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Why would a Somaliland MP say this?

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A Somaliland MP named C/qadir Max'd Xasan (Indhoindho) was part of a Somaliland delegation that came to Laascaanood to partake in the ongoing funeral for Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac (Allaha u naxaristo). After returning to Somaliland, he talked with the media and said some things that forced Axmed Xasan Cali (Casoowe), Somaliland justice minister, to respond. Below is part of the interview, which has been posted on many pro-Somaliland websites:


Markaa waxa layaab ila noqotay oo igu keliftay inaan shirkan idinku waco nin Xildhibaan ah oo la yidhaahdo Cabdiqaadir Maxamed Xasan (Indhoindho) oo Saxaafada warsiiyey, waxyaabaha aan.


Warkaas ka saluugay waxa ka mid ahaa, Ciidamada Somaliland ayaanu kormeernay oo niyad jab weyni ka muuqday, Ciidanka Puntland-na wuu ka mooral fiicnaa wuuna ka nidaamsanaa & Dawlada Puntland baa ka wanaagsanayd Somaliland.Waxa kale oo uu ku daray warka uu Haatuf & Qarannews siiyey Dawlada Somaliland waanu ka dhuumanaynayoo hadii ay na ogaan lahayd noomay ogolaateen oo wey na carqaladeyn lahayd.

So, my question is this: Why would a member of Somaliland's parliament say such things? Mr. Casoowe responded by saying that he was surprised, but didn't really delve into the why MP C/qadir "Indhoindho" spoke to media and publicly said such things.


I await from the eagerly pro-Somaliland folks here to offer an explanation.

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my friend the so called puntland were no where to be seen while a whole possy of somaliland delegates swarmed the city for the funeral, the truth is the town of lascanood is not worthy of a larger conflict between the two sides thats why each side has put it to the back burner, the war is between garowe and lascanood these days check the news and whats happenning my friend.



somaliland has good reason to play the patience game :D

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Waryaa Qurac, you have been following the news lately or what?


Garoowe and laascaanood are brotherly city's in fact they're unseparatable twin cities, so what are you talking about?


Tommorrow inshallah check when the President of Puntland and Vice President comes to visit to laascaanood.


Yes you said that there was a 'large' delegation at the funeral but these were native ones together with some elders from togdheer.


What a 'joker', he said that puntland were "no where to be seen", a complete lie because the city and it's nearby surroudings were full of ciidanka daraawiishta iyo booliska Puntland.


How did the delegation come to laascaanood, they were given special 'permission' to enter the city by Xaabsade, the interior minister!


Otherwise aricadeeye may soo dhaafi lahayn, lol.

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While not losing sight of the original post, I know Qudac would enjoy this news article. Puntland's top leaders arrived in LA, today.


As for Somaliland its claim to this part of the world SSC, is finished even those die hard seperetist are building their dreams in the triangle that is Burco-Berbera-Hargaysa.



Laascaanood: Madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo kuxigeenkiisa oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay Laascaanood.

- Thursday, February 16, 2006 at 10:03


Laascaanood(AllPuntland)- Madaxwaynaha dawlad goboleedka Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Cadde) iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo uu kamid yahay madaxwayne kuxigeenkiisa Xasan Daahir Maxamuud (Afqurac) iyo wasiiro ka tirsan Puntland ayaa maanta dadwayne boqolaal ah oo ay hor kacayaan maamulka gobolka Sool iyo degmadu ay kusoo dhaweeyeen halka laga galo magaalada Laascaanood.


Wafdigan ayaa waxay ujeedada safarkoodu tahay ka qayb qaadashada Tacsida Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac oo dhawaan ku geeriyooday dalka Jabouti, laguna aasay magaalada Laascaanood.


Ehelladii Marxuum Garaad C/qani ayay wafdigu ugu tageen halkii ay kusugnaayeen , waxayna uga tacsiyadeeyeen Geerida naxdinta leh ee kutimid Garaadka.


Madaxwaynaha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyay kusugnaa magaalada Gaalkacyo , halkaasi oo ay kawadeen hawlaha dawladda oo ay kamid tahay ayagoo soo afjaray doorashadii golaha deegaanka Gaalkacyo


Socdaalka wafdigan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli ay jirto cabasho la xiriirta xagga mushaaraadka ah oo ay sheeganayaan ciidanka daraawiishta ee kusugan jiidda hore ee Aricaddeeye.


Madaxwaynaha iyo kuxigeenkiisa inta ay joogaan magaalada Laascaanood , waxay magaalada Laascaanood ka qaban doonaan hawlo la sheegay inay ku jiraan golaha deegaanka Laascaanood oo aan wai lagu dhawaaqin.


Waa markii ugu horaysay ee wafdi intaasi le'eg oo ka socda Puntland ay hal mar wada tagaan magaalada Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool.


Axmed Suufi


AllPuntland, Laascaanood

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Sumxaana ALLAH.


This is about funeral (jinaasad) guys. Fear ALLAH and let the guy rest in peace. There is no place for politics in this topic. Somali people in general lost great man and we should pray for him, mourn his death and celebrate his legacy accordingly.



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Garaad C/qani (Allaha u naxaristo) isn't the topic here dude. Chillax.




Did you see these reports or are we to believe Cadde/Afqurac got the red-carpet treatment in Laascaanood? People are growing sick and tired of this inept and corrupt administration (not to mention Col Yeey's interference).


Maxaa Sababay In Lagu Mudaharaado Waftigii Madaxweynaha iyo Ku Xigeenkiisa Ee Soo Gaadhay Laascaanood? (


Mudoharaad Looga soo Horjeedo Cadde Muuse oo ka socda Laascaanood

(WidhWidh Online)


As far as the topic, it seems no one has any answers. Why would a Somaliland MP say the morale of the SL militia is low compared to that of PL? More importantly, why spend over 50% of SL's meager revenue on a militia force that's demoralized (according to the MP)? :confused:


Let's not change the topic, fadlan.

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^^^ Indeed there where demonstration as reports indicate and why not, people have aright to support and also not to.


As for the topic, SL army if it had any reason or might it would not be stuck in the middle of no where. Their army I was once told was formidable and could even reach Garowe. It seems now that corruption has had a dramatic effect on the army as well as nation that calls itself Somaliland.

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The question isn't whether there were demonstrations or not (obviously, there were and people have every right to do so). The question is: Will Cadde/Afqurac do something to alleviate the peoples' grievances?


Originally posted by General Duke:

Their army I was once told was formidable and could even reach

:D Wishful thinking, I suppose. Threats over BBC airwaves has been transformed into a work of art in some circles.


I think Dr Dre said it best: "Move units, then talk sh!t and we can do this."

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It looks like that guy is denying the allegation.



"In hawlahaas lagallaa waa wixii uu Garoowe uga yimi ee wasiirka lagaga dhigay inuu habeen iyo maalinba ku dhawaaqo ereyo xaabsade iyo cadhys ayaan la xidhiidhaa" sidaa waxa yidhi xildhibaan C/qaadir Indho oo ka mida Golah guurtida waxaana u Qoraal soo Gaadhsiiyay Hadhwanaagnews. Feb-16-2006


“Waxa la eegidoona waxa uu Rayaale ka yeelo……….Puntland-ta Hargeysa joogta isaga kow ka ahâ€



Hargeysa(HWN):-Xildhibaan c/qaadir (idho indho) oo ka mida Golaha Guurtida jamhuuriyada somaliland kana soo jeeda Gobolka SOOL, kana mid ahaa xubnihii ka qeyg galay aaskii loo sameeyey marxuum Garaad C/qani Garaad jaamac oo dhawaan ka dhacay magaalad Laascanood ee Gobolka sool.


Xaildhibaan c/qaadir oo ka jawaabayey shirjaraa’id oo uu qabtay wasiirka cadaalada somaliland casoowe ayaa qoraal uu ka soo saaray shirkaa jaraa’id waxa uu ku tilmaamay “ waxaan qabaa inuu wasiirka cadaaladu uu naga sheegay war aan sal iyo raadtoona lahayn†xildhibaanku isagoo ka jawaabayey shirkiijaraa’id ee uu xafiiskiisa ku qabtay ee uu ku yidhi wasiirku “Ciidamada somaliland baan kormeernay oo niyad jabweynbaa ka muuqday, ciidamada putland-na way ka moral wanaagsanaayeen dawlada somaliland waanu ka dhuumanay oo hadii ay na ogaan lahayd way na carqaladayn lahayd†taas oo uu xildhibaanku ku tilmaamay mid aan sal iyo raadtoona lahayn.


Xildhiban c/qaadir waxa uu sidaa ku sheegay qoraal uu soo gaadhsiiyey xafiiska shabakada Hadhwanaag ee magaalada Hargeysa., waxaanu qoraalkiisii u u dhignaa sedan oo uu yidhi “ilaahow haa iyo maya meel hanagaga wada yeedhsiin ayey soomaalidu tidhaahdaa, markaa madaxweynaha tacsi noo dhiibay iyo waa inoo hargeysa isma qabtaan. Mana fiicna wax marka hore la qarinayo iyo qirashadan danbe wasiirada hadalkaygii kumaan sheegin manaan xusin, imika ma ogolaanayo inaan sheego, isaga qaar uga lexejeclo badan somaliland iyo sool-ba inuu yidhaahdo waxa nala hadlay c/laahi darawal, yuu ka soo duwin ragii hadalka yidhi, oo aanu ku duwin kuwii aan sheegay, waxaan leeyahay masabidka wasiirku ha iska daayo, oo haduu hadlayo ha ka hadlo caddalada xukuumaa iyo puntland muwaadiniinta u dhiibayaa cadaw shisheeye ayaa jira.


Wasiirka cadaaladu been aan sal iyo raadtoona lahayn ayuu iga sheegay, waana wax lala yaabo inuu ku qariyo ceebtan aan sal iyo raadka toona lahayn ee uu ku leeyaha ciidanbaa la kormeeray iyo way dayacnaayeen, anigu maan odhan.


In hawlahaas lagallaa waa wixii uu Garoowe uga yimi ee wasiirka lagaga dhigay inuu habeen iyo maalinba ku dhawaaqo ereyo xaabsade iyo cadhys ayaan la xidhiidhaa


Waxaanu ahayn rag baddan kaligayna maanu ahayn, isaganaa nagu yidhi cid na dirsatay iyo cid iyo cid wax inoo soo sheegtay ma jirto, Rag iskood u tagaaya ayeynu nahay reer somaliland waxan leeyahay wasiirka ka ilaashada maxaabiistiina ah ee jeelasha ku xidhan inaanu puntland idinka geynin.


Waxaad eegtaan qodobka 35aad ee dasduurka ee sheegaya inaan muwaadin loo dhiibin dawlad shisheeye, haddii cadaaladii loo dhiibay tahay been, ma sabidaad iyo sharciga oo lagu tunto, waxa la eegidoona waxa uu Rayaale ka yeelo Puntland-ta Hargeysa joogta isaga kow ka ahâ€


Wariye: Mustafe-Janaale

Hadhwanaagnews Reporter

Hargeysa, Somaliland

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The question isn't whether there were demonstrations or not (obviously, there were and people have every right to do so). The question is: Will Cadde/Afqurac do something to alleviate the peoples' grievances?

Good question, though I doubt they will address the real problem of corruption and incompetence .

Its been a month since Cade was going to declare his new cabinet.

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First we had the kid Orgi now this flat-foot with another "istubidh question thread" about SL. Silly season came early I suppose.

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^^ Dude, all the threads in the politics section are istubidh. I dont so see how this one is particularly silly.

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Maxaad isla cuncunsaysaa? Relax, kid. If you don't like the topic, don't respond. After all, you have that right. Better yet, as far as your pipedream is concerned, endulge yourself in this. :D




I just read your post, sxb. Confusing story of the he say/she say brand, I suppose. But the hell is the dude talking about when he says this:


Waxaad eegtaan qodobka 35aad ee dasduurka ee sheegaya inaan muwaadin loo dhiibin dawlad shisheeye, haddii cadaaladii loo dhiibay tahay been, ma sabidaad iyo sharciga oo lagu tunto,
waxa la eegidoona waxa uu Rayaale ka yeelo Puntland-ta Hargeysa joogta isaga kow ka ah


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As far as I know everybody is entitled to their opinion whether they address the truth or not. Those were his words,because that is the way he felt, however, I don't understand why you guys are making an argument out of it. Have you run out of things to say here?


I must also say few words to Yen/Yonis.Kid go find something else to waste your time and breath on. If you are looking for attention, I don't think this is the right place to do it. Anyways, you are no reporter in this site copying and pasting articles , who do you think you are, Duke? the ultimate reporter of SOL.


In my opinion, your postings are very critical because they are one dimensional in which you seem to always direct towards one particular region and its inhabitants. If you are seeking answers ask better questions, but to ask what a meaningless politician says doesn't help us answer your meaningless questions. :rolleyes:


Asalamu Calaykum.

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Originally posted by Red Sea Casse:



As far as I know everybody is entitled to their opinion whether they address the truth or not. Those were his words,because that is the way he felt, however, I don't understand why you guys are making an argument out of it. Have you run out of things to say here?


I must also say few words to Yen/Yonis.Kid go find something else to waste your time and breath on. If you are looking for attention, I don't think this is the right place to do it. Anyways, you are no reporter in this site copying and pasting articles , who do you think you are, Duke? the ultimate reporter of SOL.


In my opinion, your postings are very critical because they are one dimensional in which you seem to always direct towards one particular region and its inhabitants. If you are seeking answers ask better questions, but to ask what a meaningless politician says doesn't help us answer your meaningless questions. :rolleyes:


Asalamu Calaykum.

Bro Red Sea

You give the brothers very valuable advices, to spend their times more wisely, you only needed to extent this priceless advices to all brothers who to this particular thread at least.


Waad salaamantahay

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