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Kudayo Puntland: Now that's how you handle Al Shabaab

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Boosaaso:Ciidanku amar bay Qabaan,Kooxdaas meeshay joogtaba way uga dabatagayaan”Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha ee Puntland.

9. august 2010




Boosaaso:(Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa markale ku celisay in Dagaalada kasocda Buuraleyda gobolka bari ee dawlada Puntland oo ay saaka guulihii ugu waaweynaa ka gaareen ay sii wadi doonaan islamarkaasna aysan marna ka harin Kooxdii Alshabaab taabacsanayd ee ay dagaaladu dhexmareen.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha,Dawladaha Hoose & Hor’umarinta reer miyiga ee dawlada Puntland Jen,Cabdullaahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilkajiir) oo goordhaweyd oo Caawa ah kusoo noqday magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta ganacsiga dawlada Puntland ayaa APL u xaqiijiyey in Dagaalku uu sii socon doono.


Wasiirku wuxuu sheegey in Deegaanka galgala oo uusan Waqti dheer arag uu maanta si nabadgelayo ah u tagay islamarkaasna arkay Cuqaasha,Waxgaradka & dadka deegaanka,waxaana uu intaas ku daray in Ciidamadu ay amar buuxa ku qabaan inaysan dagalka joojin inta kooxda Hogaamiye Atam ay kasoo afjarayan.


“Adeer Ciidankeenu Amar bay qabaan…hadaan kuu sheegayaa amar buuxa baan kusiinay wayna u hogaansameen,waxaa weeyey inta Kooxdaas ay dhaqdhaqaaqayaan way dagaalamayaan,waxaana ay wadi doonaan Dagaalada ilaa ay kooxdaas kasoo afjaraanna dagaalku ma istaagayo”Ayuu yiri Jen,Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac oo labadii cisho ee lasoo dhaafay kamid ahaa Saraakiisha sida aan kala harsiga lahayn ujoogay islamarkaasna uga qeybqaadanayey Dagaalada kadhacay buuraleyda gobolka bari.


Jen,Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac wuxuu sheegey in Dawlada Puntland ay ka go’antahay inay tirtiro oo ay dhulka lasinto cidkasta oo Amaankeeda kasoo horjeeda,waxaana uu sheegey inay ciidanku weli baacsanayaan koox aad u kooban oo uu Hogaaminayey Hogaamiyaha ay ciidanka Puntland aadka u radinayaan ee Maxamed Siciid Atam,waxaana uu sheegey in ay rajeynayaan inay gacanta kusoo dhigaan Hogaamiyahaas.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Gen. Ilkajiir waa geesi ann geed loogu soo gaban, in my opinion a better polical leader than Faroole. Next election, Faroole should loose and Ikajiir should become the new leader.

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Originally posted by Peace Action:

Gen. Ilkajiir waa geesi ann geed loogu soo gaban, in my opinion a better polical leader than Faroole. Next election, Faroole should loose and Ikajiir should become the new leader.

I agree, he should be commended along with VP for their tough no nonsense stance.

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Government Forces Fight Militants in Northeast Somalia

New York Times..


Published: August 9, 2010



NAIROBI, Kenya — Government forces in the semiautonomous Somali region of Puntland have made two military offensives against allies of the Shabab militant group, trying to drive back insurgent fighters who have been gaining ground in a comparatively stable area of northeastern Somalia.


Puntland said that at least 18 militants and 3 government soldiers were killed Sunday in fierce fighting in mountain villages along the northern coast, near the port town of Boosaaso. Hundreds of government troops, along with dozens of armed civilians who volunteered to join the fight, stormed the rebel-controlled villages, Puntland officials said.


The firefight — the second in two weeks — began early and subsided by nightfall, officials said, adding that militants had been pushed deeper into the mountains by Monday morning.


Although Puntland is home to pirates and human-trafficking groups, it has also been largely insulated from the warfare that has ravaged Somalia in recent years, making it a relative haven for aid groups. But a recently announced alliance between an insurgent commander and Shabab militants has raised fears that militants could destabilize the region.


The warlord, Sheik Mohamed Said Atom, said last month that he would fight the Puntland government until it agreed to impose strict Islamic law.


Mr. Atom also declared that “we are members of the Shabab,” conservative Islamists who control much of southern Somalia and claimed responsibility for deadly bombings in Uganda in July.


Mr. Atom’s fighters, based in the mountains, have been assassinating local officials and recruiting young jihadists in an attempt to overthrow the government in Puntland, which is run by a clan-based administration.


On Monday, the Shabab announced they were banning three Christian aid groups from their territory, saying the groups had been spreading their “corrupted ideologies in order to taint the pure creed of the Muslims in Somalia,” according to news reports from the Somali capital, Mogadishu.


The three prohibited groups are World Vision, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, and Diakonia.


In a statement, World Vision said that Shabab members had occupied the organization’s offices, disarmed the guards and taken their keys. World Vision said it had suspended operations in south central Somalia, but said operations in the north of the country would continue.


The group said the accusations of proselytizing were false.


“World Vision is a Christian organization, motivated by its faith to help children, families and communities living in poverty, but the organization also has specific policies that prohibit proselytizing,” the group said.

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Somalia: Puntland forces conquer militants hideout "Galgala"

9 Aug 9, 2010 - 4:50:53 AM


Authorities in Somalia’s semi-autonmous state of Puntland say its forces have successfully captured Galgala Mountains in the war against militants linked to Al-Qaeda-inspired Al-Shabaab.


The army launched the offensive more than a week ago to annihilate the militants, led by Mohamed Said Atom, who is on a UN Security Council watch list, from the mountainous region, which they wanted to transform it into African Tora Bora.


Authorities said that in offensives, the dozens of militants were killed, bringing a level of calm to the mountainous region. It is not however clear the exact figure of casualties from the clashes.


Reports indicate that security forces are carrying out security operations while sporadic gunfire can still be heard in the far areas.


Garowe Online will bring every details of this developing story as soon as it gets out.



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I wholeheartedly congratulate our armed forces for a job well done so far, in Galgala. Now that ATAM has directly laid himself open to the unanswerable charge of usurpation and has been forced to run for dear life; I believe-- once he is ensnared like the little scoundrel he is-- he must be brought back to Bosaaso and then publicly hang by the scrotum, for all to see, what fate awaits anyone who thinks they can get away with disturbing the peace in Puntland, with such perfect impunity.

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^^^So its "Islamic" to place mines on public roads, assasinate offciials and create mayhem in a peacefull place all for ones ambition?


Puntland security is not harsh enoguh...

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M/weyne ku xigeenka Puntland Gen. C/samad C.
Shire oo aan waraysanay isaga oo ku sugan Galgala, sheegayna in ay ku raadjoogaan ciidankii taabacsanaa Maxamed Siciid Atam.

- [...]


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Originally posted by Haatu:

Mr.Somalia that would just create public anger as that is unislamic.

Really? You think... :D


Sorry, but I am one of those people who don't think it "unIslamic" to kill a chicken in order to scare the monkeys, if you get my drift!- I for one, recognize that ONLY a harsh punitive form of justice, will keep other would-be ATAMites from embarking upon similar misadventures in the future and prevent them from daring to take advantage of the general indifference --to the detriment the state-- that most Puntlanders seem to have towards local troublemakers.


I believe, ONLY when draconian legal measures are firmly planted in Puntland, will the enemies of our state finally grasp that Puntland means business when it comes to fully ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.

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"Puntland waxay mas'uul ka tahay dalka & dadka, qodobka 1-aad ee mas'uuliyadeeda ahi waxaa weeye in ay dalka nabad ku hayso keyf maa yumkin" Garaad C/llahi Cali Ciid (GO) ...


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Ciidanka dawlada Puntland oo qabsaday Galgala iyo deegaanka ku xeeran; wafti ka socda Puntland oo kormeeraya goobaha dagaalku ka dhacay.


Bossaso, Aug 09 - Dagaal socday muddo 24 saac ah ayaa ciidanka Puntland ay ku qabsadeen buuraleyda Galgala. Xiriir aan la samaynay saraakiil ka tirsan ciidanka daraawiishta Puntland ee furinta dagaalka, madaxtooyada Puntland ee Bossaso iyo qaar dadka ku nool deegaanka ayaa xaqiijiyey.


Dagaalka ayaa u dhexeeyey ciidanka dawlada Puntland iyo kuwa taabacsan wadaadka mayalka adag ee Sh. Maxamed Siciid Atam oo muddo sannado ah Galgali ay saldhig u ahayd.


Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee Puntland Gen. C/llahi Axmed Jaamac 'Ilkajiir' oo ka waramay dagaalka saaka ayaa sheegay in ciidanka Puntland ay abaara 9:00 subaxnimo la wareegeen Galgala; khasaaraha dagaalka ayaa uu sheegay in uu ahaa mid kooban.


M/weynaha Puntland C/raxmaan M. Faroole oo u waramay laanta af-Somaliga ee BBC-da ayaa sheegay in saaka subaxnimadii hore ay ciidanka Puntland qabsadeen Galgala iyo nawaaxigeeda, ayna sugi doonaan amniga deegaanka ku xeeran.


M/weyne Faroole waxaa uu sheegay in walow aan la hayn tiro koob dhab ah ee khasaaraha dhimasho iyo dhaawac ee labada dhinac, in tiro ku dhow 50 laga dilay ciidanka Sh. Atam halka sida uu sheegay aanay jirin wax dhimasho ah oo dhinaca ciidanka Puntland ka soo gaaray dagaalka maanta.


Mar uu ka hadlay qorshaha fog ee dawladiisa ee ku aadan amniga Puntland ayaa uu sheegay in laga sifayn doono Puntland kooxaha mayalka adag ee sida uu sheegay ka mas'uulka ah xasilooni darida ka taagan koonfruta Somaliya.


Waxaa uu intaa ku daray in ay jireen dad badan oo lagu qabtay Galkacyo iyo Garowe oo ka soo talaabay koonfurta Somaliya, una socday in ay taageeraan ciidanka ka dagaalamaya buuraleyda Galgala.


Dhinaca kale afhayeen u hadlay Sh. Atam oo saxaafada qaar taleefan kula soo xiriiray ayaa sheegay in aan laga guulaysan, balse ay dib u garasho xeel dagaal uga baxeen Galgala, ay diidayeen in dhibaato soo gaarto dadka shacabka ah, ayna qorshaynayaan rogaal celis dagaal oo xeeladaysan.


Warar aan al xaqiijin ayaa sheegay in ciidamo tiro yar oo uu hogaaminayo Sh. Atam ay u talaabeen gobolka Sanaag.


Dawlada Puntland ayaa ku eedaysay Sh. Atam in uu gacansaar la leeyahay ururka Al-shabaab ee ka dagaalama koonfureed ee Somaliya, uuna ka mas'uul ahaa dilalka iyo qaraxyada ka dhaca gobollada Puntland.


Sh. Atam ayaa ku eedeeya hoggaanka Puntland in aanay Muslim ahayn, ayna u adeegaan cadwawga Islaamka; hore ayaa uu u qirtay in uu xiriir joogta la leeyahay Al-shabaab, walow uu gadaal ka beeniyey xiriir ka dhexeeya isaga iyo Al-shabaab.


Sh. Atam ayaa ku dooday in dagaalkiisu uu ku salaysan yahay ilaalinta deegaanka, walow uu sheegay in uu doonayo nidaam Islaami ah oo uu ka yagleelo dhulka uu ku sugan yahay; calanka ay caanka ku yihiin Al-shabaab ayaa lagu arkay tuulooyink ka mid ah gobolka Bari.


Wadahadalo nabadeed oo ay hormood ka ahaayeen nabadoonada iyo Isimada gobolku ayaan mira dhalin, walow lagu hanweynaa in si nabad ah lagu xallilo dhibta Galgala, mase noqon.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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