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Shariif and IndhoCadde left Mogadishu Unannounced. Will They Visit Iran?

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MUQDISHO: Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ka dhoofay Magaalada Muqdisho xilli aan laga warhayn

Posted to the Web Aug 19, 16:41



Muqdisho (PP) – Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo uu ku jiray Yuusuf Indho-cadde ayaa ka dhoofay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Muqdisho shalay xilli aanay war ka hayn Saxaafadda Gudaha Soomaaliya.



Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo wafdiga uu hoggaaminayo oo aan wax war ah laga hayn illaa iyo shalay ayaa mid ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta Maxkamadaha Muqdisho balse diiday inuu magaciisa xuso u xaqiijiyay Shabakadda wararka ee Puntlandpost inay u dhoofeen dalka Yemen.



Socdaalka Yemen uu ku aaday Sheekh Shariif oo noqonaya midkii ugu horreeyay ee uu ugu ambabaxo dibadda Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa la sheegay inuu yahay mid ay kaga codsadeen madaxda dalka Yemen inuu socdaal ku yimaado dalkooda, si ay wadahadallo ula yeeshaan mas'uuliyiinta dalkaas.



Diyaarad qaas ah ayaa la sheegay in looga soo diray dalka Yemen taasoo horay u sii qaaday shariifka iyo xubno kale oo ka mid ah Maxkamadaha, waxaana socdaalkaan ay sidoo kale ku Mari doonaan dalka Jabuuti oo ah dal daris la ah Soomaaliya.



Sheekha iyo xubnaha la socda ayaa wararka qaarkood waxay sheegayaan in laga yaabo inay socdaal u maraan dalka Iiraan oo xiriir hoosaad wanaagsan uu kala dhexeeyo Maxkamadaha Muqdisho isla markaana haatan lagu wado inay dhaqaale lacageed soo gaarsiiso.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


Saaxiibkaa u ***

Daabaco Qormadan

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LSK, WTF? LOL. Are you spreading rumors atheer? What has Iran got to do with this? Atheer, we don't need any more attention from the trigger-happy Americans who're getting their butts kicked in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're like a wounded lion now. Salaamat min kuli aafat. :D

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loool@Salamaat kuli aafaat.


Castro, I am not shocked by the mere idea that the ICU should find new benefactors. The ICU is the new power in town. With its beast of an army and such loyal hungry-for-a-goverment followers, providing some sort of governance is necessary in order to maintain control and further their agenda. Such mammoth task not only requires unshakable conviction on hand, but it calls for having a breadth of knowledge in fundraising techniques. Ama Iran tag ama Fiji ka dhac, bal wax uun keen dadkan lagu maamulo.


In addition, the ICU must, as anyone would, amass military hardware to further neutralize the toothless "President of Baidoa City" incase he tries to stir trouble. lool


Forget the Yankees. They have no credibility anymore.


Salamaat min kuli aafaat. :D

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