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Save the people of Somali decent from the killing fields of South Africa:

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Save the people of Somali decent from the killing fields of South Africa:



Save the people of Somali decent from the killing fields of South Africa:

The World must act now !




"But peace does not rest in the charters and covenants alone. It lies in

the hearts

and minds of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and

on paper, let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a willingness

to work for peace

in the hearts and minds of all of our people. I believe that we can. I

believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of human

beings." John F. Kennedy



South Africa is a sterling country of many contrasts and contradictions.

On the one hand it is a relatively advanced country with a fairly large

middle class. On the other hand it is a country with extremely huge poor

ghettos rimming the major South African cities. Life is very difficult in

these places. Most people don't have access to running water and

electricity. Violence is rampant there. These are the places where most of

the killings of the Somali refugees happen.


The atrocities against the people of Somali decent in South Africa are

shocking and the antithesis of laws of human decencies. These heinous

crimes against defenceless refugees, who fled their land due to chronic

violence and mayhem are a flagrant violation against the "1949" Geneva

convention. The brutal killing of unarmed people is a blatant breach of

Islamic teachings and all the other great religions of the world, such as

Christianity and Judaism. The South African police are absent from this

human catastrophe. The post apartheid South African police came short

here. I consider them as an accomplice to the lynching’s of the people of

Somali decent, in the towns and villages of South Africa. The South

African police stood by while brutal armed gangs are ravaging innocent

people. Here is the paradox, the irony if you will. This is a country

that awes so much to the international community for the freedom and

liberty it is enjoying today. The people of Somali decent made a

significant contribution to the long struggle against the South African



The following international institutions and nations are missing in action

from the unprovoked lynching of the people of Somali decent in South



1. Amnesty International


3. The United Nations Human Rights Agencies

4. The organization of the Islamic Conference

5. The United nations General Assembly

6.The United nations Security Council

7.The leaders of premier countries of the world such the United States,

European Union and the Russian Federation

8. African leaders and their lac-luster organizations

9. The Arab league


Shame on South African leaders who struggled so hard for the eradication

of the minority apartheid regime in South Africa, to be silent about the

human tragedy in their country. South Africa must have to act as the

bastion of freedom, liberty and justice. South Africa was expected to

become home of the free and the sanctuary for refugees, the downtrodden

and the oppressed. South Africa was expected to become the voice of the

voiceless, the bulwark against oppression, tyranny and lawlessness. New

South Africa was expected to speak out against injustice, racism,

militarism and civil and human rights violations around the world. South

Africa was expected not to follow a path of the do nothing, indifferent,

corrupt and unaccountable Africa's old guard.


Seeing the country the whole world fought for its independence for the end

of apartheid, becoming the killing fields of the most vulnerable people in

the world-Refugees is like a fictional movie. What is happening to the

country I used to take part in the Marches for its freedom, in the US and

especially in Washington D.C. in the late 80s and early nineties? What is

becoming of the country of the legendary revolutionaries of all times

Nelson Mandel, the face of the resistance against colonialism, apartheid,

segregation and racism? Where did these atrocities of burning human beings

alive came from? These kinds of heinous crimes are an assault against

humanity. These are war crimes that must warrant an international

investigation? Where is the post apartheid South African government? Where

is the outrage of the South African people?. Where is reverend Desmond

Tutu when you need him? Where is Opera Winfrey? the American talk show

host who pioneered a 40 million "Boarding

Girl's School" for poor South African girls? South Africans must

remember how the people of the world stood up for them in their hour of

need. South Africans must remember the college students in the United

States, Canada, Europe and around the world who marched for their

liberty, to drew the world attention to their plight. In the same token

the innocent Somali refugees in South Africa need strong voices that

stood up for their rights.


The deafening silence of the South African people is unbelievable,

unacceptable and quite mind bugling. Is the international silence of these

atrocities means the world is tired of the endless problems of the people

of Somali decent? Is there a racial undertones for these crimes against

these defenceless refugees? The world indifference to the suffering of

the refugees of Somali decent means there life is worthless.


Where are the civil right leaders of the yesteryear fighting for the

liberation of South Africa? Aren't they have to be out of the wood works,

and try to salvage the name of the post south African government? These

extra judicial killing of immigrants may have a negative impact of the

long just struggle against apartheid.

South Africa is a sterling country with many contrasts. It is a country

very rich in a lot minerals such as gold, diamond, copper and many

other types of minerals


Background information


Few of the apartheid leaders were Mr. P. W. Botha, Fw De Klerk and

Hendrick Vorster.


Among the early pioneers and empire builders were of the British

localization of South Africa were David Living stone and the famous Cecil

Rhodes the man named a whole two countries, Northern and Southern Rhodesia

(present Zambia and Zimbabwe were named after him.


The struggle against the South African Apartheid started long ago inside

and outside the country. Outside the country the African National Congress

(ANC) was started in 1912, one of the oldest liberation movements in the

world. Among the pre-eminent ANC leaders were Mr. Walter Zuzulo, Steve

Biko, Nelson Mandela and others.


Inside the country students, labour Unions, and ordinary South Africans

have taken part in the struggle for independence of South Africa.


The massacre of 60 students in the city of Sharpeville in 1960 shocked the

world. In 1977 more than 600 students were killed in Soweto and

Sharpeville. Those two horrendous massacres triggered a huge

anti-apartheid movement that has swept the country. Steve Biko who was

later killed by South African police, became the leader of the vigorous

and energetic non-violent movement inside the country. Anglican Bishop

Reverend Desmond Tutu joined the peaceful movement later on.


These refugees are coming from all the parts of the greater Somali

peninsula such as the Republic of Somaliland, Djibouti, Somalia, and the

Somali areas under the Ethiopian and Kenyan occupation.


Suleiman Egeh-Freelance writer


MS: Molecular Biology

MA. Science Education

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Really the news is terrible. The blacks there are beginning more and more xenophohic about foreigners. Even though, it has been largely the Whites there that have somewhat developed the country.


When I was in Johannesburg, in 2005, I didn't detect any hostility from anyone. But that maybe because I stayed in the rich northern surburbs of the city. (ie. White). On the whole, the people are overwhelmingly friendly and there was a good atmosphere about. In most parts, the country looks like somewhere in Northern Europe or America rather than in Africa. The weather was equally cold to suit.


The thing is they are getting frustrated with immigrants puring in, so they hate everyone equally, but its dfifficult to tell from them- where one is from, just by looking. Somalis, clearly stand out and that why, I suppose this is happening.

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