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No to ethiopia(axmar/xabash) - Yes to peace

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I have been in shock these days how some somalis are defending there support for ethiopia. The feirce enemenity betwene the amhara and the somalis have been known for a thousand of years. Begenning with Imam Ahmed ibn ghazi (gurray) capture of most of ethipia to now. It's sad that even we as somalis are veen debating weather we want ethopian troops in our countrey.



Sadly some see Uganda a poor african nation hit by aids. When I heard about Aida and Uganda I thought it was the old somali way of seing people of Uganda as "blacks/jareer), But this wanst the case, The warlords are true, Uganda has aids rate of 33%. third of teh peopluation. If 10 000 jareer with aids came this would couse enermous problems.


Overlooking aids, how will a poor african nation help somlaia when they even couldt help darfur?


May Allah help us all.


The way I see it, A force from Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen and Saudi-arabia would do the work good as these are reagional players.

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