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Pirateland In-Fight Drama: Garacad Cartel Takes a Minister Hostage

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This is positive development for Puntland despite what some here in sol may insinuate. The fight between Puntland forces and pirates in Gara'ad in on and the people of Puntland have had it with these pirates. Eyl has been cleansed and Gara'ad is next.

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Originally posted by Qandali:

The secessionists are in celebratory mood because Puntland minister was attacked


Adeer nothing happened, the whole thing is a stunt very well pulled off, and to sell this headline to the world
, you all fell for it.

That is exactly what I am hearing. It had to do with the meetings in Yemen, in which they met with reps from different governments.


Basically the message is "we are trying to do something against piracy but we need more funding".


I am certain it worked though in terms of getting funding! But the possibility of back firing is also there. Since it might make the Presidents admin look weak!


Not as weak as having 300 ONLF landing on your shores and crossing through your enclave untouched until Ethiopian forces stopped them, the same way they helped in Buhoodle months before that.

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^ If it was stunt, cyber-pirates would not reveal the plot. They would've denied it like they deny the connection between Eyl Cartel and the ruling Pirate admin smile.gif


PS We're not in celebratory mood, we're in stiches. :D

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^Adeer if anything, the news played out well for the state. It matters not whether is a stunt or not.


Your weak marfashland admin had exchanged prisoners with some pirates only two weegs ago :D , mase thread-kaas baad rabtaa inaa soo nooleeyo.


You can talk big all you like.

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Ayoub, I am just an observer like all of us. I have no connection to the government, so I am just giving you my opinion on something. I do not know the truth about this incident.


One thing I am certain about is that it has brought a lot of attention to piracy in Puntland and how the government needs more help!


Basically this incident has said to the world that the government tried to do something, but was no match and needs international help.


The question is, why did Garoweonline report it so quickly, why would they mention something that was so embarrassing?

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^ Would you like to tell the fora about the connection between your buddy Johann Hari and the piracy cartels. C'on now Duke of Soho. :D



Originally posted by Qandali:

Your weak marfashland admin had exchanged prisoners with some pirates only two weegs ago
, mase thread-kaas baad rabtaa inaa soo nooleeyo.

You didn't just threaten me, did you? Blease and Blease waxba hasoo qufin. :D I accept it was all a stunt by the two cartels involved. Are we cool now? smile.gif


Originally posted by Thankful:

The question is, why did Garoweonline report it so quickly, why would they mention something that was so embarrassing?

Maybe Eyl cartel mouthpiece was sending an SOS on behalf its hostage minister. Maybe the Eyl Pedrinos are still abroad and an amateur is running the show. Maybe it was because every portal was reporting the news anyway. Maybe....

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