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Lol. Fabricated Elders Consent, And Allegedly Atam's Paltalk Voice..What Next?

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Digniin!!! Cajalad been abuur ah oo laga sameeyey Sheekh Atam

July 27, 2010

By admin

Bogga oo ah bog u janjeedha kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ayaa soo gudbiyey cod ay ku qaadeen Paltalk, iyagoo sheegay ninka hadlayaa inuu yahay Sheekh Maxamed Saciid Atam. Ka dib markaannu dhegeysannay codkan waxan hubsannay ninka hadlayaa xataa inaanu lahay accent- reer Puntland.


Dadka Cajaladdan soo sameeyey waxay rabaan in dab la geliyo Puntland oo ah meelaha nabaddu ka jirto dalka Soomaaliya. Waxan dadka uga digaynaa khiyaanadan. Waxa ka mid ahaa erayada uu isticmaalay “Masaajidda..” is weydii akhriste dadka Puntland khaas ahaan reer Sanaag waxay yiraahdaan, “Masaajiddada.” Ninka hadlayaa clearly waa reer Mudug.


Dawladda iyo shacabka Puntland ha ka digtoonaadeen majaxaabada lagu wado.

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^No Al-Shabaab will take root in Maakhir, Karl.


All this is the game of name-calling which the fools in Garowe are using at the expense of locals on both sides.


We'll see what is gained, as I said before.


PS: The man who is supposedly 'Atam' in the interview from Paltalk is in Boosaaso.

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Damagae limitations I see, they are getting desperate...


Ninka hadlayaa clearly
waa reer Mudug.


Dawladda iyo shacabka Puntland
ha ka digtoonaadeen majaxaabada lagu wado.

Look how confused these nonsense portals are, are reer Mudug not Punlanders, and why are they now interested in the "People and government of Puntland" when they are defending a terrorist who's organisation bombed the people of Puntland and killed its officials?


Paragon, adeer you aint even from the clan as I remember so why pretend? :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Heh@ninka hadlayaa xataa inaanu lahay accent - reer Puntland.

That's the part I enjoy in all this, the unadulterated comedy of it all. I was laughing hard when I read the accent bit..and laughed even harder when Faroole was on TV xalay, crying out as if he was starting a third world war. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Paragon, adeer you aint even from the clan as I remember so why pretend?

Lol. Which clan are we talking about? The sub-clan of Atam? Or the one of Ilka-Jiir? :D

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^lol. That's what I call desperation.


Ma hadaa hadaladiina lakala fasiray. Good luck with your newly found hero


Masaajidda = Reer Bari. So he's not reer Bari?

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Paragon, there was man in Bosaso who was facilitating the interview between the Atam and the Paltalk guy. That's how the Shabaab guys conduct their sermons tru the paltalk. You could hear how the interviewer was asking the guy in Bosaaso if the Sheikh was able to hear and how the audio was changing. At least come with something else to support the guy, rather than saying AS is fabricating this. What would AS get out of this?

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^So now you are a linguistic expert all over sudden? :D





Seriously though, I can't support al-Shabaab or anything that smells like it while in my right mind.


Anigu waxaan ka dhiidhiiyey arrinta odeyaasha lagu gees maray. We consider odeyaasha more than all humans, haddaan reerka nahay, you see. And we'll shall deservedly throw rightous fits whenever it happens again. :D

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Got to admit, this stuff is much more interesting than what happend in SL today. :D


Reer PL in SOL waa wada qac! The link Paragon provided urges poeple not to be hasty (for the sake of PL) yet the young turks can't help themselves and are already looking for a fight.


War kiss and make up before A&T sticks his oar in. :D

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Originally posted by TheParagon:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

Paragon, adeer you aint even from the clan as I remember so why pretend?

Lol. Which clan are we talking about? The sub-clan of Atam? Or the one of Ilka-Jiir?
:DAdeer spare us the nonsense, it would be best to stay out of the whole thing, you aint no Makhirian as you used to boast about. :D

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