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Kismayu; Clan courts and local elders find no common ground..

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Inkastoo kaftan iga ahayd, hadalkayga guess ka fog waadna ogtahay. ;)


Teeda kale waxaan xasuustaa berri dhawayd yaad Puntland aaday..? How was it?

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Kashafa, maya bro :D ...that's good enought now!


Laakiin Kashafow meeshani wax aan rag aqoon baa jooga...oppose thier warlord and you would be accused of all sorts of crimes. Waan yaabannahay adeer.

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^^Ninyahow inaad xaq ku taagan tahay waxaa kuu cadeynaya dadkaan kugu dhagan, sababtoo ah qabiilkooda ninka hogaamiya ayaad wax ka sheegtay darteed. Marka iska sabir, oo ilaahey agtiisa ajar xisaabso, hadii kale jooji waxa aad wadid oo nacamle noqo, danbina ka dharag markaas.


Koley wuu kula taliyay Alle-ubaahne. Waxaana intaas kuugu darayaa inaadan noqon dadka uu afkooda iyo ficilkooda is khilaafaan, jihaadka gal awoowe, si aan kuugu soo duceeyo markaad shahiidid, ama aan kuugu dayano, maadaama aad naga weyn tahay!

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lol@oppose their warlord.....yacnii warlord-kootha waaye yaah. Elected representative of the Tol :D . "Dagnabit, he's MY warlord, faraha ka qaad" lol. The way I see it, Somali warlord/tribal politics is very similar to the Democrat vs Republican scene we have here in the US of A. Oppose Bush(or any Republican warlord) on any issue, and you'll be hit with negative ads painting you as pink commie weak-knee'dd liberal. Vice-versa with the Dems.


SOL's readership isn't dumb tho, they can tell passionate partisans from balanced honest debators, so rest easy, ur quest for Ugaas-nimo is still on track.


Waqtul Afur approaches, caawa waa 27...halaga fai'idaysto, inshallah

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^^27 of Ramadan. Very good reminder!


Kashafa, I have conceded SOL's Ugaasnimo to Nur bro! If you meant by the Reer Main one tho, it's too dangerous to vye for it nowadays saaxiib. Meesha ha igu dilin. :D


Alle-ubaahane, good advice saaxiib!


edit: Afur wanaagsan all.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^we need someone to support you on this one!

To be sure, here are the charges that you are fleeting in this wholy month of Ramadan:


1-Xiin hates certian clans in Kismayo.

2-Xiin is munaafaq.


Do you agree those are your charges against Xiin?


If you do, then i forgive you bro but you are wrong. Barre is a warlord whose demise we all wanted! Those who are crying for his retreat have no good reason except clannish emotions overpowered them. Xiin has no particular warlord to support! If i am tribalist i would be in baydhoba fighting for the old man adeer...


Some times waan ku naxaa saad u xamaasaysantahy wallaahi!

Xiin, brother, waxba ha gubanin, I have remarkable powers of observation and thru your so-called "analytical" posts of Kismayo I sensed the fact that there were clear evidence of strong bias against certain ppl and your messages were entirely partial and made no attempt to be objective. That is how your messages is been recieved at my end.


Brother, as you are entitled to have your own views I also have my own so dont get scared when you see my reactions, instead think of what trigered off. Sxb, whatever in your hearts (intention) Allah s.w. Knows so I dont know what is in your heart, rather I judge you based on your actions. Point #1 anyone can see it, shaki kuma jirto dib u jaleeco qoraaladaada with critical eyes this time and you will see it, cid wax ku haysata malaha akhee, #2 anigu ma ku dhihin munaafaq, xaasha lilaah! bil ramadan weeye mana ku dhihin sxb, meeshan kugu iri soo saar. FYI wax xamasad ahi ima hayaan waxaaduna waa dhalecayn toosa, waana dulmi waxaasi, I have my families in Kismayo and I dont want them to be harmed in any way. So haddii daacadi ka tahay Kismayana ka fakiraysid gar Illahay bay taqaane ee xaalada runta ka sheeg ama ka gaabso, remember fansur akhaka thaaliman ow mathluman. :D


Anyway, I honsetly forgive you brother, and I hope you do the same. So lets agree to desagree, right?


Wa salam


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lol@bururay. Bilaawe maad u dhiibi?


Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

The irony of this tread is sickly sweet; while good Horn brag about the recognition of the courts to his community and how central they are to the Kismayo equation little does he know that the local’s reported discontent with the courts lies in these very appointments and how the Kismayo admin is arranged! In other words it didn’t sit well with them that the mayor of the city, the police commission, and the airport went to a people other then them! They wanted it all! They think it’s theirs and theirs only. Their objection is however a one of a technicality rather of fundamentality! Most locals agree with Courts that Barre’s exit was a heavenly bliss, and Kismayo is better off with him and his gangs. So much for this newly found tol that Duke and Horn seem to have discovered since Kismayo’s fall .

Shaw hadii coalition forces in Kabul magacaabaan Congolese boy to the airport commissioner, would tolkiisa know it’s Kabul airport not Kinshasa?


Kashafa: Thanks for the reminder laakiin I’m afraid dadaa dagaal dhiig iyo iskudir Muslim kaga mashquulay faa’iidadaad ka warameysid. Ninaa horey u yiri, no free pass at all.

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Ma quuste warxume tashiil la wareege. I dare you back up your accusation or terminate your habitual ways of casting blank allegation.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

Shaw hadii coalition forces in Kabul magacaabaan Congolese boy to the airport commissioner, would tolkiisa know it’s Kabul airport not Kinshasa?

I don't see how they would name a Congolese (and infact they didn't :D ) but why do you think the administration named from Mogadishu was that way? Remember, the forces (read militias) are the ones I had a problem with, but I never doubted the justice and fairness of the good wadaads in Muqdisho oo xaqa u socdo, baadilkana rabin!

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Hadrawi(when confronted with the inherent difficulties of Somali nomadic culture where one’s political thoughts are measured and aligned with the perceived interests of his tribe) chanted his own heroic deeds in the following defiant verses:


Inta aan gar- waaqsaday intaan, garasho diidaayo

Inta laygu gaad gaadayaa, iiga geed ba'ane

Cishaday gabnowdiyo intay, gelinba heerjoogtey

Girif-giriftu way igu badnayd, gu'iyo jiilaale

Inaan gaabsho mooyiye cishana, tayda maan gabine

Galka seefta kuma haysan jirin, maalin gulufeede

Misna geeladay, gocoraday, iiga gaws kulule


Goonbaartu eelkay dhigtaba, gaari baw xidhane

Godobteedu waxay saarantahay, meelo aan geyine

God markaan daboolaba far baa, laygu godayaaye

Nin gefaaba lay tirinayaa, garasho waa yaabe

Waxan ahay nin lagu saan gatoon, raadba soo geline

Garraantayda qaar iyo, lag iyo, gaasas baa necebe

Gabbashayda duul iyo badh iyo, goosan baan rabine

Haddaan gaasho yeeshana dar bay, gawl la leedahaye

Hadba waxaan ku guul seegayaa, lama garaystaane



^^The man opposed Barre’s regime not out of clannish reasons but out of true patriotic convictions. It was not convenient for him to cut short of his academic life and leave to join what he thought to be a genuine armed opposition against Barre’s dictatorial regime. When he composed his famous ‘Hargaysa ma toostay’ poem to celebrate that city’s uprising against the milatery regime, some have interpreted it as a clear partisan siding with his clan. How could one oppose and fight against the regime and yet convey his political views without being marked as an angry tribalist was the quandary Hadrawi found himself in. To remain true to his political consciousness but explain it in layman’s terms, Hadrawi composed his sole ‘gabay’ called Gud-gude. He did not apologize for bearing armies or for being part of a violent resistance against Barre’s regime. But he did lay down a clear political philosophy of his as to why he did what he did! The best self-tazkiyah I have ever seen. His doubters however did not buy his explanations. Still it lost not in vain as I, and many like-minded latecomers, reaped its yields.


Likewise, although one would be destined to fall short in his effort to explain to Allamagan and Horn the possibility for one to perfectly be genuine and honest in his political analysis and observation without slightest clannish considerations, to rationally challenge the popular perception of reaching political triumph by gathering few nomadic militias from a distant land with which to capture a city is still a valid point to make, perhaps not for them but for the larger readership in SOL! To convince them that their clan, or any community for that matter, is bigger than a single warlord and his militia may not be a realistic goal to achieve in the immediate after math of Kismayo’s fall, but to at least teach them that not everyone’s political thoughts formulate from a pure clannish basis is! Anyone with a sizable intelligence should be able to detect these blatant absurdities. I know! But you can’t possibly disagree with one’s political experience---you could only disagree with one’s opinion. If what these chaps know and their frame of reference is their clan and its perceived interest then they are not reasonably to blame. In fact, as bro Allamagan rightly said, he and Horn have every right to voice their views and political sincerities---however wrong. We shouldn’t ridicule them for charging me with tribalism when I predicted, for instance, that warlord Hiiraale will loose his grip on Kismayo. Hadrawi, in his ‘Life’s Secrets’, advices against blaming people for the genuine yields of their brainpower:


Garashadu Sahraay ruuxa

Sed u gaara weeyaane

Hadduu saamigaas yeeshay

Qurux ma leh saluuggeedu .


Similarly, I shall learn how to live with Allagan’s and bro Horn’s wrong views on me! I shall always and promptly forgive them :D for they are not to blamne!

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goes directly to my old friend, namely the said
Mr. XiinFaniin
, who, as I said it, in another thread, would of have won, the prize that goes to the person, who have the most temerity to swap political shirt, in a drop of a hat, without even blushing, for such a soul-destroying feet of political dress-crossing in the open and in the company of polite society....


Consequently, you, my dear,
Mr. Xiinfaniin
remind me, or at least your conduct do so, what was said a long time ago, about the spectacle of
political opportunism
at it's most truism sense; particularly if one recalled, that it was thus, a practitioner of this political cross-dressing, who once said:


This is my political principle,...but if you object to it, I can also have different ones for your convenience.

So said Good Oodweyn :D

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Xiinoow i took that as a sarcastic comment! xaqiiqda jirta ee Kismaayo & sida maxkamadaha ku soo galeen waad ogtahay balse sida la yiraa qof meel u muuqato meel u madoow... , qof kasta wuxuu yahay Allihiisa og, ma ahan in la iska doono ama si fiican wax loo xar-xardho. Si kastaba ha ahaatee waan jeclaan lahaa inaan kaaga jawaabo qoraalkaadan & gabaygaadaba balse markaan isku noqday waxaan goostay in aan kaaga haro. So, walaal quluubta qofka Illaah baa raacda so adiga lee waaye, da mic is yours! :D !


Ciid Wanagsan bruv!

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^Xoogsade iyo rag kale oo u sacab-tumo mar alle markuu laba kalmadood dhanka Muqdisho u tuuro ayuu dadka kale moodey. :D


Aniguba la doodi maayo; Cabdulaahine waan aqaan waxuu ku nacay, maxkamadahane waa hubaal inuusan taageeradi uu awal u hayey inuusan haatan u hayn sababtay taa ku timidne waan aqaaaaaaaaaaaan. :D

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