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Arab League condemns Israel over Somaliland recognition

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CAIRO (Somalilandpress) — Arab foreign ministers meeting in the Egyptian capital on Wednesday for their 133rd session have called for diplomatic action against Israel’s measures that posed a threat to the region and the peace efforts, as their adopted a draft agenda for the upcoming Arab summit.


The Arab officials condemned Israel’s inclusion of the Al-Ibrahimi and Bilal Bin Rabah mosques into its list of historic sites, called on the UNESCO, Organisation of The Islamic Conference (OIC) and the international community to take action against the Israeli move.


The Arab leaders have also expressed concern about recent reports suggesting that Israel might recognize the Republic of Somaliland. The Arab Councils said they support unified Somalia just like all Arab League members and will not tolerate foreign interference in an Arab League member nation.


The Council emphasized that they only recognize one Somalia led by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and have strongly warned Israel not to recognize Somaliland.


Somali Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Abdurrahman Abdushakour who was present at the meetings thanked the Arab members in particular Egypt for it’s support in the reconciliation process.


The Somali minister has called for Israel to end the malpractices against the Palestinian people and to lift the embargo they imposed on the Gaza strip immediately.


Not long ago, Israel expressed interest in the region and may develop bilateral ties with Somaliland to access the red sea and Gulf of Aden, however Egypt is concern about the break-up off Somalia, as it may need Somalia to fight a proxy war with Ethiopia over the Nile river basin.


Since 1959, Egypt and Sudan have claimed supremacy over the Nile despite been downstream nations and now it’s concern about it’s national water resource and thinks Ethiopia could poses a great threat and for that they need greater Somalia.


About three months ago, the Egyptian Ambassador to Somalia, Mr Saed Mohammed Mursi made a visit to Hargeisa and told local media his government does not recognize Somaliland. This has angered many locals who accused of him off trying to bribe the people of Somaliland with small $80, 000 worth of aid.


“Egypt is a friend of the Somali people, it will never allow the disintegration and division of Somalia,” he said.


The Arab foreign Ministers have also appointed Syria to “manage” any disputes within the Arab States for the interest of the “whole Arab home”. They have also supported Syria’s just rights in reclaiming the whole of the Golan Heights to the June 4, 1967 line.


Regarding Darfur, the Councils thanked the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani for his conciliation efforts and for setting up a USD 1 billion fund for development in Darfur. According to a number of analyst Egypt is very concern about the break-up of Sudan as it may loose rights to the Nile. Egypt is also trying to convince the South Sudan to remain part of Khartoum in order to maintain the 1959 Nile Waters Treaty between Egypt and Sudan.


Finally the Council formed a legal committee to document Israeli acts of destabilization and Judaization of the holy city of Jerusalem.


In a related development, a Somaliland official speaking on condition of anonymity told Somalilandpress that Somaliland intellectuals and leaders in Canada will be holding a closed-door discussion with Israeli and Canadian officials on Saturday 6th of March in a disclosed location. The historical meeting is designed to pave the way for a diplomatic strategy and a political platform to put in motion the historic move to recognise the Republic of Somaliland after almost 20 years of international isolation.


The Israelis will include officials from the government, business community, youth and other fields.


Somaliland has no diplomatic ties with Israel but lately there has been a huge interest between the two nations. If Israel recognises Somaliland, it could pave the way for international recogniton in particular among the Western nations whom Israel has close ties with.

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The Arab leaders have also expressed concern about recent reports suggesting that Israel might recognize the Republic of Somaliland. The Arab Councils said they support unified Somalia just like all Arab League members and will not tolerate foreign interference in an Arab League member nation.


The Council emphasized that they only recognize one Somalia led by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and have strongly warned Israel not to recognize Somaliland.


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Why is it that there is no media from Israel or the Arab league mentioning any of this? Only nwsomaliapress is. :D:D


Forget about recognition, none of their media even mention you at all! If the Arab league expresses concern, where can I find this? Beside from one of your enclaves websites?

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NGONGE-Wait for Xaaji Xunduf.


Coincidentally, Arab foriegn ministers issued statement encouraging informal resumption of talks between Israel and Palestine.

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:D:DSomaliland has no diplomatic ties with Israel but lately there has been a huge interest between the two nations. If Israel recognises Somaliland, it could pave the way for international recogniton in particular among the Western nations whom Israel has close ties with.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Somaliland has no diplomatic ties with Israel but lately there has been a huge interest between the two nations. If Israel recognises Somaliland, it could pave the way for international recogniton in particular among the Western nations whom Israel has close ties with.

The place wouldn't be as interesting without this kind of random comedy! :D:D

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If this is true, arabs really should mind their business they can't even help their palestinian brethens and they think they can stick their nose in somaliland affairs lol cajiib.

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Waxa la yiri: 'habar geel ka dhumay dambiilna waa ka raad-raadisaa :D ' Akhyaartaan Aqoonsi aa ka maqan, meel kasta -hadde waa meel kasta-na waa kaa raadinaayaan!

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somaliland stands to benefit from such a relationship in ways unimaginable to both antagonist and protagonist in this saga, hope they pursue it to the fullest extent possible and go beyond recognition to a bilateral relationship that leads to modernization and capacity building in Somaliland or any region in Somalia that is smart enough to rethink the dynamics that plaque this part of the world. If its just about recognition, its not a prudent move, they stand to lose more then they gain.

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