine On Animals

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Hey,ada VSF Germany iyo Wasaarada X. Xoolaha oo daaweynaya sedex boqol oo kun oo neef


Hey,ada VSf Germany iyo Wasaarada Xanaana Xoolaha ayaa makii ugu horeysey daaweynaya sedex boqol oo kunneef oo geel iyo adhi isugu jira kuwaa soo ku nool baadiyaha kal duwan ee punland .


“Muhiin maaha tirade xoolaha aan daaweyneyno Waxaase muhiina in aan gaadhsiino dadka wixii naloogu soo dhiibey “sidaasui waxaa yidhiDr asili oo ah Madaxa hey,adan ayaa sheegtey in shaqada Mashruucan la bilaabey 2006 guud ahaan Somalia waxa kaloo ay intaasi ku dartey in shaqaalaha hey,ada ay aad ugu dadaaleen shaqaalaha hey,ada oo ay sheegtey in xawli ku socto.




Sidoo kale xaflad loo sameeyey Ambabaxa kooxaha soo daaweynaya xoolaha ka soo qeyb galey Wasiirka wasaarada xanaanada xoolah Axmed Xuseen(doonyaale)aya a u mahad celiyey hey,adan sida ay ugu hagar baxdo xaalaha pl iyo waliba fayadhowka caanaha.


Hey,adan VSF germanyaya inta badan ku shaqeysaxoolaha iyadoo sidoo kale dhistey xarumo lagu hagaajiyo caafiomaadka xoolaha. Hey,ada VSf Jermany iyo Wasaarada Xanaana Xoolaha ayaa makii ugu horeysey daaweynaya sedex boqol oo kunneef oo geel iyo adhi isugu jira kuwaa soo ku nool baadiyaha kal duwan ee punland.

Source: http://dunidaonline. com/index.php?id=883


Excellent news puntland livestock minister locking horns with holland vsf organization which is vetenary group that is experts in medicinal cures for livestock. Our livestock are going to remain healthy and live longer and our people will also will remain healthy with state wide vaccination program under-way including the free health policy in puntland along with welfare payment for poor people. Business boom of bossaso and the oil and gold and natural gas reserves for our future.


Puntland is moving forward towards the future. It is the bright light that shine's from Africa.



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