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General Duke

AU: to send 8000 troops to Somalia ignoring courts..

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Midowga Afrika oo go'aamiyey in dalka Somaliya la keeno 8000 oo Nabad illaaliyaal ah

Last Updated::2006-09-13 22:38:25


Addis Ababa:- Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midobay ayaa maanta ansixiyey in ciidamo nabad illaalin ah la keeno dalka Soomaaliya.


Shirkii maanta ayaa lagu go'aamiyey in la meel mariyo qorshaha ciidamada IGADSOM ee loogu talo galay in ay gacan ka siiyaan Dowlada Federaalka dhinaca nabad sugida.


Ciidamadan oo gaaraya 8000 oo askari ayaa lagu wadaa in ay ka yimaadaan dalalka Afrikaanka ah.


Ciidamadan ayaa la sheegay in 4000 oo kamid ah la keeni doono dalka Soomaaliya dhamaadka bishan September illaa iyo horaanta bisha Oktoober.


Qorshaha Ciidamada ayaa ah mid ay IGAD soo diyaarisay isla markaana Midowga Afrika uu ka qeyb qaadan doono.


Illaa iyo hada macada dalalka ay ciidamadan kawada imaan doonaan, ayadoo hada la hubo 1000 askari oo ay horey dowlada Ugandha ugu deeqday qorshahan.


Ahmed Musse

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Jananka, do you really believe in ciidamo Afrikaan ah awalba tacbaan ahaa wax ka tari karaan arimaha lagu daalay ee Soomaaliya?


It isn't about whether the wadaad ku sheega agree or not, widaayoow. Any wadani wouldn't allow ciidamo awalkoodaba bastooda ahaa in dalka la keeno, especially kuwa Amxaaro kusoo daba dhuumanaayo.


Ciidamo Afrikaan dalalkooda xataa ma maamuli karaan, such as Ugaandha iyo Suudaan, ee marka wax ka qabashadooda arimaha Soomaaliya iska yar, hadaaba ka sugeysid. Midowga Afrika ciidamadooda Daarfuur ee qaatir bilaah ka taagan yihiin xataa.


Dhaqaalo xataa ma u hayaan, oo inay Qaramada Midoobay ku qaraabtaan ayee rabaan in the name of Soomaaliya peacekeeping. Yea, right.

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Troops are needed I thank the A.U for what they are doing. Somalia needs to be helped from itself.


Who on earth would consider a country without a Government a Country.

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80 of these ragtag AIDS-carrying AU troops will die on my hand if they ever come to Somalia. but would they? first the incompeteten african dictators have to go to Brussels to seek hand-outs and funding..and what the europeans will say? learn from history and past mistakes ... $ they need $340 Million Euros for one year - I smell african embezzlement and scam at its best. What will Ghedi get ? aother villas? how about melez? will he join his predecessor Mingistu in Harare?

That money will be better spent on treating AIDS patients in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda.

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I am still waiting for the Yey cheerleaders to tell me of why they need of AU forces,since their opponents who are the dominant force to reckon with have repeatedly said they are willing to sit down and nogotiate with the weak and nonfunctioning TFG as long as they comply with no foreing troops in Somalia rule, so what is Abdullahi Yusuf so afraid of? this question is directed to warlord Yey's cheerleaders, so sing it to me ladies.

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The dominant force in Somalia will be seen in the coming weeks.


ICU and it's likes will disappear for good.


No want once to sit down with a bunch of Moryaan. If they have any power what so ever it will be seen.

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MMA, personally I do not support the AU mission to Somalia.

However since I do not have all the facts I am in no position to really comment on it.


Red Sea, asks why the need? Well maybe in terms of training the armed forces, securing government locations and facilities, security for the officials themselves.

The idea that the AU forces will attack groups hostile to the government is absurd.


There is a plan to train and equip up to 40,000 strong national armed forces, made up of police and armed forces.

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mr do not need 8 thoushand army personals to train somali army, i understand Generals etc, but not soldiers doin training :confused: :confused: .today the only stable party and the strongest in somaia is icu with clear vision and understandable agenda's. who would the AU troops defend first of all , incadiid and geedi,abdula yusuf and rest goofs. there so such thing as TFG is done long time ago , lisnt this TFG was handpicked by the warlord thats why they are not making any progress wallahi,they even did not build one adminstration in any region, they had hard time seting up adminstration for baydhawa. abdulahi yusuf and the rest goofs would be lucky if they can manage to run smallest somali city, lets face the fact. ICu is not made of one clan for exampla sheeq Turki and his milities that took part in jihaad are not members of traditional moqadishu clans,

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Somaliland is still not recognised by the international community therefore it's still under Somalia's jurisdiction


therefore the mayor of baidoa has the right to deploy soldiers there like UN did in the 90's despite fierce opposition from somaliland leaders


and the mayor will when he gets the chance


so be ready :D

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It is sad that some of us don't get the point here. I think that many Somalis are not against troops to help Somalia but they are against the intervention of our old enemies. There are also other problems that foriegn troops will bring with them as well. What can ill-equipped and poorly trained African troops do about the situation in Somalia? Things are improving fast now so let the Somalis solve their problem.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Red Sea, asks why the need? Well maybe in terms of training the armed forces, securing government locations and facilities, security for the officials themselves.

The idea that the AU forces will attack groups hostile to the government is absurd.


There is a plan to train and equip up to 40,000 strong national armed forces, made up of police and armed forces.

Do you know what I think is really absurd ?


I think the fact that anyone thinks that in order to train, to safe guard government officials, equip the military, and even the fact that some think the courts are a "hostile" to the nonfunctioning so called transitional National government is redicolous itself.


First of all in order to train the military: You wouldn't need thousands of military personal to be deployed into a territory just to "train" the forces of that nation. Even 12 year old honestly knows that is not the case. I can undersand and justify military advisors being brought to help out or even few unarmed military personal to help with the training,but that is no where close to what is happening today.


Secondly, the officials of the TFG are threat to themselves, hence the killing of of Mr. Deerow,there hasn't been further invesigation as to who was behind his killing? the reason being the tracks would be traced back to the "man" himself of being behind the killing of the official.


As we all know Baydhabo is occupied honestly by one of the most peaceful Somalis you will ever find, therefore up to this point there hasn't been any threat coming from the residents of that city, except few reported robberies and even that was linked and confirmed that it was the guards of Abdullahi Yusuf who are robbying the residents of that city.So the bottomline, no one is a threat to this weak TFG, no one is a hostile to it except within its own weak structure,therefore it has no reason to bring troops from outside to safe guard its failing mission, if there was one ever.


So now, it's only the benefit of all the Southern Somalis including those from Puntland for this TFG to not bring any further troops into the country against the will of the people,since by golly their mission isn't to bring peace into Somalia that doesn't already exist but rather to create un atmosphere in which Somalis will never be able to move forward from here. The courts are the only hope for the Somalis who are seeking peace and stability, the TFG is driven by Ethiopia and newly discovered foe,Kenyan government who are trying to make sure their neighbors to the East never recover in order to remain the power and the "voice"of the horn.


These are games designed to be played with the Somalis, they are using the Somalis themselves whom are the brainless without any damiir to understand what they are involved in, but as we await it won't work out the way Ethiopia and Kenya intend to previuosly. The truth and the righousness shall prevail Insha Allah, and it will, by then the courts will be in full control and even the fact that the TFG was offered a recognition from the courts will be revoked, thus courts will be runing the course.mark my word.

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Red Sea, you made some valid points, its a shame you used no facts what so ever to back up your claims. It is sad you would use Deerows murder as another way to attack the TFG.


The Somali situation is unique in that warring armed clans have no trust with one another. We need a third party, the courts represent one interest group, so do Puntland and Somaliland.


The only non clan entity in Somalia is the TFG, thus building up a national army under one comand must take out the clan issue, when the AU troops arrive they would be seen to play the role no Somali region or clan could.

Thus the TFG could build a national army with a fine balance of clan memership which in turn would protect the whole nation/

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