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Lol. Fabricated Elders Consent, And Allegedly Atam's Paltalk Voice..What Next?

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The local warlord
has been singled out by the UN Security Council for violating an arms embargo and is believed to be a key supplier of arms to the Al Qaeda-inspired Shebab group that controls much of the rest of Somalia


Source: AFP

This is a BIG twist of the report by the UN monitoring Group. The man is known to be arms dealer according to the report. The report also mentions that he supplies weapons to ONLF, a fact that has angered Ethiopia and hence its interest in getting rid of him.



I'll post that report. [/QB]


40. As an example, the Monitoring Group received information that on 9 January

2008, a fishing boat from Yemen docked at a small port under the control of a

********** clan militia between Las Qoray and Maidh, in East Sanaag, with

1.5 tons of AK-47s and pistols on board. The consignment, offloaded onto pickup

trucks, was arranged by Somaliland arms traders. A local businessman explained to

the Monitoring Group that Yemeni dhows deliver arms, and fuel, to local clans as

payment for fishing rights. The ********** clans, in control of Las Qoray port, are

major supporters of the ****** National Liberation Front
supplying them

with weapons and using routes along the Puntland border, through Boocame, in

territories ruled by the *********** clan, with whom they have good relations.

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'Masaajidda' is a proper Puntland accent, I don't know what Allsanaag is talking about here.


And that was the authentic voice of Atom, he stresses to be part of the greater Alshabaab war against the what he calls the Murtadiin of Puntland and claims victory.


The man is a nutcase and needs to be dealt with immediately, the administration has shown enough patience and softness and allowed this guy to amass militia at his will, no more.

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