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Bu`aale:(War Dag-Dag ah) Ciidamada Col. Barre Hiiraale oo qarka u saran in ay gacanta ku dhigaan degmada Bu`aale iyo Kismaayo oo ay soo faaruqiyeen ciidamadii maxakmadaha.

Axad, October 08, 2006





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Bu`aale (AllPuntland)- Boqolaal ka tirsan ciidamada ka amar qaata wasiirka Gashan dhiga ee dawladda Soomaaliya Col. Barre Aadan shire (Barre Hiiraale) ayaa waxa ay gacanta ku dhigeen deegaanno badan oo hoos yimaada gobolka Jubada Dehexe.


Ciidamada Col. Barre ayaa waxa ay haatan ku sugan yihiin meel 50Km u jirta magaalada Bu`aale ee xarunta gobolka Jubada Dhexe, halkaasoo ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamo ka tirsan maxakamadaha magaalada Muqdisho.


Ilo lagu kalsoonyahay oo aannu ka helnay magaalooyinka Baardheere iyo Kismaayo ayaa waxa ay inoo cadeeyeen in ciidamo kala duwan oo ka tirsan malayshiyooyinka qaar ka mid ah beelaha ku dhaqan judaha gobolka Jubada Hoose oo taageersan Col. Barre Hiiraale ay iyana ku sugan yihiin meel 30 KM u jirta magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubada Hoose.


Dhamaan tiknikadii dagaalka ee maxkamadaha ayaa waxa ay soo baneeyeen magaalada Kismaayo, marka laga reebo 5 gaari oo ah nooca dagaalka oo ku hartay gudaha magaalada Kismaayo.


Ciidamada kala taabacsan Col. Barre Hiraale iyo Maxkamadaha ayaa waxa ay isku soo wada bandhiganayaan awoodahooda ugu danbeeyay iyada oo gulufka colaadeed laga dareemayo dhamaan gobolada Gedo iyo Jubooyinka.


Wasiirka Gaashaan dhigga ee dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa isagu waxa uu haatan ku sugan yahay magaalada Baardheere halkaaso uu wali ka wado aruurinta malayshiyooyinka kala duwan oo uu ku doonayo in uu ku gaaro magaalada Kismaayo.


Mar aynu la xiriirnay madaxda maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa ay ka gaabsadeen in ay wax hadal ah ka bixiyaan halka ay xaaladdu marayso.


Wixii ka soo kordha dagaaladaasi kala soco


M. J. Koronto


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^^Allpuntland and you are obviously lacking any credibility to represent the truth as it is. So I would advise you to never present yourself as an objective observer, since you love the most wanted criminal warlord in Somalia, Abdullahi Yuusuf, who is equally as murdorous as Col. CabdiQeybdiid.


I am sure the Islamic Courts will one day punish you for your crimes against Islam and the pious muslim leaders in Somalia.

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Waxaa ayaan darro ah in some ppl ay ku raaxaysanayaan in Somalis islayso....Caja'ib..



Go figure:............

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lol. Those who occupied and looted the property of orphans, killed millions of women and children, destroyed the country and sold of all its institutions as scrap, charcoal tarders, ethnicly cleansed whole clans will also testify in front of the lord in judgement.


Justice is universal, and in this case who used force? Who attcked Kimsyu while strengthening the hand of their clan in the lower Shabbele?


Remember the lord knows what is in all our hearts. So supporting your clan in the cloak of religion will not defer you from the punishment that is eternal.


Do not pretend to take the moral high ground while standing on quick sand.

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^^I am glad that you now understood the criminality of both your vicious uncle and yourself as well. One day, I will testify before the Court of the Almighty Allah, that you hate our values and the making religion of Allah the law of the land.


If you don't repent, I wish I would punish you one day as a devout soldier of the Islamic Courts for Allah's Laws, that you were a fierce opponent of Islamic system of life. I would be happy to lead in that position, but please don't allow gabarta yar ee maalin dhoweyd kuu dhalatay ee aan adeerka u ahay inaan sidaas iri. Because, I am doing to make her father clean from such sins.


Walahu Aclam.

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^^^ Allah knows all things and will judge us all.


I believe my lord [sWT] the lord of the worlds, is both gracious and merciful and insha Allah will bestow his mercy on his slave, who errs and who asks for forgiveness. Allah forgive me of all my transgressions on this holly month of yours.




I also pray that Allah forgives you of all the sins you commit and I wish for your forgiveness as I forgive you with no malice in my heart.

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