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clans is to somalia as carbon is to life.

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in our country somalia (much of east africa)our problem is not the clan.we are all proud of our own clans. somalias mention it with passion. I am such and how can you ignore something that motivates people so much and that it seems is the building blocks of the society.clan is to somalia is it is carbon to life. we are proud of it and we know who we are and where we come from. it is our affiliation. we should name the regions of somalia after clans..

for example Banadir you know who.. Hargeysa with you know who , let a lone Nugal.

even make militry units named after clans. for example in UK they have scotish this, Irish this and so forth. why not us.


imaging the loyalty if somali clan malitia , if that was ligal think how they could progress. in my pridiction if we use such system eventualy clans wll be states and names so you could go to mugadisho and be proud of who is named after it..

so we will never fight again in as we have done before..with this kind of loyalty somalia can face and protect each other from anyone; we do to each other what ever we will but somalians will never let other people oppress other somalians imaging how we nearly give freedom to ******ia... and they are not grateful as well.


long liv SOMALIA UNITY ;)

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Brother maybe that is problem for somalia, what u have mentioned.


My brother lets be careful of glorifying qabil, clans, our forefathers…..indeed the mushrik Arabs did the same.


…They said, ‘No, but this is what we found our forefathers doing.’Quran


None is worthy of Glory or Praise, except Allah Alone, there is nothing wrong with loving your kith and kin, your own kind, but not to a point where they are worth praise. Our qabil is Islam, our flag is ilaha illallah wa anna Muhammadan rasulullah, our leader is Muhammad ibn Abudallah, our Lord is Allah, our Guide is the Quran. Islam should be to Somalia as Carbon is to life, it is the only source which can bring peace to our people. Don't u agree?


salaamu lah

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JZK brother for your good words, and I ask Allah to also bless you, your family, to forgive our sins, to ease the sufferings of our people, to bring peace to our land, and to give victory to the ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Ameen ya Raab.


salaamu lah

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