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General Duke

Has Atam fled to Mogadishu? + fleeing supporters reach Burco

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Atam oo la sheegey inuu ku sugan yahey muqdisho

Posted by admin on August 18th, 2010


Garowe(Pi) Shabakada wararka oo baryahanba baaritaan ku heysey meesha uuku sugan yahey wadaadka sida xoogan looga raadinayo Puntland Maxamed Siciid Atam ayaa warar isasoo taraya noo xaqiijiyeen inuu maalmo ka hor intaan dagaalku bilaaban uu ka baxey deegaankuu ku sugnaa, iyadoo aan xiligaas la ogeyn meesha uu aadey.


Dad aad ugu dhow wadaadka oo aan la kulaney waxey noocadeeyeen inuu aadey koonfurta Soomaaliya mase aysan cadeyn siduu ku tagey halkaas.


Dad u shaqeeya isgaarsiinta Soomaaliya ayaa iyana noo sheegey inuu wadaadku muqdisho ku sugan yahey.


Waxaase xaqiiq ah in Wadaad Atam uu isaga baxey buuraha Galgala iyo dhamaan Puntland ba intaan ciidamada Daraawiishtu weerarin sal dhigyadiisii.


Idaacadaha wareysiga la yeeshey Atam ayaan iayagu cadeyn karin meesha uu joogo wadaadku maadaama uu isagu soo wacey sida naloo cadeeyey, mid ka mida idaacadaha ayaa saaacad ka hor wareysiga waxaa soo wacey nin kale oo u sheegey inuu kusoo xirayo Atam si ay u wareystaan, mase jirto idaaco iyadu wacdey Wadaadka si ay u wareystaan.


Maxamed Saciid Atam ayaa ah ninka kowaad ee sida aadka ah ay ciidamada Dowlada Puntland baadi goobayaan, si ay usoo qabtaan isagoo loo heysto inuu abaabuley wax yaabo lid ku ah amaanka Puntland.



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Poliska Togdheer Oo Guryaha Ka Badhey Dad lala Xidhidhiyey Shek ATAM


Booliska oo guri-guri u baadhay xaafadaha Burco, ujeeddada hawlgalkooda & weedha masuuliyiinta


“Waxa jira rag xidhiidh la leh kooxaha rabshadaha ka wada wadamada aynu xuduudka la leenahay oo…” Hoggaanka Booliska Togdheer



- Ciidamada amaanka ee gobolka Togdheer, ayaa hawlgal baadhis ah ka fuliyay guryo ku yaala inta badan xaafaddaha magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolkaas.


Sida uu Wargeyska Ogaal u xaqiijiyay hoggaanka Booliska gobolka Togdheer Mr. Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Liibaan (Cabdiraxmaan Fooxle), hawlgalkaas waxa ka qaybqaatay boqolaal ka tirsan ciidanka amaanka, kuwaasoo ku hawlanaayeen saddexdii habeen ee u dambeeyay. “Waxa jira rag xidhiidh la leh kooxaha rabshadaha ka wada wadamada aynu xuduudka la leenahay sida Soomaaliya iyo maamul-gobolleedka Puntland oo soo galay magaalada (Burco), kuwaasoo horena inaga dhaawacyo inoo gaadhsiiyay. Markaa hawlgalo balaadhan ayay ciidamada amnigu ka fuliyeen xaafadaha magaalada,” ayuu yidhi Taliyaha oo u waramay weriyaha Wargeyska Ogaal ee magaalada Burco Mr, Mahad Faarax. “Waxaanu baadhnay guryo tiradoodu gaadhayaan sideed guri, baadhistiina way socotaa, markaa cid aanu qabanay oo aan hadda kuu sheegi karaa ma jirto, maadaama ay baadhistii socoto,” ayuu raaciyay Cabdiraxmaan-Fooxle.


Taliyuhu waxa uu sheegay in goobahaa ay baadheen ay ku tuhmeen raadad ay daba joogaan, isla markaana uu hawlgalkani la xidhiidho mid lagu sugayo amaanka magaaladaas.


Hoggaanka Booliska ee Togdheer waxa uu dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Burco u soo jeediyay inay Booliska kala shaqeeyaan arrimaha lagu xoojinayo nabadgalyada.


Sidoo kale, waxa uu dadweynaha u soo jeediyay in fiiro gaar ah u yeeshaan dadka ay guryaha ka kiraynayaan, isla markaana wixii ay ka shakiyaan la soo socodsiiyaan ciidanka Booliska.


Maaha markii u horaysay ee ciidamada Booliska Burco ay hawlgalo la xidhiidha adkaynta amaanka ka fuliyaan magaaladaas, iyadoo ay dhawr jeer oo hore hawlgalo ay fuliyeen ku soo qabteen rag falal amaan-darro lagu tuhmay.


Ciidanka Booliska Burco waxay 10/06/2010 hawlgal baadhis ah ka fuliyeen guri ku yaala magaaladaas oo sida la sheegay ay degenaayeen niman lala xidhiidhiyay kooxda Al-Shabaab ee dagaalka ka wada Soomaaliya, iyadoo hawlgalkaas oo iska horimaad hubaysan sababay uu ku dhintay sarkaal ciidanka ka tirsanaa, isla markaana ay ku dhaawacmeen laba Taliye oo kala haystay qaybta Booliska Bariga Burco iyo saldhiga dhexe ee Booliska magaaladaas.



Source: ogaal

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

Atam having supporters in burco? wishful thinking.

Why are you so surprised Libaahe? Remember this post just a couple of months ago??




Just getting the news. The fighting started after the police raided a house where Alshabab elements were hiding. Then the police faced resistance from the terrorists.



Stay Tuned for More Info

So if Al Shabaab can actually find a house and live in Burco, isn't it possible that this story today may be true? Atam supporters may have other people in Burco, like the last group did.

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From the Interviews he was making it seemed like he was talking from a comfort and secure hiding place with the odd orchestrated shots behind him, the few AK47's in the background. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he fled before the actual confrontations as he didn't have any confidence at all in his message being well received by the people of Puntland.


So it's not to much of a surprise that he fled to a place more welcoming where he will find his message to be more acceptable.


In Puntland people are not eager and receptive to such meaningless messages as they have peace and live largely in harmony. So they won't give up these for what Atam preaches and tries to sell.

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That one men can cause all this trouble for the whole State. The whole Cabinet of Minister went to a remote village to chase one man. This doesnt look good for the future of Puntland.

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^^^Whats the future of Barre Hiireel then Galad?

Stop the nonsense, Puntland faced Al Shabaab and managed the situation well thus far?


Puntland's future is bright inshaAllah.

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"Puntland faced al Shabaab." :D



Puntland soldier and it leader were kicked out of Muqdisho and have run for their lives for Al Shabaab years ago;



Puntland cant even stop pirates;



Puntland cant even stop human traficking;



Puntland cant even get 1 city (Galkacyo) under its full control;



Puntland lost a hole region (Sool) in a couple of weeks;


Puntland is not even present in a region that it claims(Sanaag);



Puntland cant even secure a village 30 KM from its largest city because of one man;



Half of the cabinet and the VP is wearing a Tuute and are going to war to secure a village;



Who are you trying to convince?

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Originally posted by Land_Soldier:

"Puntland faced al Shabaab."


Puntland cant even stop pirates;


Nato cant stop the Pirates adeer so much for your argument. :D

Puntland has never claimed any bodys territory, thus Galkacyu, Erigavo and others can be shared with other future states. we are not short on land, to claim suburbs, unlike some people


Puntland defeated Al Shabaab in Galgala, without much fuss.


Puntland has existed for over 12 years now, and has built new dynamic cities, Bossaso, Galkacyu and of course the capital Garowe, all booming. Coupled with a powerful and thriving Somali Diaspora in key parts of the world, the state is moving forward and all states will face difficulties in time.


Now maybe a secessionist can talk to the Duke, but a pretender who is a supporter of Hiiraale can never talk to a person from the state of Puntland. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Puntland defeated Al Shabaab in Galgala, without much fuss.

Sxb, if you want to defeat Al Shabaab I suggest you go visit your xalwo eating fat cousin in Moqadisho and help him defeat Al Shabaab.


Al Shabaab would not vacate a village because they see some Tuute wearing Ministers coming. Al Shabaab would blow themselves up in the middle of those Tuute wearing politicians. As they have done in Baidoa, Baardhere, Beletweyn, Moqdishu, etc.


From all the pictures and reliable sources, nothing proves that there is Al Shabaab in the mountains. And if they were there, they would not be growing vegetables and fruits. :D

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posted August 19, 2010 08:41 AM

Sxb, if you want to defeat Al Shabaab I suggest you go visit your xalwo eating fat cousin in Moqadisho and help him defeat Al Shabaab.

Precisely the point, Al Shabaab can not come to us in our state and when they try they are faced by security forces including the dreaded PIS who piss on their dreams.

You on the other hand are run by Al Shabaab, they even robbed Barre Hiiraale’s farms, and occupy his house, they executed his greatest supporting elder, and we are still after two years waiting for his gas. :D

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