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This is a brief summary of a long article...enjoy


Early 90's while slaughtering innocent old men, children and women in Galkaio and Baidoa USC justified its actions by "liberating it from the enemy". Today these two cities are facing a refined, well financed, USC(^%$#), might backed foreign mercenaries, former Al-Itahad members and thousand of Eritrean troops. History is repeating itself.


The Islamic Courts's recent obsession with expansion and control of Somalia deserves a closer look.


Anatomy of the Islamic Courts Union - Brain


Spiritual and head figure of the ICU is Mr. Aweys.

Political and financial financier is Mr. Qasim

Head of Militant men power and supplies is Indho-Cade

Main Propaganda tools of propaganda (including Somali BBC) for the ICU is owned or is run by individuals belonging to a single sub-clan.


Anatomy of the Islamic Courts Union - Body


Numerous individuals from Somalia's other clans and subclans make up the body. These people either were paid money, saw the ICU as a religious movement, or have personal reasons for supporting the ICU. In return these individuals legitimize the ICU's expansion.


Terms ICU uses to justify their expansion


Liberation/Xoreyn -- ICU used it to justify attacking and occupying Jawhar...Bandiiradleey.


Stop possible foreign invasion -- ICU used it to justify attacking and capturing Kismaio ...Gedo


Removal of an oppressive individual/entity -- ICU used to justify attacking Mudug.


Jihad -- ICU is using it to justify its expansion towards Baidoa.


Cities and small towns in Kismaio --- to --Afgio and Afgio --- to Buurhakaba are untouched by ICU. There people in these areas that wish for liberation, and Islamic justice. There has been foreign troops in these cities and towns since CARTA government, which needs removal. And clans and subclans that are not members of ICU's brain are oppressed and need to be free.


Jihaad is a noble action and no Muslim shouldn't support any group that themselves violated Islamic principles.


Inta dhimatay Allaha u naxariisto, inta dhibaatadu soo gaartay Allaha u sahlo, Illaahayna sidii saxan ka dhigo. -- Aamiin.

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