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No More Road Blocks to Peace and Reconcilliation

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You know what this means? it means Xamar Cadde is back.


it means no more illegal road blocks, no more harrassments and no more intimidation. now the peaceful people in Mogadishu and sorrounding can easily engage in their daily life of trade and commerce.


No more extortions, no more arbitrary sporadic violence along the roads to and from the capital.


people can venture to travel any region without fear.


The next step of this disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration campaign will be the reconstruction of the cities public infrastructure. Buildings will be reconstructed and improved, roads will be paved, garbage will be collected, sewage system will be repeaired.


Xamar will be back and we will be all able to to enjoy Lido, Jazeera, Sambusi and Aruba. We will be able to travel to Lafoole, Afgoye, Balcad, Shalambood,Janaale, Merka and Warshiikh.


The speaker of parliament deserves our respect and encouragement. He is the catalyst of all this positive developments and he will definitely make history as a great Somali leader.

His presence in the city has drawn many Somalis who lost hope to actively participate in pacifying the city. There are fund-raising campaigns in London, Toronto, Minneapolis, Stockholm, Birmingham, Ottawa, Oslo, Seattle, Columbus and DC. Student activists, scholars and intellectuals are all enagaged in a race to contribute to this momentous pacification process. Barbarkeey ka baxdana waa bakeeyle qaleeyn - heeleey yaan lagaa badin!



Unfortunately, the president-warlord is shitting in his pants and pursuing divisive and clannish policies. while the inexperienced sidekick prime minister Ghedi is showing signs of disorientation and disillusionment.

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USC Cabinet Warlords in Mogadishu Dismantle Somalia checkpoints

Mogadishu (HAN) , June 8, 2005- The USC Warlord cabinet started removing the checkpoints this morning, the public are spearheading the exercise," deputy prime minister Mohamud Abdullahi Jama told Reuters in Mogadishu.


"I personally witnessed six checkpoints removed in the city centre. It's been a success, I'm optimistic it will end well."


Somali warlords Tuesday began living up to promises to dismantle cash-collecting militia checkpoints in the capital of Mogadishu. National Security Minister Mohamed Khanyare Afrah, a former warlord, was the first to close his and disband his militia, the BBC said.

In all, more than 10 of 43 longstanding blockades were dismantled Tuesday.

Last month, three key Mogadishu warlords who spent years fighting each other, began to merge their militias into a joint force, and some 1,400 men have been sent to training camps outside the capital.

President Abdullahi Yusuf was elected last October by a transitional parliament based in neighboring Kenya after two years of talks aimed at ending 14 years of warfare and anarchy, but Yusuf has said he finds Mogadishu too dangerous for the government to return.

Instead, he favors the cities of Baidoa or Jowhar as a temporary haven.



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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

^^You are the most strangest Eritrean I have ever seen.


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well, am only 1/4 Eriterrean and 3/4 somali. My 5th father is half Somali and after that all the following forefathers were all born in Xamar to Somali mothers. And from that time on, every one of them was born to a Somali mother. I don't even know my exact roots in Eritrea. I will have to some digging and trace my roots. But home is Xamar and there is no place like home. I miss Wardhiigleey and Boondheere and the beautiful people and environment i grew up. I am tired of this exiled life and I will definitely support anyone who is doing something constructive in re-establishing and reconstructing our nation.


Yeey is not doign that. All he is focused is more division and hatred. He is an Tigrean stooge. some of his cheerleaders are so primitively clannish and have this retarded thinking that they are the chosen aristocracy and were designated to rule others. In reality, it is some of these folks from Mudugh( i hate to generalize who have led Somali politics into tribalism and nepotism.


I love and care about Xamar and Somalia. Xudunteeyda waxeey ku duugan tahay xamar

I have respect for all people but my Abtiyaal have thought me what it is like to be a realist and a productive Somali nationalist.

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well, am only 1/4 Eriterrean and 3/4 somali. My 5th father is half Somali and after that all the following forefathers were all born in Xamar to Somali mothers. And from that time on, every one of them was born to a Somali mother. I don't even know my exact roots in Eritrea.

You, sir, do not make sense! You are 1/4 Eritrean and your 5th father is half-Somali, half-Ertirean? Then you have no claim to Eritreans and stop referring to reer Muqdisho as you "abtiyaal" when you are born one! Sheesh. All that double talk just to seem objective in a cyper debate?

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