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Kismayu; Clan courts and local elders find no common ground..

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LOL@Allamagan. Xiniinyaa ka buuxa laakiin qabiil baa sii ba'an shiddo kuugu hayya bro! Xiin iyo Xasan waa isku cid aa hadda noo keentay.. :D


Sophist, I share your concern about Cadde’s shady deals and I will contribute IA (caawa)! It seems inay dad ooman meeshii qabsadeen…


Recently one of my friends went to Puntland and actually met with Cadde. In his (my friend’s) account, Cadde has gone crazy about this exploration thing :D ! Allah knows his intentions but how he went about it smells corruption and nepotism to me.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

LOL@Allamagan. Xiniinyaa ka buuxa laakiin qabiil baa sii ba'an shiddo kuugu hayya bro! Xiin iyo Xasan waa isku cid aa hadda noo keentay..

Xiin, sxb iisheg meeshan ku iri adiga & Xassan wa isku cid. Xasan waa nin O ah adigana waxaad tahay nin reer bari ka soo jeeda ee ha leexleexin jarahabaabinta ka daa dulucda qoraalkaygii waad ogsoon tahay waxay ahayd oo ahayd I quote:

Preparations are underway from Nairobe and beyond to send a delegation of support to go to Kismayo and show their gratitude to the courts and their willingness to work with them to secure the city.

Anoo taas ka jawaabaya waxaana qoraalkayga ku iftiinshay farxadaadii ahayd inaad ku faraxsan tahay kana war dhowraysid dad Kenya u qayla dhaansaday (yaa reer hebela) oo magaalada ku soo socda si aay usii adkeeyaan amnigeeda Hadaan qaldanay isheeg adeer waxad qortay ayan ka hadlay sxb.


Tan kale, qabyaalad adiga weeye ninkaay ka buuxdo marna wadaad isaga kaaya dhiga marna qabiil u dooda. Anyone, oo old SOL ah wuu ku ogyahay markaa walaalkiis muska isaga soo bax.


Anniga dulmi ma ogoli, qabiilkaygana uma ogoli inaay dulmiyaan Illaahna waa ogyahay, balse adiga waxaad meesha la soo taagnayd waa la arkay sidii adigoo Kismayo reerkiinu leeyihiin oo aad soomali oodhan ka xigtid. Sxb, aqri oo dib ugu noqon qoraaladaada waad arki.

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^^ Xiin reer Bari ma aha adeer! i love them reer Bari though; skillful and cool people!


Stop the guesswork saaxiib.


Edit: i understand inaadan nin xun ahayn ee xilli xamaasadeed baa lagu jira. Emotions are running high no doubt! If you really care Kismayo paricipate its developments and support the peace it got.

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Xiin ciyaalka xaafadda waaye :D Haye aboow xiin, ii waran saxib? maalmahaan la isma arkin, sidee tahay bro? Anigaba galtiyaan mar u maleen jiray. His excellent somali fooled me.

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^^Xoogga, ninkaan iga qabo saaxiib wallaahi caadiyuu igu bururay :D ! with all the argumenst he could elequently make Xiin waa qabiilistu lasoo shirtagaayaa. Cajaa'ib! :D

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Xiinoow, I am actually fed up with your usual heavy sarcasm and smear campaign to discredit a whole nation and portrait them like outsiders and unwanted in the region sxb. It is about my perception about you as a "hater" rather than "neutral" and honest :D . See you never seen me have a go at other ppl who criticise or agaist Barre. Each individual is free to expres his/her opinion, but when I smell something covert, then I have to highlight it and let the world know.


Honestly, speaking I am not qabilist, and I am not that bad or the way you put me there but I hate when I see people use qabiil in the name of islam on some flimsy pretext. I am in for Shareecada Islaamka 100% and no doubt about that. However, my support for maxkamadaha had been severely weakened by their actions and thier bush-like-policy.


Abti, I care about Kismayo, my family lives there and have been living there for the last half century some are known individuals (hoteliers & business ppl), some recently came there to settle, so no doubt I care about Kismyao I fougt for it, I defended it, I sacrificed my life for it, I got killed and abbused and I still love it. So I hate when ppl desperately try to attempt to eliminate us from any political process of city when I am a force to be reckoned with :D

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Xiin ciyaalka xaafadda waaye
Haye aboow xiin, ii waran saxib? maalmahaan la isma arkin, sidee tahay bro? Anigaba galtiyaan mar u maleen jiray. His excellent somali fooled me.

Xoogsade, sxb, shariifka mar la wareystay wuxuu yiri waxa Kismayo kawada buuqa waa HARAADIGII SIYAAD BARRE, what is your opinion about it? sidee ku macnayn lahayd, fadlan waxaan rabaa inaan ogaado fikirkaada taas ku aadan. tnx!


Wa salam


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^^we need someone to support you on this one!

To be sure, here are the charges that you are fleeting in this wholy month of Ramadan:


1-Xiin hates certian clans in Kismayo.

2-Xiin is munaafaq.


Do you agree those are your charges against Xiin?


If you do, then i forgive you bro but you are wrong. Barre is a warlord whose demise we all wanted! Those who are crying for his retreat have no good reason except clannish emotions overpowered them. Xiin has no particular warlord to support! If i am tribalist i would be in baydhoba fighting for the old man adeer...


Some times waan ku naxaa saad u xamaasaysantahy wallaahi!

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Xiin filinkeesa anaa koo soo ogaaday, sxb


Xiin tol-ahaan waa Reer Rageedi weliba lafta Main Man. He's rumoured to be running for election as Ugaas against Shaykhuna Nur in the mid-term elections. Tough race, but most experts say he needs a few more years of seasoning :D , markaas kadib ka leexda lee waaye.


hadaba waa kaa, no more guesswork :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

If i am tribalist i would be in baydhoba fighting for the old man adeer...

Weren't you just before the Great Leap? :D


Allamagan, ninkaan warkiisa anaa kuu hayo. Cabdulahi waxuu la coloobey markuu Barre Hiiraale Jubbaland la gartay, wasiirkiisa gaashaandhigana ka dhigtay. Who knows, maybe ICUdana wuu la coloobey when they made the governor of Kismaayo city and the commissioner of Kismaayo airport the men he said have no place in Kismaayo because they are recent immigres (despite he himself said his father is from Puntland but came to Kismaayo because of the famous dabo-dheer drought in the 70's). :D


Of course, though, he cannot oppose the Courts now; how much more of a flip-flopper can an individual be? :D

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Xiin obviously needs no defence, but to accuse him of any hint of tribalism is really desperate business, unless of course those smiley faces mean tongue-in-cheek jokes, good-natured kaftan.


Xiin: thought you would get the joke, dee !! ma fasiraa ? :D hint: refer to Nur's Reer Qurac/Reer Qansax

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