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Mogadishu, October 23, 2006 (AKi) - Fighters from the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) are planning an attack on the seat of Somalia's interim government located in the provincial town of Baidoa, unnamed members of the UIC leadership have told pan-Arab daily al-Sharq al-Awsat. The UIC - which has consolidated its control over much of southern Somalia after seizing Mogadishu in June - believes pro-government Ethopian troops are stationed in Baidoa.



Arabic satellite TV network Al-Jazeera reported Islamist fighters were re-approaching the town of Burhakaba, some 60 kilometres south of Baidoa, after government forces took the town on Saturday following clashes with Islamist forces. Ethiopian soldiers are said to have helped the Somali government troops, and the UIC claims Ethiopian forces have in recent days been threatening the cities it controls.


The interim government has repeatedly denied its has any Ethiopian troops on its side. The Ethiopian government also denies its troops are present in Somalia, but diplomatic sources quoted by BBC estimate that 6,000-8,000 Ethiopians are now inside Somalia, bolstering the government's faltering control.


Some 2,000 fully equipped Eritrean soldiers are also involved in the current conflict in Somalia, ranged on the side of the UIC, according to analysts.


Both sides in the Somali struggle for power are reported to have major outside backers: Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen supporting the interim government; and Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Gulf States aiding the UIC.


Somalia has been in the grip of warlords and militias for years and has been without an effective national government since 1991 when military dictator Siad Barre was ousted.


Source:Adnkronosinternational (AKI)

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One thing is for certain. The SICU has hit the wall and is checking all around the wall moving left right and confused which side has been checked for exit.

The people are demanding that the shiekies set up local governemnt and join the other states in working with the federal government.


The SICU is saying, lets not talk abut government, lets just fight. Only we know what we get out of the fighting. Don't ask. After all we are sheikies.


That can only last few days. It has run its course.

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