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Pirateland In-Fight Drama: Garacad Cartel Takes a Minister Hostage

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

Puntland Minister Captured by Somali Pirates

October 11, 20100 comments| leave your own!


Heavily armed pirates blockaded the main road to the town, refusing the minister and his convoy to enter the city. According to local residents there was intense gun battle that ensued the blockade by the pirates.


The minister and his convoy were accompanied by at least 7 battle wagons and dozens of armed guards. The minister and his forces were forced to retreat, eyewitnesses say.


The minister was again ambushed in the town of Jariban 60km west of Gara’ad. At least 4 local people were wounded in the fighting, two of the Minister’s bodyguards were also killed in the clashes.

Later, the minister and his guards surrendered to the pirates after they were encircled in the village of Sallah in Mudug region.

The Puntland government has confirmed the clashes, however no one was able to elaborate on the whereabouts of the captured minister and his guards.


Ali Yusuf Hosh, the deputy minister of interior blamed pirates from Puntland and southern Somalia for ambushing the minister and his delegation.


Horseed Media

The Pirates in Gar'ad and Eyl are of the immediate clan members of Faroole and his main financiers of the election campaigns.


It took only the spirit of the Elders' recognized position and their traditional skills of negotiation that the minister got released. [/QB]
Typical Nassir making things up, Gar'ad "clan" which is based in Mudug gave ALL their votes to Ilka-Jiir in the last elections. In fact Bari gave their votes to Faroole, so stop making things up as usual.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Again you are being reckless with the truth, these men were never captured by your forces, they were captured by international flotilla.

You're talking about the wrong cartel here. The ones that mistakenly attacked Nato ship were Ilka-jiir's amaturering wannaabe pirates. These are are the same crew who kidnapped Nationlink employees recently.



Originally posted by Som@li:

This was a deal went wrong, the Minister went there to collect the share for pirate Chief Farole, and after disagreement, the Minister is kidnapped.

Ma waraabihi jimicsi doontay oo isagi badhaa laga saaray baa? :D:D


That is the general consensus. It seems even piracy cartels have to deal with the pains of austerity cuts in this harsh economical climate. Good luck to the minister coz Jariiban is harsh. smile.gif

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^Adeer it seems you are milking this story. But I agree with you it was a funny story, it would have been funnier and played out better had the kidnapped official been Faroole.

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Thankfull made a valid point as usual our Nassir keeps making things up. The Clan of Mudug regions supported Ilka-Jiir and Nuridin Diiriye and not Faroole.


Also this was a misunderstanding this region has battle hardened and well armed local militias and the Minister with his 8 technicals were no match.


The elders and local heads made sure this was settled fast and there was no larger issue.

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The secessionists are in celebratory mood because Puntland minister was attacked :D


Adeer nothing happened, the whole thing is a stunt very well pulled off, and to sell this headline to the world :D , you all fell for it.

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Originally posted by Qandali:

the whole thing is a stunt very well pulled off, and to sell this headline to the world

Good you've admitted this ........ :D

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