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Boqolaal ka tirsan ergooyinkii ka qeyb galay shirka oo banaanbaxay

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Boqolaal ka tirsan ergooyinkii ka qeyb galay shirka dib u heshiisiinta oo maanta Banaanbax cabasho ah dhigay kadib markii laga saaray hoteeladii degnaayeen


In ka badan 500 ruux oo isugu jirtay odayaal, siyaasiyiin iyo culumo ka tirsan ergooyinkii ka qeyb galay shirka dib u heshiisiinta Qaranka ee mudada 45-ta cisho ah ka soconayay magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaana xaruntii hore ee Gaadiidka Booliska ee degmada C/casiis ayaa maanta dhigay banaabax cabasho ah.


Dadkan ayaa ka cabanayay lacagihii gunnooyinka ahaa oo ay sheegeen inaan la siinin, isla markaana balamo badan oo loo dhigayna ay waxba ka soo naasa caddaanin, iyagoo xusay inay go’aansadeen inay dareenkooda ku muujiyaan Banaanbaxan maanta ay ka dhigeen xaruntii shirka dib u heshiisiinta ugu soo gabogaboobay.




Mid ka mid ah ergooyinkii ka qeyb galay shirka isla markaana ka mid ahaa xubnihii maanta banaanbaxa dhigay ayaa ku cowday in ku dhowaad 1000 ergo oo ka mid ahaa ka qeyb galayaashii wejiga hore ee shirka Qaran aan la siinin wax Gunooyin ah, isla markaana ay arrintani keentay in laga saaro ergooyinka hoteeladii ay deganaayeen kadib markii milkiilayaasha hoteeladu ay sheegeen in iyagaba aan la siinin lacagihii kirada ahaa ee Cunada iyo jiifka ergooyinka.


Arrintan ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xilli ay todobaadyadii ugu dambeysay soo badanayeen cabashooyinka ku aadan in gudiga shirka dib u heshiisinta beelaha aanu si xaq ah u siinin lacagihii gunada ahaa ee loogu talo galay socodsiinta shirka.

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^Dee dantii lagalahaa waa laga dhamaystay, tuulooyinkii ay kayimaadeen haku noqdaan. Buuh baahdii westrenka lacagata looga aruursanayay ayay run u maleeyeen.


Kakuda dheh!

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Shaxaad taken to another level. That's what it is. Like awoowe adaa heli karayee i sii kinda game. Intee laga keenaa lacagta iska socota bal?

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What's up with this dhoocil style eye rolling? Are you a pansy by any chance :D


Look my man Farax, in case you misread my comment I was talking about the delegates themselves -- They came for the reconciliation. That event has ended. They should go back wherever they came from. What else is there to talk about?

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Originally posted by Baashi:

What's up with this dhoocil style eye rolling? Are you a pansy by any chance


Look my man Farax, in case you misread my comment I was talking about the delegates themselves -- They came for the reconciliation. That event has ended. They should go back wherever they came from. What else is there to talk about?

I did not misread your comment Sxb,I know what you exactly implied & mean. The Govt had nothing to do thiss & these ppl are just shaxaadistayal who are trying to milk these penniless govt,NO? If it aint so,i stand corrected!


Look,adeer,the ppl came for a reason & at the request of the TFG, I think it is only fair they should return the favor & transport them to wherever the hell they came from.


I just dont see how 500+ Somalis can all conspire to shaxaad a broke Govt. I do however see how this corrupt calool kunax govt heads can defraud 500+ Somalis. And that is why i dhoociled my eyes on "The neutral" Baashi. :D

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Pansy cyber character rolling his eyes like dhoocil doesn't sit well with Nuetral Baashi. Awoowe iga ilaali indhaha la rog-rogo waan ku yara xajiimoodaa e.


Well stand corrected then moron.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Pansy cyber character rolling his eyes like dhoocil doesn't sit well with Nuetral Baashi. Awoowe iga ilaali indhaha la rog-rogo waan ku yara xajiimoodaa e.


Well stand corrected then moron.

I like the xoog,Oo kaalay hadaad xajimoto,ma faraxbrown bey dhibi? :D


Laakin,sharaf baad iga mudantahaye, Waa iga balan inan mardambe kuu rogeynin indhaha,raali noqo awoowe. But above all,if the dhocil eyerolling will make you see your lack of Neautrality, So be it!! :D

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Waa shaash :D Chicken waaxid. Now after that waabis :D Ramadan Kareem and stay clear from Qarran-Diid losers.


Whoever siad Baashi is neutral has misled the forum. I know where I stand. I am for fill the blanks. I'm aganist fill the blanks. I don't call myself a Nuetral. It is a designation given to me by folks I have exchanged swings and I knocked their behind off in one go.


Ya see my man Blue I have yet to find able debators who can take me to the task. The fact that i don't get into the pocket of one of the low illiterate afar-jeeble gives you and others the impression that I don't have a position or I'm going all this trouble of hiding my true colors just so I can...hmmm well what would be a good reason to go to that length...dunno.


In any case, challenge my positions and for a minute forgot my assumed neutrality. Wiil ya Mr. BROWN?

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Waa shaash
Chicken waaxid. Now after that waabis
Ramadan Kareem and stay clear from


Whoever siad Baashi is neutral has misled the forum. I know where I stand. I am for
fill the blanks
. I'm aganist
fill the blanks
. I don't call myself a Nuetral. It is a designation given to me by folks I have exchanged swings and I knocked their behind off in one go.


Ya see my man Blue I have yet to find able debators who can take me to the task. The fact that i don't get into the pocket of one of the low illiterate afar-jeeble gives you and others the impression that I don't have a position or I'm going all this trouble of hiding my true colors just so I can...hmmm well what would be a good reason to go to that length...dunno.


In any case, challenge my positions and for a minute forgot my assumed neutrality. Wiil ya Mr. BROWN?

Lol. Baashi,What you call chicken is actually respect in my world. Eee haa idandansan,you know inaa afka ka falanahayee & dont make the docile ina sankatabte to howl & growl at two grown men :D


Haa sa ahatee,I think you are protesting a little too much & i dont think me or anyone debating you will change your stance. More of the same bey dhahan the dems when dealing with Bush & the Iraq debacle. Dee adba waad garaneysaa meeshad taagantahaye,ee wax isku fal oo is naadi :D


Fill the blanks ee kaa taagantahay,yacni geesi nimo aad kudhahdid waxaan lajiraa Etoobiyanka, Ex Warlords iyo the Neo Con Americans amisna Umada Somalida iyoi Wadaadada ? War Meel udhaqaaq. :D

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Blue Brown Farax can't do it buddy. I mean how can one choose between Neocons, Ethios neighbors, and "Umada Somalida iyoi Wadaadada"? Ya giving me a migraine headache awoowe. Don't hurt my feelings awoowe smile.gif

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Fill the blanks ee kaa taagantahay,yacni geesi nimo aad kudhahdid waxaan lajiraa Etoobiyanka, Ex Warlords iyo the Neo Con Americans amisna Umada Somalida iyoi Wadaadada ? War Meel udhaqaaq.

Kaftan aside, That's a fair challenge, Baashi. Some situations require nuance.


This is not it.


Not today.


Lakala baxay, abti. Ummada Somaaliyeed, Rag rijaal aah baa uu halgamaayo inay xoraay'yaan. They may make tactical or strategical mistakes, but their mission is a noble one: Reclaim Somalia from the warlords-cum-'statesmen'-cum-dhabo-dhilifs who have destroyed it, the men who buried nuclear waste in it's soil, and the men who will do anything for a shot at power, including selling themselves and their families to the highest bidder(CIA, Ethiopia). The bare minimum required from those of us in the Diaspora is full-fledged moral support for the thorougbreds sacrificing their lives, if we are too weak to offer anything else. Waa hadee Xaq loo hadlaayo.


Mida labaad, there is simply no comparison between the two sides in this conflict. Fareequn fil Jannati wa Fareequn fil Saceer, abti. To weigh the TFG/Tigray alliance and the Islamic Courts/Muqaawama on the same scale is not only an exercise in futility, but it's also dishonest, to put it mildly.


Well-intentioned as you are, Neutral-itis is a crippling disease to one's reasoning. Rag bay hortaa ku dhacthay, and they lived to bitterly regret it. Waxaa ka mid ad dadkaas Abdullahi bin Cumar bin Khattab, the great Faqiih, Mujaahid, and Sahaabi. He chose to be neutral and sit out the conflict between Ali and Muu'aawiya. On his death-bed(if i remember correctly), he was asked if he had any regrets in life. He only had one: Not supporting Ali. A mistake because the Xaq was with Ali. And in failing to support Ali, he failed to support the Xaq. Raximallahu Ibn Cumar. He was a great man and a great example.


Follow the Xaq, Baashi. Without nuance. Without complicated political jockeying. Without fear.


Advice that goes to all of us.

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Don't go awol on me now Kashafa. Is there a room for those of us who want not to repeat the tactical and some instance monumental blunders you spoke of? Or anyone who dares to question the feasibility of this venture is outta door and in under the column of the Dibi-dhilifs?


Easy now. Alright. I have another idea kinda of reverse-engineering. What's the end goal Kashafa?

Is it the defeat of warlordism, dabadhilifs, TFG, whatever name you deem is appropriate? Is it stable, peaceful Somalia , united under the banner of Islam? Or driving Ethios outta Somalis soil will do?


Gimme the end product and will go from there.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Blue Brown Farax can't do it buddy. I mean how can one choose between Neocons, Ethios neighbors, and "Umada Somalida iyoi Wadaadada"? Ya giving me a migraine headache awoowe. Don't hurt my feelings awoowe

Baashi,dee kudhaafay. Even you cant dish out a good sarcasm without appearing "Neutral". :D


Kashafa,In all fairness,i think Baashi has clearly stated his side(I think). He was at one time sypathetic to the IUC presumably because of the job they did. He also came out and condemned the indiscriminate killing of civilians by the Habashi. But,he has also defended the TFG & appeared sympathetic to some of their actions. He has asked the shababs to surrender to the Habashis and end the attacks on them & their fellow occupying soldiers(What we call peacekeepers)& give the TFG a chance to rule Somalia.


Classic Jiifna banaan,taagni banaan,if i remember that argument clearly,it was framed as diplomacy vs insurgency. You would of course, know where,Baashi stands no?

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Don't you labor on where I stand. I stand by my posts. Just for once accept that every one who sees things from different perspective is not gaal or Ethiopian spy in disguise. Now be a good sport and tell me what do you really want? No joke -- do tell me plz and I will show you if it has a chance flying off from the ground or not!

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