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Mahadsanidiin reer Landhan iyo Odhawa

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Reer Miniyaaboolis waa sameyeen banaanbaxa. Aad ayee ugu mahadsanayeen. Now is for reer Odhawa iyo reer Landhan markooda, iyagana aad ayee ugu mahadsanyihiin daljecelkooda iyo qaran difaacida u istaagooda.


Anybody whoever been to Ottawa in Janaayo knows how unbearable qaboowga is. Dankis for braving that, reer Odhawa!




Bannaabax looga soo horjeedo joogitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya ee dalka Soomaaliya aya maalintii Arbacada ahayd Bisha Jan 3, 2007 ka dhacay magaalada Ottawa ee dalka Canada. Bannaabaxaas oo ka kala dhacay Seddex goobood oo kala ah Baarlamaanka dalka Canada iyo Safaaradaha Itoobiya iyo Mareykanka. Baarlamaanka dalka Canada oo ahayd goobtii uu bannaabax ka bilaawday ay dadkii halkaas isugu soo baxay ay ku dhawaaqayey ereyo ay kaga soo horjeedaan joogitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya ee dalka Soomaaliya.

First, sawirada from Odhawa.


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Click each thumbnail to enlarge.


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Anybody whoever been to Ottawa in Janaayo knows how unbearable qaboowga is. Dankis for braving that, reer Odhawa! Dad badan oo reer Jabuuti ayaa ku jiro sawiradaan, they deserve a special thanks dadkaas qaaska ah braving that baraf iyo qaboob, including cuniga yar ee sanadka aan gaarin wali ku socdo gaarigiis. That child as well deserved a special thanks.

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Having spent (too) many years in Ottawa, I salute my fellow Ottawans for spending more than a minute in the valley temperatures this time of year.



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Maalinimadii sabtiga oo ay taariikhdu ahayd 30.12.06 ayaa dadweyne aad u tira badan waxa ay isugu soo baxeen ka soo horjeedka dhismaha xafiiska Ra’iisulwasaaraha Britain, oo loo yaqaan Downing Street. Bannaanbaxaas oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan jaaliyadda soomaaliyeed ee ku nool London ayaa waxa ay kaga cabanayeen ciidamada Itoobiya oo dhawaan soo galay dalka Soomaaliya

Sawirada from Landhan.


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Click each thumbnail to enlarge.


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The banaanbax is from last week, not today's one.

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Waa ayaanba ayaane, waxa iman doonta maalin ay taariikhdu xusi doonto.


Bilaa caleek sawiraddooda kaydka history'ga galiya. These people deserve recognition maalinta cadawga iyo duliga laga saaro dhulka.

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Duke will now urge his collaborators (if there are any) in Canada to come out and carry pictures of Meles and Yeey. Sorry to disappoint you atheer but even Puntlanders in this part of the world reject your uncle and his puppet government.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Can that help ???????????


As the Palestenians ,,, they r experts on this

If you ever been to Odhawa or felt its bitter windy winter in Janaayo or Febraayo, and dared to venture more than a couple seconds outside, let alone ciyaal lagu wado stroller iyo hooyooyinkooda la socdo, outside saas maadan u qosleen, runtii.

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domonstrations don't help at all ,,,, palestenians have more than 50 years to do that and they never get what they want or even close to it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for me it is just waste of time ,,,


You either go and die like a man or you stay and watch the situation like hollywood movies.

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JB, the Ethios say they will pull out in 2 weeks. Opinion is against them in nearly all media outlets. When Somalis are demonstrating in Xamar for the withdrawal of Ethio forces, this will obviously mean they are not wanted to even the staunchiest.


Public opinion is very important in todays world and must be used to your benefit. A demo can help however small.


Comparing Filastiin to Somalia is not really fair is it?

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Northerner"I wonder how Duke and his cousins will try to spin this one? "


Will this is not one that requires a spin. People should be encouraged for trying to get their voice heard in the face of canadian weather of all things. What I want to know, though, is how you secesionist and new-found Mujahids, sheikhs, al and abu hebels now find it acceptable to dan the cloak of Somali nationialism and advocate hostility against a people who's sons you have claim just a year ago were closer to you anf for people you claimed that you did not share the same language and culture, who you also claimed were politically alian to you because you were the orphans of the English Queen. Guess know the sons of xamar are closer to you then the ones of Baidaba, bosasso and kismayo. Or is this a case of my enemy's enemy is my friend? On second thought, that does not work because they are both your enemies.

How shameless Somalis and how short their memory is!

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Dadka ciddii leh dhiig & Damiir, in yarna Allaha ka yeelee, waxay haddiyo jeer u taagan yihiin difaaca Ciiddooda Hooyo.

Waa sida Somalida reer London & Ottowa oo kale. Special Thanks to them!


Miskiin M.A. Thanks for posting this info. In Waddaniyaddu ay, Addiga & Dhallin badan oo

SOL ka mid ah, idinku dheer tahay baan idiin hubaa. Waxaan idin dhihi lahaa: adeeggiina shaqo intaa ka sii ambaqaadda!


F.G. SOL xubin baan ka ahaan jiray hase yeeshee muddo hore ayaa iigu dambaysay;

haddana waxaan filayaa in aan idinku soo laabtay.

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Welcome back horta although this is your first post since 2004 ,,,,


Dadk ciddii leh dhiig iyo damiir waa inay dagaalamaan oo ay u dhintaan waxa ay aaminsan yihiin ama maalkooda u huraan ,,,, waqti lumis baan u aqaanaa inta boodhadh la qaato in dariiqyada Europe iyo US la istaagtaago oo safaaradaha la baryo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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