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General Duke

AU: to send 8000 troops to Somalia ignoring courts..

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^^well brother, you are missing the whole point again, I am wondering how can one build national army, bring together the different tribes if you don't win their trust. First you must win their trust and you must show that you wamt what is the best for them.The TFG is doing everything wrong by creating mistrust from the public specially in those in the South. The fact that the TFG has brough Ethiopian troops into the fold and now is closing in on bringing more even when people are protesting against such move just goes to show you that TFG doesn't consider the voice of the people nor does it run with its own agenda, it runs on Ethiopia's. But to say, we need "third" party to settle our issues is insane, Somalia has never been better since the civil wars have occured thanks in large to the courts, I think the TFG should directly nogotiate with them if they want any progress to be made in this place, which I highly doubt since it's working for the interests of few and not the people.


So you can cry foul all day and all night and try to convince people of the neccesity of bringing foreing troops,but the simple fact of the matter is more bloodshed, and turmoil, which in fact what Ethiopia wants, and the last days of the nonexisting TFG will be counting down once the first AU military personal sets foot into the country. So the TFG can choose to hang around and not bring troops into the country while having nogatiotions with the the Islamic courts or you can kiss them good bye.


Moreover, the term "warring" factions, doesn't apply to the current existing groups. Maybe I could get your point and would justify foreign troops if the likes of Qanyare, Yalaxow were needed to be kicked out,but the courts have numerous times made clear that they had no problem in nagotiating with the weak and nonfunctiong TFG,but Abdullahi Yusuf wax kale ayuu jeedaa, laakin wuu heli. Soomalidu waxay ku maah maahdaa, Cagtii soo joog laga heli waayo, soo jiif ayaa laga helaa. Markaa Abdullahi Yusuf in badan Ayey la ray rayey, laakin rayn rayntii ayaa uga dartay, markaa wuu heli wuxuu rabo, waana balaayo wuxuu doortay, and he will get it wrapped like a gift .


Besides,make sure you dont' take your eyes off the ball, remember Somaliland is totally different entity, and that is totally different topic that has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

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