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^waxa la dhahaa qofku haduu wax uu ku hadlo garaneen oo macno sameenaya in uu iska amuso baa la qaatay..


This lady is intelligent, smart, and amazing.But, we all know you don't have a problem with her being a woman per say, bt rather that her political ideology conflicts with yours.


In fact she has respect for the ppl who hail frm other regions as at one point she said " ilaahay ha u siyaadiyo dadka kale what they achieved in their regions" so no need to hate.


mise the whole world revolves around Somaliland in your book.


Anyhow, no one cares about your views. We have had billions of circle arguments abt the same issues.


It is time to just let it go and for you to stop commenting on issues concerning SSC for they do not concern you.Kapish.




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^lol Che maybe so. He clearly forgets that there are many women in Somaliland government. One being Edna Aden the former Foreign minister of Somaliland. Who they fired when they couldnt get recognition lol.

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Excellent Job, Khusuusi Kobra Keyse



Masha Allah, People of SSC are working very hard, and they are united, thanks to SSC Leader XagloToosiye, Deputy Leader Sabarey, Golaha Khusuusiga (SSC Parliement), SSC Traditional leaders, and SSC army


Well Done

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Liban, khususiga waxba kama jirto. If the khususi was so effective why didn't they turn against labada garad jamac oo ah minority hadi loo eego halka majority garaad ay isku wada raceen? The khususi says if 60% of garaads hal meel isku racan waa in garadada kale ka daba faylana taas maxay u dhici waysee bal ii sheeg?


Niyahow riyadu iyo beenta aad ku nooshahay iska daa, ssc waxaa loo sameyey waa dan gaar bay lee yahin labada garad jamac.

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by creating this khasuusi jabhad it has given somaliland government the execuse it needed to send large troops to the area, i am not sure what khasuusi have gained by launching this war in hawd.


before khasuusi came to buhoodle region somaliland admin was not in the region now it has troops spread from las anood to buhoodle and widhwidh permenantly.


am not sure what the thinking is but its has no reall advantages for kasuusi

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yes but alot of things raise your profile, not all of them are good for you i mean suicide bombers kill themselves to raise their profile so is coverage everything.


the admin has now wrestle the last stronghold of puntland by massing troops in the region.


listen to the former widhwidh mayor of puntland spitting blood with anger after he was routed by somaliland forces..


i think khasuusi over played their hand too early they went to war too early and too eager withough any plan or millitary strengh.

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I think it's safe to say SSC folks won't be blowing up themselves anytime soon. If there's suicide bomber, you get bigger problem than just Xaglatoosey and Co.


Anyway, this is critical juncture and this is where citizens make their decisions whether to support any entity or another.


P.S. Puntland is not really player in these events. The momentum is moving towards Somaliland vs locals.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Actually, if you look at this from purely political perspective, this raises their profile.

CG: In order one to see that has to come up with open mind to the discussion table. To those whose thinking revolves and reaches not beyond their sight they've indeed fixed minds rather growing minds, balse qof nool lagama samro.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

I think it's safe to say SSC folks won't be blowing up themselves anytime soon. If there's suicide bomber, you get bigger problem than just Xaglatoosey and Co.


Anyway, this is critical juncture and this is where citizens make their decisions whether to support any entity or another.


P.S. Puntland is not really player in these events. The momentum is moving towards Somaliland vs locals.

well fanatics is the only type of jabhad which is very difficult to defeat for any government let alone small african states due to the extremes they will go to in order to cause mayhem compared to


but i do agree with you that its between the khasuusi jabhab and the somaliland admin, and that puntland admin will be sitting on its hands.


i think the khasuusi main hope was to turn the population agains the SL admin after the buhoodle and widhwidh incidents...


unfortunately the population did not really respond at all especially las anod the capital.


and somaliland seems to have separated the khasuusi from the tribe in general by using the locals mainly.


but we shall see how things pan out.





i begg to differ its sometimes easiar to fight an established admin than a loose tribal affiliated jabhad and somaliland at this hour of generall elections can do withought it.

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by creating this khasuusi jabhad it has given somaliland government the execuse it needed to send large troops to the area, i am not sure what khasuusi have gained by launching this war in hawd.


before khasuusi came to buhoodle region somaliland admin was not in the region now it has troops spread from las anood to buhoodle and widhwidh permenantly.


am not sure what the thinking is but its has no reall advantages for kasuusi



Somaliland started the war both in 2007 and in 2010. And, now in widhwidh the somaliland troops failed both to take over widhwidh and reach buuhodle.


Therefore, the khasusi are doing an excellent job in defending their rightful regions.


So Somaliland government troops must go back to their cities.


Or do they think they will gain some imaginary recognition by initiating war in SSC regions.



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^^ Dont worry we will get there and the somaliland Authority will reach the people of buhoodle inshallah, how ever we are in Control in widhwidh and balihadhac , and 25 km away from Buhoodle.Also There were Military officials From Somaliland in buhoodle begin This week. So its just a matter of time, Huuno.

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