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Foreign Troops Request: Right or Not?

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Dear Raakim – It is the rationale for or against foreign troops one would have hoped to examine albeit most seem to want to debate the leadership, what he might or might not do, where he might or might not go, and its impending probable actions – all in the future.


So what is one to do other than join the crowd and oblige in discussing the non-issues! And there you shall have it!


To clarify the meaning of “foreign troops†in the Somali context, as defined in the Constitutional Transitional Chart .... in principle excludes troops from front line States, however does include [any] available. Open to be construed as desired, exploited to anyone’s liking, and demands guarded construal application, technically or otherwise, which thus far is missing from the midst of the congregating masses and pondering MPs.


Now, on the issue of winning the hearts and minds of the populace as hornAfrique puts it, ideally perhaps, but I would contend that relative realism in a country as unruly as present-day Somalia no such opulence could be longed, if of course one is serious about re-instituting State mechanism and structure from the ashes. Combination of hard choices, and not so pleasant spinning with a moist lollipop on one hand, and a prickly latch on the other will have become the obligatory de rigueur.


Clear disparity indeed there is between the ill-fated 90s US cum UN ignominy in Mogadishu [operative]. Simply put Somalia of 2004 resembles NOT in all aspects Somalia of the 90s. Whilst there are no winners, losers they are not. Whilst contending parties many there are, collaborative pursuit there exists. Whilst once bruised egos are being massaged, adroit submission is abound. Whilst dialectic manoeuvring persists, spellbound ricochet effect in disdain is averted. Whilst the nots are aboard, the promise is aplenty. And with a bungling parliament and a trifling government in place, lame duck as it might, gaffes of the 90s in consideration of dissuadable ill-thinkings of the 2000s, and the gained wisdom and sequential modules of past years could serve as a valuable framework.


hornAfrik’s “Corner a cat and the cat pounces†analogy might have been true had the President-Elect not approached Mogadishu political leaders with golden hand-shake, which thus far seems to have served its purpose with Sudi et al singing el President's tune. Aboard all are, or so it appears, with JVA warming up to his covert overtures by way of aQassim.


Gotta dash


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With the first wave of FTs soiling the ‘digil & butul’ of Mogadishu today with the exception of the already standing Ethiopians on the ground, given much had changed since this debate was first tabled, a revisit of the yesteryear readings of events and predictions of procedural alterations in hair-splitting psyche grants an observation of sort. Funny, how hindsight reflections of the past give rise to shrew penetration of erstwhile perceptions likely conceived in the know whilst the opposite falls short of solvent tangibility, let alone prudence, thereby setting camps aside! O’ well…

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