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Devolving Misrule: Yey oo ku meeraysanaya Siyaasad Puntland ee uu ka dalacay!

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Somali president supports Puntland election commission

29 Nov 29, 2008 - 6:05:17 PM


GAROWE, Somalia Nov 29 (Garowe Online) - Private meetings held in Garowe, the capital city of Puntland State of Somalia, ended Saturday after interim Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf and a host of Puntland presidential candidates disagreeing over the election commission.


Abdi Shulu'o, Puntland presidential candidate/GO

Abdi Haji Shulu'o, who was selected to speak for the presidential candidates, told a press conference in Garowe that President Yusuf "supports" the election commission, which was appointed last month by Puntland leader Gen. Adde Muse.


"We [candidates] are here to tell you that issues we discussed with the [somali] President have failed and as we said before the decision now rests with the Issims [traditional elders]," Mr. Shulu'o said.


On Friday, a group of Puntland presidential contenders met with President Yusuf and brought up the dispute over the Muse-appointed election commission, security in Garowe and demanded that government resources must not be used to fund Muse's re-election bid. READ: Somali president, Puntland opposition candidates meet in Garowe


Another candidate, Abdirahman Hersi "Urbeyte," told the press conference that the election commission is "unacceptable."



Abdirahman Urbeyte, Puntland presidential candidate/GO

"The president of Puntland [Muse] is also a presidential candidate and he has no right to appoint the election commission," Mr. Urbeyte said, adding: "We have proposed that the Issims appoint the election commission, but the [Muse] administration refused this."


In Puntland, the Issims wield strong influence over the region's clan-based parliament by requiring that potential legislators receive the Issims' signed endorsement.


The election commission has the authority to ratify lawmakers into the Parliament, which elects the next Puntland president on January 8, 2009.

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Yey knows nothing but war. I am afraid he will ignite another chapter here by supporting the detested Cadde Muse. I understand your cynical hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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A&T beryahan waad mirqaansantahay miyaa? You are wrong, saxib, the old man knows what happened in his last term in Puntland and wants to avoid any instability due to the upcoming elections. He is there to cosule all to follow the rule of law with regards to elections and accept the results of elections regardless of who wins.


The opposition need to wise up and come up with realistic plan for one of the them to be successfull. There is no way these 14 hopefulls can win unless they unite behind one or at most two candidates.


I know al-shabaab supporters will like nothing better than Punltand to blow up and that is not going to happen.



AT&T on Puntland: When is it going to start? I mean rasaastu? With Yey there, it is certain it is coming. ... wishful thinking

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Share on other sites ........ that is where Yey belong to ma is tidhaahdeen ,,, :D



Waar odayga bahal xarfad ah bay u dhigeen ,, miyuu dagaal mooyaane siyaasadba iska eegay ,,, :D

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