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General Duke

Kismayu; Clan courts and local elders find no common ground..

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Odayaasha deegaanka magaalada Kismaayo iyo maxkamadaha oo is Afgaran waayey



Kismaayo, Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in is afgaranwaa uu ka dhex taagan yahay dadka deegaanka magaalada Kismaayo iyo malayshiyaadka maxaakiimta islaamiga ee dhowaan xooga kula wareegay magaalada Kismaayo.


Arintaan ayaa ka curatay maamul dhowaan laga soo magacaabay magaalada Muqdisho, oo laga sameeyey magaaalada Kismaayo, kaasi oo haba yaraateen cid laga soo darin dadka iska leh magaalada Kismaayo, taasi oo ay casho iyo mudahaaraad ay ku muujiyeen dadka degaanku.


Maxaakiinta oo markii ugu horaysay la shiray odayaasha magaalada Kismaayo ayaa odayaashu u sheegeen in magaalada Kismaayo, muddo 7 sano ay xooga kaga talinayey isbahaysigii dooxada Jubba xorna aysan u ahayn maamulka magaaladooda,waxayna weydiiyeen maxaakiimta inay xor u yihiin magaaladdooda iyo in kale? iyo weliba inay yihiin xoog kale oo kuwii xooga ku haystay xabad kaga eryooday meesha oo aysan waxba ku kala duwanayn


Arintaan ayaa maxaakiimtu kaga jawaabeen inay caddaalada horseedi doonaan dadka deegaankana ku wareejin doonaan maamulka magaalada, waxaase arintaasi soo afjarantay kolkii shalay gelinkii danbe shir laysugu yimid maxaakiimtuna ku caddeeyeen in magaalada qor caaradiis ku qabsadeen,cid ka tala gelinayaana aysan jirin, waxaa kale oo ay sheegeen inaysan wadan sabraloogo reer ku magacaabanyahay magaalada qabiil aysan ku shaqayn waa sida ay yiraahdeene.


Magaalada Kismaayo iyo gobolka shabeelada Hoose ayaa noqonaya labada gobol oo dadkii lahaa ilaa hadda xooga laga haysto marka la eego guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana magaalada Kismaayo lagu tilmaami karaa halka uu ka dhacay tacadigii ugu xumaa dalka Soomaaliya.


Xarunta Wararka

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Aniga waxaa la yaabay you've had no problem lately the other guy who co-occupied this city.


Awal Moorgan ayee ahayd, markuu Indhamadoowe ey isla wadaageena you tried to discredit him, saying he is powerless. I also remember kii meesha laga ceyriye markuu Moorgan ee iska horjeedeen inaad Moorgan la safneed.


Now, suddenly, kuwa hada qabsaday ayaa "occupier" ugu waceysaa. At least Xasan Turki has a legitimate claim since dadkiisa deeggaanka agagaarkiisa deggaan, laakiin kan kale meesha ka cararay oo ka yimid Galgaduud maxaa ugu shuqul leh meesha.


At least wadaada ku sheega dadka deeggaanka asal ahaan u dhashay, qabiilkee doonaan ha ahadeen, ayee u dhiibeen maamulka meesha.


I will ask you explicitly, and I hope you answer it unambiguously as well: Was not kan warlordka ahaa ee laga buriye magaalada a co-occupier, in league with Seeraar and Goobaale?


Yes or no, baliis.


Disregard mid Cabdillaahi Yuusuf uu la jiraa or mid wadaada ku sheega. The point of my enemy's enemy is my friend ma'aha now.


Taloow hadee Seeraar, Indhamadoowe and co. la jiri lahayeen Cabdillaahi Yuusuf, would you have sung another different song, by the way?


The people of Shabeellaha Hoose iyo Jubbooyinka ma'aha dad lagu meel gaaro. They have their own rights, too. Waa dad la dhibaateeye, oo xaq u leh inay maamulaan deegaankooda, ma'aha inaad mid la jirtid, kan kalena kasoo horjeedid because of bogus clan siyaasad.

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Tol deegaan ma kala xigo. You are saying Hiiraale is from Galgaduud not because you know he was born there but because that is the only place you want to bring together his tol.


Forget about the Gedo you also claim, but I hope you know both the Governor for Kismaayo city as well as the airport commissioner that were recently named are both from Hiiraale's sub-clan. Doesn't that show you how much of an unshakeable right they have to Kismaayo even from the perspective of others? Wallahi dad baa riyo ku jiro. :D


And you do not seem to have an iota of knowledge about Isbahaysiga Dooxada Jubba that even exists now and has even caused the Governor and Vice-Governor of Jilib to be expelled and the Governor of Bu'aale to welcome Barre even while Hassan Turki and his militas were there.

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^^^Mr MMA, what is your point. You said yesterday I was Morgan, since when? I belive Morgan created many of the problems of Kismayu city, i.e. his constant fighting with certain clans. for no reason.

Did I belive that Morgan had a right to fight?, maybe


Do I belive that my sub-clan has the only right of control of the city? No. I have never said that, nor agreed to such notion.


I disagreed with Hiiraale on many things, but I agreed with the creation of Jubaland and the political settlement to Kismayu. I think the clan courts feared this and attacked Kimsayu under the usual pretext of religion.


You can go back to my posts for a while regarding the issue of Jubaland, and you will see my position has been consistant.


Its not as simple as, supporting A.Yusuf, who happens to be head of state.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


I disagreed with Hiiraale on many things, but I agreed with the creation of Jubaland and the political settlement to Kismayu.
I think the clan courts feared this and attacked Kimsayu under the usual pretext of religion.

Rageedi. A political settlement that was ment to destroy any rifts that were wanted by others.

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Horta inaa inaan kula doodo mar horaa ka quustay, oo farahaa kaa qaaday, beenta aad wadid aan hada inaa kuu jawaabo igu kaliftay.


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Jubbada Hoose: Axmed Sheekh Max'ed (Axmed Madoobe)


Duqa degmada Kismaayo: Bashiir Axmed C/laahi [Jarato]


Maareeyaha dekedda weyn: Ciise Qaasim Max'uud.


I don't have to mention their qabiil. Xasan Turkina laga dhigay Abaanduulaha Jubbooyinka dhan.


Those are where the power lies, ee calaacalka badan iyo dhareerka jooji, baliis. :D




Jananka, "Jubbaland" wax soconaayo ma'aha on expense of real deeggaanka dadka u dhashay ee native ku ah.


Hadaa rabtid gobol badan la isku dhiso, then Talyaaniga ayaaba dhisay gobolkii ugu weynee ee "Altajubba" oo ka koobnaa Jubbada Dhexe, Bakool, Gedo, Baay iyo qeyb kamid ahayd Shabeellada Hoose -- kaas almiina hala soo celiyo.


Anyway, su'aasheyda maka jawaabin. Waa kugu celinaa.


Was not kan warlordka ahaa ee laga buriye magaalada a co-occupier, in league with Seeraar and Goobaale?


Yes or no, yaaqeey.

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^^^whay were they given those posts,1.are they more religious, or was it to divide the clan were they hail from?


Its another trick, from Mogadishu, but this time things are different..

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Horta inaa inaan kula doodo mar horaa ka quustay, oo farahaa kaa qaaday, beenta aad wadid aan hada inaa kuu jawaabo igu kaliftay.


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Jubbada Hoose: Axmed Sheekh Max'ed (Axmed Madoobe)


Duqa degmada Kismaayo: Bashiir Axmed C/laahi [Jarato]


Maareeyaha dekedda weyn: Ciise Qaasim Max'uud.


I don't have to mention their qabiil. Xasan Turkina laga dhigay Abaanduulaha Jubbooyinka dhan.


Those are where the power lies, ee calaacalka badan iyo dhareerka jooji, baliis.


One you also forget:


Maareeyaha Airaporka: Axmed Gaarane


Along with him, who is Duqa Degmada Kismaayo Bashir Axmed Jalato?

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Jubbada Dhexe, Bakool, Gedo, Baay

Maskiinoow, what are the issues many of the folks in the Jubba area have with the creation of a state called JUBBALAND. I am sure those of us who garner diminutive political insight into the local politics of that specific area can benefit from your thoughts on this.


Who are the locals that object to the creation of this Jubbaland State? What districts/ridings do they represent in the broader Jubba states? Why? What are their fears? What are the issues?


Bal Jubbalandkan la sheego naga jaahil bixiya idinkaa sheekada si fiican u fahmayee. :D

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Warmaad seexataan yaa jamaacah :D !


The irony of this tread is sickly sweet; while good Horn brag about the recognition of the courts to his community and how central they are to the Kismayo equation little does he know that the local’s reported discontent with the courts lies in these very appointments and how the Kismayo admin is arranged! In other words it didn’t sit well with them that the mayor of the city, the police commission, and the airport went to a people other then them! They wanted it all! They think it’s theirs and theirs only. Their objection is however a one of a technicality rather of fundamentality! Most locals agree with Courts that Barre’s exit was a heavenly bliss, and Kismayo is better off with him and his gangs. So much for this newly found tol that Duke and Horn seem to have discovered since Kismayo’s fall :D .


Of course I don’t agree with the local’s demand, and I think it’s utterly untimely. If they own the city as they claim they are they should appreciate how profoundly Court’s agenda could change the culture of worlordism in the south and ultimately deliver the justice they so long prayed! They should at least be grateful to the mere fact that they could protest and voice their objections without any fear! Waa raggii markii Barre iyo xulafadiisu magaalada qabsadeen masaajidyadda seexanayey waxaa manta jaq-jaqdooda laga fadhin la’yahay! They must’ve received too many phone calls from Baydhabo to cooperate with Barre! I wonder. Of course the majority of the city is happy and in a festive mood for Barre’s departure and see Hasan and his men as a people who came for a greater cause (beyond Kismayo)! Preparations are underway from Nairobe and beyond to send a delegation of support to go to Kismayo and show their gratitude to the courts and their willingness to work with them to secure the city.


Libaax, Jubbaland was a warlord idea whose main intent was to legitimize Kismayo loot! Do a little analysis saaxiib and you would clearly see how insulting it was for Seeraar, Hiiraale, and Goobaanle (JVA coalition) to retire the sons of Kismayo and rearrange as it were the political landscape of the region. It had an alarming and ominous clannish dye! I would appreciate if MMA inject his prespective but I personally think it doesn’t warrant much anaylasis at all! Think about Aydiid’s infamous sal-balaar :D scheme and you would know what I am talking about!

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Ramadan is going well-- actually went very fast. I have been caffeine free since the start of Ramadan and I feel free Alhamdulilah.


Have you seen the shady deals done by Range with Canmex? What are your thoughts on this! I will bring back the topic for your contribution.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

quote:Jubbada Dhexe, Bakool, Gedo, Baay

Maskiinoow, what are the issues many of the folks in the Jubba area have with the creation of a state called JUBBALAND. I am sure those of us who garner diminutive political insight into the local politics of that specific area can benefit from your thoughts on this.


Who are the locals that object to the creation of this Jubbaland State? What districts/ridings do they represent in the broader Jubba states? Why? What are their fears? What are the issues?


Bal Jubbalandkan la sheego naga jaahil bixiya idinkaa sheekada si fiican u fahmayee.
:DSxb LSK, isha ayad ka tuurtay, bal kani intuu comic-ada xoggaa naga dhigo bal nin haddii uu yahay ha inoo bayaansho siduu Jubbaland state u fahmay asagu. :D


Originally posted by Xiin

Preparations are underway from Nairobe and beyond to send a delegation of support to go to Kismayo and show their gratitude to the courts and their willingness to work with them to secure the city.

Xiinoow, ma halkaas ayeey kula gaashay sheekadu in maleeshiyo X. Turki la tol ah laga soo ar-aruuriyo Kenya iyo itoobiya si ay magalada gacan ku hayntooda u sii xoojiyaan.


Horay ayaa loo yiri geel ninkii maali jiray ayaa dhaqda. Sxb, ma kulatahay xooggag kenya laga soo uruurshay in aay Kismaayo difaaci karaan, mida kale UIC maxaa ku dhacay? ma waxay idin dheheen idinkaa isku reera ee isla bood-booda? maxaa keenay in Kenya wax loo raadsho ayadoo xamar idiin rartay inay idin difaacdo sow ma ahan? Sow sheekadu marka ma u ekaan waa naloo raray, umalayn mayo in naloo furi doone ee ardiga yaa tol aheey hala dhaho :D


Originally posted by Xiin

Libaax, Jubbaland was a warlord idea whose main intent was to legitimize Kismayo loot! Do a little analysis saaxiib and you would clearly see how insulting it was for Seeraar, Hiiraale, and Goobaanle (JVA coalition) to retire the sons of Kismayo and rearrange as it were the political landscape of the region. It had an alarming and ominous clannish dye! I would appreciate if MMA inject his prespective but I personally think it doesn’t warrant much anaylasis at all! Think about Aydiid’s infamous sal-balaar scheme and you would know what I am talking about!

Alla maxaad xisdi iyo xiqdi kugu jira ninyahoow! Gafuur cawo ninkiisay dhibtaa ma maqli jiray, RELAX buddy open your eyes and smell the coffe! waxna waa waxaad jeceshahay waxna waa waxa waaqiciga ah ee xaqiiqda ah ee meesha taala. As always, you seem to be jealously underestimating a whole clan, their influency in the region, their exsisting in the region and their power, when they really are a regional power to be reckoned with. marka annigu shekadada waxan u fahmay sida aad jeclaan lahayd cayaarta inaad na tustay, fair enough, balse laguugu fahamyee iska baandhee cayaarta sxb. And last but not least, with that animosity god aakhiro ha la gelin mugoo. :D



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