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General Duke

A stable Somalia is in your interet

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A Stable Somalia is in the interest of everyone.


We Somali's, have many cyber Jihadi’s and clan warriors who like the fictitious Rambo want to bomb everyone and anyone all from the comfort of their living rooms, cursing ,making threats and sending military instructions from their PC.

Even these very confused childish individuals need a stable Somalia; it is in their personal best interest to have a normal state in their motherland, for they will be at the forefront of the new society.

Instead of day dreaming on their PC’s stuck in their living rooms isolated and alone they would have vastly better job opportunities and even better prospects of finding a mate and a better social status, considering how many Somali’s would love to see their peculiar traits, the many and strange languages they speak and not to mention all the lovely ladies and good gentlemen who would want to get to know these western Somali's. They would be the new icons and and the building blocks of the new elite of the country, instead of being the ethnic minorities of ethnic minorities which they happen to be in the cold west.


Thus all this clan jihadi rhetoric and silly secessionist isolation is self defeating and not in the interest of the clan or the individual.


Wake up people and start working for the national state and interest and stop with the silly nonsense, its not just Duke who benefits but all of us.

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I see many websites advertsing meet Somali women to all the cyber Jihadis


Now why not meet SOMALI WOMEN IN SOMALIA instead of your PC lads.


Think about it.

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General Duke


So I take it, you have no problem with Ethiopians raping, murdering somali civilians, defecating on mosques and committing other heinous crimes. How can you expect to be taking seriously with your 'stable somali' rigmarole?

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Adeer all those crimes you mentioned are ones that are against the very nature of human existence and one must not want that on any being let alone his own people.

However how do you get the Somali people out of this situation and protect them from such crimes which have been committed as you allege by foreigners but also as a fact by fellow Somali’s against fellow Somali’s for over 20 years?


By creating a stable nation that protects every citizen regardless of the size of his clan.


Do you concur?

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Somalia has a great coast with palm trees no need for Barbados lads, we have plnety of sea, sand and beautiful people to go around.


So why not invest in stability, it can change your life...

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^^Adeer we have always been the sober bunch, the realist, the expectant group who never got carried away with the fake clan Jihad and the never ending secessionist fairy tales. :D

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Originally posted by Norf 1:

I see the Yeey boys are sobering up lately

About time as well!

Do you like beer jileeca cusub.

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^^^lool. The secessionist and the usual clan Jihadi's- are ammusing only themselves..


I know Norf comprehends the reality, and the other fellow one can assume just has difficulties with the language..

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Qabshax! waa jabtay? now it's beerjileec time as someone already implied! the Jihad (even in the cyber world) will continue until all warlord criminals are eliminated and Somalia is ruled by decent human beings with no criminal background and and exemplary leaders with no clan mentality! of which we don't have now!

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Adeer the above statement is the end point of the Yusuf era a stable Somali state.


All the clan talks and secessionist nonsnece wont matter and all of you will be forgiven. Norf wont have to live in hot Dubia, he can come to breezy Xamar.


Money, adeer the cyber clan Jihad wont get you any where, look at what the "real clan Jihad" got your uncle IndaCade and Xasan dahir, a room in an Asmara hotel.together one room.. :D

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^^^lool. Adeer its the carrot and the stick approach, one must know how to use both..

Secessionist on the other hand do not have anything to say, who runs SANAAG? :D

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