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New Puntland state flag: : Is it stolen?

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Ms. Somalia, what is the matter sweetness getting beat to your own game,plagiarism? :D


Ina Bucur Baceyr marduuf qaad ah halay, waa majnuun falanee

:D Swear I have heard this one before from a man named Khaliif maxamoud. Replacing clan name with ina bucur bucayr doesn't make it yours now does it?

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^^ :D


Yeah, what a good comparison. The lame and meaningless folderol you call poetry compared to the lethality of mine's is like comparing a baby's toy to something that can do this...






Ina Bucur Baceyr, like I've said, I am way above your league hombre. In the meantime; let me know when you learn how to spit HOTFIRE like I do, and you are able to come up with original shyte like I do...AIGHT!! :D



I was having fun using Xaaji Xunduf as my punching bag. Do you know if he would eventually be making his way back into this thread and come up with some semblance of a worthwhile reply? Quick send him PM! :cool:

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Mr. Somalia,


So is this the battle of who can copy/paste the best poetry? I gotta give it to you, you're good at that. you win. :D


Speaking of league, what are you some sorta silly spoiled brat girl? I'm out of your league kulahaa. Faan waynaa wadaadow! :D


So you want me to compose my own? Oh boy! here it goes.Might as well do it since everyone else is butchering the language.



Af qashuusha, oo hadalku qaban

Buntlandey adaa leh!

Maanta Pirate baan ahay,

Barina Sharaxni Buntlaney adaa leh!

Xaaran la xalaashado,

Lacag aan latacbin Bunlaney adaa leh!

Rag dumar ah iyo dumar rag ah,

Buntladey adaa leh! :D

Xabashi waa Jaberti

Koonfurna waa cadow Buntlandey adaa leh!

Dooni qaxooti ka-ijaar bada ku daadi,

Buntlaney adaa leh!

Somaliland ufaan, faqiirna ahow Buntlaney adaa leh!


Weel madhan qaado, oil aan jirin Buntlaney adaa leh! :D

Wiilal mad madow, malaay xadhig ku dabta,

Buntlaney adaa leh!

Gabdha cad cad, cadaanku guursado

Buntlaney adaa leh! :D

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To Ilma Bucur Baceyr,


I am afraid, that random drivel disguised as poetry won't just cut it. :D


You have only exposed how creepy the source of your so-called 'poetic' talents really is. But in any case-- allow me for ONCE to stoop to your lowly cesspool and serve up to y'all the same undignified nonsense that you unashamedly posted. This --by far-- should NOT be construed as an attempt at poetry on my part-- but rather a simple mimicry of the buffoonery, you talentless Ilma Bucur Baceyr consider to be poetry. :D


So here goes...


Nabiga(scw) iyo diinta oo lacaayo--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Caqli-xumo iyo mabda' xumo lagu damco ina dad isir wadaaga ah lagu kala kaxeeyo-- Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Dad Soomalinimada diida misana ducufa ah--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Gobonimo iyo calan been-ah oo la sheegto--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Calan Shankaroon loo bixiyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! :D


Habro dusha xukun ka sheegta, odey biiqana(Riyaale) u taliyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh! :D


Ninkii ku diley oo ku dooxay inuu xoog kugu haysto--Somaliland idinkaa leh! :D


Faqri iyo faan aan wax tarin iyo fuud la is marmariyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Tahriib doon loo raaco, Saxaradanah lagu bakhtiyo--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Amxaar dagkad uulaheyn la hanti siiyo, hadhoodina dagkada xamaalkayda kuu diida--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Jaad sidii adhi abqo cunaya looga dhargo, hadhoodina indhaha kor loo taagtaago--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


Naago marfash lagu fuulo--Somaliland idinkaa leh!


AIDS tumasho laga qaado--Somaliland idinkaa leh!

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^^^Really! That wasnt even remotely close to anything that even resembles poem. Try again, and this time make it interesting. :D


Markab adag weeye Maandeeq(Somaliland),

iyo hibadii Somaliyeed eh.

Dhinac ay kaa xigaan dhaxani amid kaama qabane!

Waa hoygii xaq dhawrka iyo xornimadee,

Xalaal miirato iskeed wax uqabsato weeyane.


Godob Xun ha galin, hakuna gafine

Waa Durriyad xalaleed oo Diinta xaq dhawrtee,

Diinta macaayaan nin lasito mooyee,

Qolo waliba xumaan way ka buuxdaaye,

Idinkuba kuwaa wax dhacaa waad weheshataane.

Markaa maandhow waxaa haboon

In aad Afkaaga ka leexiside! D




Muxubo iyo wadanimo waxaan ahayn lixdankii ma wadine,

Hantiwadaag xalala ay rabeen,

Laakinse la xumeyoo, xaqoodii loo diidye,

Maanta waa kuwaa hormaroo,

Xornimo iyo nabad ba lehe,


Waa rag isku kalsoon, dhabarka aan ka xabadayne

Waa rag kaa xeelad dheer daa'in abidkoode,

Waa rag karti iyo murtiba lagu xanto eh,

Waa rag xeelad dagaal iyo nabad labada yaqaanee

Waa ragii Las Anod kuu diiday inaad xaaran ku joogtee,

Waa rag wax dhacsada iyagoon xabashi garabsan eh!

Tuulo Garoowe nin jooga muxuu ka yaqaana taa? :D



Abidkeed Xabashi Xammer may hungeeyne,

Adaa Xammer Cadeey xabashi keenayoo

Wiiqay cududii Somaliyeede.

Waxii Somali kugu nacdaa waa gar meel taalee!

Xaraan ku naax hadaanad ahayn maxaad Xabashi Xammer u keentay?


Meeshaad joogtid Somalinimo xil ma saartide,

Shido iyo xumaan ayaad intaa maleegtaaye.

Nasab Saxa matihdi, saancad lasoo diraa tahey,

Soomali inaad tahay xataa shaki ayaa igaga jira manta! redface.gif


nin walalkii xasday Muslim lama odhan kareeh,

Maxaa Xammer iyo ka Hargeysa joogaba,

Qoorta kuu sudhay? redface.gif

Nabad ka dhalataa Xammer way ku gubaysaaye,

Hargeysa oo Xasiloon

Waad ka xajiimootaye.

Naacow raaxale ayaad ka dhigataa diifta Somaliyeed eh,

Axmaq iyo inaad tahay Axmar aan kala garan la'ahay!

Maandhow inan muran haweenle, malaay xadhig ku dabe,

Waa sidee xaalku? :D

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Bacaadka gabey labadaan bari BadCasoo uma bareereene.

Waataan ka nastay halkaan baryahaane(SOL).

Hadana waxaa ii birmaday baqalkii Shankaroone. :D


Nimanbaa sidii bilcaynteyda barida iyo kubka ii wada bidhaamayoo.

Hasayeshee anigu kabaqay qoomuluudnimada baas ee Shankaroone.

Waa wada buraanbur kolkeey hadal ka bixiyaane.


Ragii booteyn jiray juuqna laga waaye.

Banaanka waxaan ku riday Xunduf iyo inankii marqaansanaye. :D

Waxa Xaajigu aamuska uu ubadsadey waa waxaan baday'e.

Adiguna hadaad ku dayato waa laguu baqaaye.

Nin bareera iyo reer marfash baarqab lagawaaye

Bahyar iyo habar maskiin ah baan la dhacay buntukhii weynaaye.


Waayo naxi maayo gortii dagaal lay igu beegsade.

Inaan baqo waa iga xaraan xataa hadaad boqolaal habrood keentaane.

Hoobiye iyo Baazooke baan ahay iyo bumbe qarxayse.

Aduun ninkaan baleeyaa mabaxo sanad iyo dheeraade.

Walahi, waxaan dhaar ku marayaa inuu burburaaye.

Bakhti intaan ka dhigo boorka ku jafaa.


Bad weyntaas Eebe ka badan reer tolkeey, badanow...(D-Block!).

Barbarkaan ujeestaba aniga bay ii banaantahayoo.

Hal eray-ah hadhihin, yaan Badacasoo bakhtigaaga ka tilaabsanine.

Bishaan iyo bisheda kale shib baan kaaga baxayaaye. icon_razz.gif





Just so you know... " "Insidious"is my middle name. ;):D


The ball is in your court.


That is all.

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SOL is a funny place! Waryaa Mr. Somalia you are a true child at heart and very much an upcoming comic, I must confess! :D


Reading through your drivels in this thread and that of Red Sea, which I only followed marginally I noticed that you took one of Guuleed Jucufo's gabay called 'Baqalka I****' to your advantage in a devastating manner, which is rather unbecoming.


Anyhow here is the real Gabay of Guuleed Jucufo which he recited on a man called Cabdi Dhakhtar who challenged Guuleed Jucufo for a duel next time they would meet, when they finally met he said 'I was only joking with you and I don't have anything prepared' and that's when Abwaan Guuleed Jucufo recited the poem on the guy who asked for a duel with him but when they met couldn't produce anything:


Which you can read on here. :D:D

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Originally posted by Sakhar_khair:

SOL is a funny place! Waryaa Mr. Somalia you are a true child at heart and very much an upcoming comic, I must confess!


Reading through your drivels in this thread and that of Red Sea, which I only followed marginally I noticed that you took one of Guuleed Jucufo's gabay called 'Baqalka I****' to your advantage in a devastating manner, which is rather unbecoming.


Anyhow here is the real Gabay of Guuleed Jucufo which he recited on a man called Cabdi Dhakhtar who challenged Guuleed Jucufo for a duel next time they would meet, when they finally met he said 'I was only joking with you and I don't have anything prepared' and that's when Abwaan Guuleed Jucufo recited the poem on the guy who asked for a duel with him but when they met couldn't produce anything:


Which you can read on

Abwaan Guuled Jucufo daxal baan uleeyahay murtidiisi'e.

Adigu meesha ku cuncunaysa bal maxay tahay? :D

Ma waxaad rabtaa karbaash inta aan kula dhaco inaad hadhoodi indhaha miriqmiriq ka siisid?



Sakhar_khair, I thought it would have been much better for you if you did make such a fool of yourself, saaxiib:


You clearly put a lot of effort into trying to out me and accuse of me poetic piracy despite the fact that it is NOW, both laughable and pointless in this particular thread--where we ALL used different selected attacks from the vast arsenal of poetic attacks of old, but unlike Red Sea-- I for one have already sourced my version( and you'd notice that, if only you'd paid attention). ;)


Now obviously I know you expect to be congratulated on your "keen sense of observation", but sadly for you-- that ship has sailed a long time ago from SOL.


Call it reinventing the wheel or recasting old poetic ideas, but my new version directed at Ilma Bucur Baceyr has a swagger and style all of its own. Therefore, need I say it's just plain stup1d on your part and beyond comprehension why you choose to put me under the spotlight like that. It is clearly ONLY meant to give false hope to some of my resident detractors on SOL who-- for the most part-- tend to be outright imbeciles, don't have any sense of humor and cannot, for the life of them, contribute constructively without ALWAYS trying to sneak in a weak cheap shot. :D


Therefore, I am not surprised Señora Zack loves this very much. :D

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Sxb^^I didn't expect anything less of you as I knew you would play that 'everyone's trying to get at me' victim card, as knowing you, the big child you're you would very well do this :D:D .


But alas I will let it slip and say to you adeer you're completely right and I am wrong and thus apologise to you, deal,?

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Sakhar_khair , so you are admitting that you are "nobody"... thanks for owning up. :D


Awalba aniga waxba maad iga dheefi lehaynee, orod oo qof kale aad kusoo caan baxdid raadso!

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^Ah I am reeking the youthfulness :D , what bliss! Long may it live adeer. I'am sorry for infringing on you and your little friends.


No one is doubting you young turk but that energetic youthful outburst of yours is best directed at other channels more appropriate of me and as knowing me, I can't further partake in such youthful eager exchanges with you as you've mastered that art perfectly, I have no choice but to sit on the sidelines from now on. :D


I must confess when it comes to such things you're in a league of your own and as we're a diverse group sometimes we need such boltness and careless, youthful, spontaneous outbursts of anger and you owe every one in here with your own unique ways.


So I will leave it with you and the other kids to fight it out and I am sure you will emerge the victorious out of those. :D

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Busted :D


Mr. Somalia. I'll give you another chance at redemption. And this time I hope you take the hint that pirated poems cannot be disguised, as likes of Mr. Sakhar will be coming forward to slap you in the wrist.


So you know, I didn't source mind because they were all mind except the first one which you already knew.But you are still persistent with the gabay piracy. take another crack at it, and this time come up w/something that you have put together yourself from your cerebral facility. I will not answer to any work that isn't yours. period.

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