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Boqolaal ka tirsan ergooyinkii ka qeyb galay shirka oo banaanbaxay

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Don't you labor on where I stand. I stand by my posts. Just for once accept that every one who sees things from different perspective is not gaal or Ethiopian spy in disguise. Now be a good sport and tell me what do you really want? No joke -- do tell me plz and I will show you if it has a chance flying off from the ground or not!

Your stance is in red ink,so you can never run away from them except to accept them. smile.gif


I have said what i want a million of times. Expressed both in classic Brownistic & contemprory fadhi kudirir methods. It was also been stated by many who are more eloquent than I.


But,in a nutshell,i am for the complete withdrawal of the Habashis. Just like i was against the sending of frontline troops. And the only way to achieve that is for the US to stop funding this fictious war on terror & let Somalis decide their destiny. That means,an immidiete dialogue between the TFG & the Wadaads. Otherwise,hadaan been laisku sheegin,The TFG will not rule Somalia. They will be figting an insurgency day in day out.


I am not in the mood for politiking,marka if you are ok with it, i will take your comments offline. JZK

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What's the end goal Kashafa?

Is it the defeat of warlordism, dabadhilifs, TFG, whatever name you deem is appropriate? Is it stable, peaceful Somalia , united under the banner of Islam? Or driving Ethios outta Somalis soil will do?

You already said the end product: A united, stable, and peaceful Somalia, under the banner of Islam. Something we all want.


But we're getting ahead of ourselves. We're saddled with the biggest pink elephant in the room: The Ethiopian occupation(do you notice how very few want to talk about this glaring reality ?). Can we come to grips with the fact that we're an occupied country. Occupied in all spheres, military, political, and economical, by our ancient archenemy: Ethiopia.


Let's have the courage to discuss the reality on the ground, as it is. We all want peace. We all would prefer diplomacy to war. We all are concerned about the humanitarian conseqences of war. But let not our wishes over-colour the reality on the ground. Facts take precedence over all sorts flowery analysis and prognosis.


A) The TFG may have nominal international support, but they're utterly discredited in the eyes of the people. Politically speaking, they're done. Khalaas. Finito. The minute the Ethos withdraw(or are kicked out) is the minute Liberation of Somalia 2.0 happens. I could list a whole litany of why the TFG and it's fake.*** 'leaders' shouldn't have any say in Somalia's future, but only one reason will suffice: They are traitors who invited Ethiopia to occupy Somalia. No amount of verbal back-flipping(Duke & Co) will change that fact. So first off, let's agree that the TFG and it's leaders(Yusuf, Gheedi, Qeybdiid) have no credibility and are only to be dealt with as the criminals they are. That said, it would naive to expect them to just go away. Somalida waxay dahaan: Ninka Tag lama daho. Waxuu kutago aala tuusaa. So Baashi, if you agree with me that this Vichy-TFG entity is a discredited, traitorous grouping of war criminals(nuclear waste intee ka galee ?)that should be gitten rid of, How do we tos(show) them waxay ku tagaan ? Do you still insist on diplomacy ? If so, I'd like to hear your reasons. Keep in mind that these are power-hungry hyenas who have shown, time and again, that they will do anything, including the unthinkable, in order to get a shot at the kursi.


Faarax-Brawn, the only dialouge between the TFG and the Resistance is this: Ethiopia Out. Then we'll talk. No kalaam kateer before that.

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Super. Many thanks Farax. I hear ya loud and clear. You want Habasha out. Simple as that. How? The keyfiyah is an issue if you have been paying attention.


Kashafa you on the other hand demand not only their withdrawal but you are also committed to clear-cut platform namely stable, united, and peaceful Somalia under the banner of Islam. You have just upped the stakes. Now you need to show the know-how of getting your ducks in line.


Amici we are in business. Finally we are talking.


Let me agree on the presence of the pink elephant in the living room. It is there. The trouble is two of the roommates insist on having this troublesome guest who wreaks havoc in the house to stay put! Ya can call them Elephant-loving push-overs! Still they insist on having their friend to stay undisturbed.


Just to break the ice how you suppose we approach the situation?


Talk to me awoowe. Just wanna have a feeling of your line of reasoning.

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Great. We're making headway. Can you clarify what(or who) you mean by the two roomates, who insist on having the Ethiopian elephant stay put ?


It doesn't matter really. There can no effective constructive dialogue/diplomacy under the shade of an MIG fighter-jet. Hence, diplomacy & dhib-usa-hisheen will have to take the back-seat to military struggle for the present and the forseeable future.........untill --------->


The opposition alliance "will not enter into any talks with the so-called transitional federal government before a complete withdrawal of Ethiopian occupation army from Somalia," the statement also said



The way forward as I see it.


1-Ethiopia withdraws(or is forced out, all the same)

2-The TFG recognises it's precarious vulnerable status and they start clamouring for 'dialouge'.

3-At which point it's made clear to them(Gheedi, Yusuf, Qeybdiid, etc), that they no longer will have any role in any future government. At best, they can cut a deal to go into exile.

4- The REAL Reconcillation conference is held(now that the country is liberated) and a pan-Somali, rooted in Islamic princples & values, government is built, from the ground up.


Any talk of power-sharing or negotiated settlement is unrealistic and it ain't a-happenin'. Democrats and Republicans can share power, and they do. Congress = Dems. Executive Office = Repubs. But answer me this: How do you 'share power' with the men responsible for one of the worst indiscriminate attacks of a civilian city in recent history(EU calls it a war crime, not me) ? How do you 'share power' with men who actually bought nuclear waste to bury it in our soil ? How do you 'share power' with Ethiopian dhabo-dhilifs who owe their entire 'success', and thus, their alleigance(critical factor), to the financial and military might of our Dearly Loved Adeer Zenawi ?


You're smarter than this, Baashi. We both know that this TFG entity is a non-starter, a non-option. They are simply another variable on the ground that must be dealtwith. You somehow think that by 'dialouging' and diplomacy'ing, peace will be achieved. I call that whistling in the wind of bitter reality.


Now that the dirin process utterly failed(as noted by western observers, too) in Xamar with that sham of a conference, what other recourse do you have ? Lay out a case(the way forward), abti.

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^^ Dee kasoo qaybgala discussion-ka. Marti maxaa iskaga dhigayseen. Minan-ka Minan-keena waye :D


Headin' out for Afur, Waa inoo iyo birito.

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Stop right there Kashafa. Here is where things get pretty interesting. Do I hear you say that they will be driven out by force? By they I mean Geddi/Yussuf supporters and their Tigre ally? It's doable don't get me wrong but who is going to force them out? What grassroots support are the "rijaal" counting on in their upcoming struggle? Logistical support, command and control, trained fighters, awoowe are the goods there to get back on the saddle? How will this be different from the heydays of UIC?


By the way, the roommates are the supporters of Gheddi, Qeybdiid, & Yussuf.


Baba I gotta catch a flight. I'll probably be back in about six weeks. God I hate to leave when I'm this close to seal the deal. Suffice to say that I'm all for Ethiopian withdrawal. And I don't think no one will shed tears for their departure. But I'm pretty much question the feasibility of that happening as a direct result of military campaign.


I'm kinda realizing that our difference in both approach strategy wise and execution stem from our deeply held understanding of the Somali society.


I'm in the view that Somalis (majority) are still illiterate (both maadi and diini), prone to exploitation, easily fooled by their "afar-jeeble", loyal to the only organized order they know of and rely on their security -- that of clan -- and are a light years away from deserting their tribe's political position en mass in favor of Islam.


You on the other hand think that once Ethiopians are defeated and TFG liquidated, the vacuum will be easily filled by organized entity out there as the one in Asmara and Somalia will be once again on the road of Islamic revival.


That is not gonna happen. Reason being odds are stacked against that possibility. I'm just using my noodles and doing the math. To get the stated goal we nailed on the board from the outset you will have to put to bed the clan baby, eliminate the need of third party involvement, and embark the long road of educating the masses. That will take time and only patient, prudent, and calculating realist in touch with reality will make it to the finish line.


I'm for Shariah-based government calling the shots in united, stable, peaceful, and prosperous Somalia. That to materialize will take time. Today I will settle in a Somalia that faces its deamons in a dirin attended by all the stakeholders where the Islamists have a shot for the top seat. I'm pretty convinced that's the starting point for the recovery process.

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Originally by Baashi:That is not gonna happen. Reason being odds are stacked against that possibility. I'm just using my noodles and doing the math. To get the stated goal we nailed on the board from the outset you will have to put to bed the clan baby, eliminate the need of third party involvement, and embark the long road of
educating the masses
. That will take
time and only patient, prudent, and calculating realist in touch with reality will make it to the finish line.


I'm for Shariah-based government calling the shots in united, stable, peaceful, and prosperous Somalia. That to materialize will take time. Today I will settle in a Somalia that faces its deamons in a dirin attended by all the stakeholders where the Islamists have a shot for the top seat. I'm pretty convinced that's the starting point for the recovery process.

Beautiful Baashi, thanks for that.


This extremists seef-la-bood-yaal think they can envision a proper, well-educated Islamic society by only brute force without the masses supporting them in their desires or consulting with them.


It is a classic case of trying to walk whilst not being able to stand up. Calm and only a proper return to Islam will give us the results we need, but terrorism and utter useless violence will not bring us there, therefore I appeal for mercy to be on-stalled on the long suffering Somalis, who have been without a proper government and functioning administration for over a decade and half now. Let's show mercy.


The only way out of this dilemma is a complete return to Islam and asking of Allaah the great for forgiveness for our previous sins and wrongdoings, then followed by a phase of purification (already outlined)then by education, real proper education, let's leave politics in the back of our mind for a second.


The masses need no useless war that will break the will of the people further and only enhance their misery but education and a peaceful environment where they can breath of and feel human and "normal" once again. What is "normality" the people in Somalia don't know because they have lived for so many years in anarchy and for a pure Islamic society to surface and take off we need an act/process of purification and education and that will take time and a-lot of patience, not good enough for the fitna-wa-yaal and mischief-makers for they prefer chaos, civil strife and great tribulations over a peaceful existence.


Calculations, Calculations, Calculations, I say, think of your actions, what will you lose and what will you gain, weigh up the advantages over the losses and then decide on what you should do and what way you're going.


For as I can see, this is suicide, the Somalis will only further perish in this un-winnable war, with that I mean not that the Ethiopians cannot be forced out, but at what price is the question?


After a long struggle where half of the population perishes? Well if that is success for you guys who support this crazy endeavour, then be it so, but for me that is not success but the slaugther of thousands, which will eventually fall on you guys and for that you will be judged accordingly.


Somalia will en-tain peace but do support peace and governance over human tribulations and murder and eventually the light shall make you open up to the reality, truly I wish that you would understand brothers, what is at stake.


We don't know what will be achieved and when and at what cost, on top of that is our budget, logistics and hardware is limited, our enemies are everywhere, let's play it smart and show mercy to our suffering people.


Allaahu Akbar, Islam is great, let's imply true Islam for the sake of our own good, let's learn from the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him (salallaahu calayhi wassalam).


A final hadith for the people, who have their hearts open and work with their rational than only their angry emotions and superior motives, which I will try not to question or address for it doesn't bother me at all.


man laa yarxamu naasa, laa yarxamahullaah, For the one that does not show mercy to the people, Allaah shall not show mercy onto him.


How true, otherwise Al-shabaab would not hide today in the remote areas, the kaamaha where no human-being can survive. Look at all the terrorists and in which state they live in and under what conditions, this is a direct result because they extremism let them not understand to show mercy for as they don't know any mercy and the application of merciful behaviour.


Sakhar, the "realist".

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