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Bosaaso port overflowing with imports and booming

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Dekeda Magaalada Bosaaso oo meel wanaagsan kala socod keedu Marayo iyadoo ay samaysay isbedel wayn.


Bosaaso:- Dhaq dhaqaaqa Dekeda Magaalada Bosaso ayaa ka soo raynaya ka gadaal markii Dhawaan ay ku dhufteen shacabka Puntland Suuqxumo iyo sicirbarar baahsan oo si wayn looga Dareemay Gobolada Puntland taas oo keentay Cabashooyin badan oo ay soo jeediyeen ganacsatada yar yar iyo kuwa waa weyn iyadoo dhamaan arinkaasi saameeyay Bulshada reer Puntland.



Dekeda wayn ee Magaalada Bosaso ayaa maanta waxaa Booqasho ku tegay Wariyaasha warsiyaasha somaliyeed ee iyo laasqorayNet Iyagoo u kuur gelinay ama doonaya Inay wax ka Ogaadaan xaaladaha Dhaq dhaqaaq ee Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta Gobolka Bari, Waxaana intii aan ku sugnayan Gudaha Dekeda Bosaso aan la kulanay, Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Maamulka Dekeda Bosaso oo iyagu markaas watay Howlo hooda shaqo









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our people are burning who cares if bosaso is booming, my family lives there and i don't care


is this how you deal with the shame? the painfull shame...

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Adeer be posative the war that started in 1991 is ending and a new chapter shall start. Thsoe who value the dignity of human life today should be no different to those who valued it for 17 years.


Peac, prosperity and development.

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thepoint i do not need to see that type of news where individuals use my ancestral region as somekind of a tool to divert the attention away from the brutal war crimes that are being committed in a different area of my country


that's pure xaasidnimo

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^^^Adeer, while no one doubts your claims. The news of Bossaso's boom is relevent, its economic news. Dont mix it up with security news, environmental news and so on.


The boom of Bossaso is good for everyone.

Though as I have said before, I would like Las-Qoray, Eyl and Garacad ports to be running and fisheries, livestock and commodities trading to be better established.

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^DS - it's a simply another peice of news - as Duke said - economic news, security news, tragic news etc. As to tool - saaxib - you're reading a little too much into things. Just take things at face value.

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Nothing new about Boosaaso port. The only time it didn't do so well were when In-Yusuf led a bloody war to peaceful Boosaaso City and his Xerox machine driving businesses out of the market. The fact remains no matter how hard the port produces, Ina-Yusuf and his crooks are ready to pickpocket. Sadly, PL is stuck with a parking meter waiting to swallow every penny available.


What developments has PL seen since its formation? The incompetency beyond belief.

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This article is from Midnimo a pro-Geedi and pro-occupation website.


Qayli dhaan adag ayaa ka taagan Dekedda Muqdisho iyadoo Ganacsatada rarka kala soo dega dekedaas

qaarkood u wareegen Boosaaso



Ilo wareed oo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Ganacsatada Soomaaliyed gaar ahaan kuwa ka soo jeeda Koonfurta Soomaaliya ay bilaabeen in rarkii ay kala soo degi jireen Dekedda weyn ee Magaalada Muqdisho hadda u wareegen Dekedda Magaalada Boosaaso ee Maamul Goboleedka Puntland.

Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa hadda waxaa soo gaaray Baabuur fara badan oo ay ku raran yihiin Caano kuwaas oo ka yimid Puntland gaar ahaan Magaalada Boosaaso, sida la ii sheegay baabuurtaas ayaa waxay Boosaaso ka soo qaadeen Caanaha laga keeno Dibadda kadib markii Markabkii waday caanahaas ama Ganacsatadii Caanahaas lahayd awoodi waayeen inay bixiyaan Canshuuraadka faraha badan ee Dowladda soomaaliya ku soo rogtay Dekeddda Muqdisho.


Mid ka mid ah Shaqaalaha Dekedda Muqdisho ayaa saaka u sheegay BOGGA MIDNIMO.COM in halkii kiish lagu canshuuro hal Dollar, waxaa kaloo ninkaas ii sheegay in Baabuurka marka uu gudaha galayo laga qaadayo 150 Shilin Soomaali ah, marka uu ka soo baxayana Dekedda uu bixinayo Baabuurka 200 oo Shillin Soomaali ah, waxaa kaloo jirta in Ganacsadaha Baabuurkaas u raran isna uu bixinayo Lacago dhan 500 oo Shillin Soomaali ah.


In kastoo Midnimo u suuragelin inay hesho Buug ka hadlaya Canshuuraadka oo Wasaaradda Maaliyadda soo diyaarisay haddana waxaa qaylo dhaan aan la soo koobi Karin laga soo sheegay Canshuuraadkaas, waxaana taasi keentay in shaqadii ka socotay Dekedda Muqdisho hoos u dhac weyn ku yimid.


Dekedda Muqdisho ayaa waxaa hadda ku xiran hal Markab oo keliya kaas oo lagu Magacabo SAM IL PO sida ay sheegayan wararka naga soo gaaraya Dekedda Muqdisho.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho Soomaaliya

Midnimo Information Center

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Lets hope the boom times will continue when the Ethiopian occupation and their ********** stooges are eliminated from Mogadishu city . Its a Somali city after all.



Marxuum Cali Iimaan. Allaha unaxariisto.

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What economic boom??...Adeer the elders were crying and screamin to see a dime from the boom u r talkin about...Bosaaso is in the worst condition in economic wise...what caused do you think the uproar and rage on the streets from Bosaso to Garowe recently???the tax collectd from the merchants is directly going to Hamar and to the Ethiopians...and that's making the establishment (Clans) on

War on the economy

The Muse administration has not strengthened the local economy in any way, either. On the contrary, many people throughout Puntland genuinely believe that powerful government officials, if not President Muse himself, are directly involved in the scam to mint Somali Shillings and flood local markets, causing severe inflation rates that have led to an upsurge in the price for household goods, especially food. Some 3,000 Garowe residents protested in front of Muse's presidential palace on July 25, demanding that the government take action against the criminal thugs responsible for the false currency. Traders have been angered by their losses, since many of their customers cannot afford to pay for goods at such record-high prices.

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Tahliil, as long as Muuse ensures the safety of the people and pay the salary of Puntland troops, Bosaaso and by extension the whole of Puntland is safe and can somehow make sound economic progress.


I argued before that inflation can be controlled through the use of hard-currency reserves, but this simple administration has yet reached the sophisticated technique level of controling the spectre of inflation. Has it been proven that the adminstration was behind the counter-feit money. Has the Puntland authority denied such accusations?

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