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Arab League condemns Israel over Somaliland recognition

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And now TFG Comes in the play ,,, :D



'Somaliland Can Not Be Recognized As an Independent State' - TFG



Somalia — The authorities of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia have said that the breakaway republic of Somaliland can not be recognized as an independent state, just as Israel said recently it gave identification to Somaliland administration, officials told Shabelle radio on Thursday.


Abdiwahid Abdi Gonjeh, the deputy prime minister of the transitional government of Somalia told reporters in Mogadishu that Somaliland is one of the Somali administrations in the horn of African state saying that they can not break from the other Somalis.


Mr. Gonjeh said that there is no government or group that Somaliland or the other administrations in country could identify as a self-governing state disproving statement from a spokesman of foreign ministry of Israel who said that the Jews recognizes Somaliland.


"The news form Israel is baseless propaganda. It is not also clear that news from the foreign minister of Israel. I do not know where the journalists had quoted that news," said Abdiwahid Gonjeh.


Lastly the deputy prime minister of the transitional government Mr. Abdiwahid Abdi Gonjeh said that there was difference between the Somali government and administrations saying that a mediating process was continuing to end the divergences.


Somaliland, a breakaway republic of Somaliland had announced a self-governing state in 1991 as the former Somali president Mohamed Siad Barre's government collapsed and since then Somaliland was seeking a recognition which was not achieved yet.

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Where is the real source.... From the get go ,there were none regarding to this matter of recongnition from Isreal, even no acknowledgement of SL existing let alone condemning.. This is another blah blah and write whatever you feel from JB's best read sites..

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Horta its true The Somaliland recognition has become a disease to all the Non somalilanders. I mean even the So called arabs are shitting in their pants. The koonfurians are holding their breath. And ina rayaale na si nafiis ayuu u fadhiistay sidisi bu lugaha kala fogeyey

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Xaaji, dee ina Riyaale maalinba ictiraaf baa Fiji iyo Kiribati ka imanayo ku yiraahda and that works you up for few days. Hadda mida Israel adaa ka soo shaqeeyay filayaa :D

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