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Junior Charles

new images of Hotel shamoow suicide bomber the TRUE story

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Madaadeey, shaydaankii is qarxiyay waa kan qeeybta haweenka fadhiyo. sawirka daraad websayada lasoo dhigay waa mid dadka lagu qayaanayo oo waa mid lasoo farsameeyay. saxiib safiican sawirka ayaan hore websayada lasoo dhigay u eeg. waa mid dadka lagu indha sarcaadaayo oo waa mid lasoo farsameeyay. waxaas oo kale aniga xataa waan sameeykaraa. shaydaanka waxaan fadhiisi karaa qeebta labaad.shaatiga ayaan kabadali karaa,dacas ayaan u gali karaa, mafahantay? sheegada meesha eey isku shubeeyso...??


Originally posted by Maaddeey:

^^, so Caddow, ninka is qarxiyey kan la soo bandhigay maaha miyaa?, if not aaway maydka kan cusub eed soo bandhigtay?

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fikradaha oo jibreel soo qoray waa mid xaqiiqda aad ogu fug . shaydaankii umada waxgalka eh halaagay iyo dadkii ka dambeeyayba cid walba

oo tamaam¨eh weeyska garaneeysa oo camalka foosha xun oo lagu dhaqaaqay waxaa lagu ayaanaa hal cid kaliya. kuwaasna waa alshababa

Originally posted by Jibreel:

In the ends of it all,all that has been done was nothing but pointing fingers. No one is sure of anything. This crime could be the deeds of any one; the government,some silly militia or even a black op done by the powers that be.


May Allah rest the souls of the slain,they were indeed the finest of our kind.



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Cadow you have obviously played around with the image but let’s suppose that the man in the image is indeed the suicide bomber.


Look carefully at his beard and the fact that he seems to have no mustash. Then Look at the body found at the scene of the explosion. Its appears to be the same man as the one in the real image but the question is, is it not possible that the image was taken from the man in a prior ceremony at the same hotel after all it was revealed that he was staying at the hotel for a period of time.


Secondly if the image of the man sitting amongst the crowd was indeed taken on the 3 December then could it not have been possible for him to go upstairs and redress as a woman in order to get close to the ministers and carry out the attack.


There are many questions that need to be answered here and these pictures have not refuted or ruled out anything yet.

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Originally posted by Caddow Junior Charles:

shamo hotel/


sawirkaa saxda eh







shaydaankii waxyar kahor inti oo iska qarxin




see full image of of shaydaan NEW image of the bomber.


The Top photo is fake. They forgot to delete the same who is replaced with the supposed killer in the photo appears twice in the photo. Once in white shirt with Greenish lines, and then with a blue shirt.


Sawirka hoose ee saxda ah yarka isla shaadka cad ee liidka cagaarka ah leh xidhan ee ag fadhiya ninka lagu eedeeyey qaraxa, ayaa laba jeer ka muuqda sawirka kore.


Having said that, two questions arise:


1- Is it a case of what KK said and the killer appeared here for reconnaisance and later went up and came back with the shuka and bomb? plausible.


2- If so, why didn't they find the shuka (or parts of it) as long as the shirt is found on his body?


Laakiin su'aasha aniga madaxa iiga jirtaa waxay tahay maxaa ninkan wax u maqraaati fura looga la'yahay dadkii goobta fadhiyey oo yidhaa isaga ma aheyn? Somali's are very attentive and it is very, very likely someone watched his movements. Waxay u badan tahay in ninka isqarxiyey isaga yahay!!!!

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sabriye&co,runtii, aniga waxba masameeynin. waxa leeygu eedeynayo waa been.


tan labaad hal mid ayaa ku saxantahay midna waad ku qaldantahay.


leesku maheeysto shaydaanka acuudi bilaah in oo asaga kan meesha yaalay hal isbuuc yahay markii loo waayay cid sheegato.


Sù`aasha meesha taal waxaa weeye shaydaanka acuudi bilaah miyoo meesha fadhiyay ama mafadhin???? hadaba qofkii wax kayaqaano alaabta indha sarcaadka ama photoshop weeyska fahmeeysaa, sawirka waa mid dadka lagu indha sarcaadayo. oo meesha maba fadhan.


teeda kale shaqi kuma jiro cidii kadambeeysay waxii fusha xumaa oo kadhacay hotel shamoo. cid walba oo waxgarad eh weeyska garaneeysa cidii kadambeeysay. oo camalkii foosha xumaa hal cid ayaa lagu yaqaana. waana reer tooro booro ama al-shababa



Originally posted by Sabriye & co.:

Cadow you have obviously played around with the image but let’s suppose that the man in the image is indeed the suicide bomber.


Look carefully at his bearf and the fact that he seems to have no mustash. Then Look at the body found at the scene of the explosion. Its appears to be the same man as the one in the real image but the question is, is it not possible that the image was taken from the man in a prior ceremony at the same hotel after all it was revealed that he was staying at the hotel for a period of time.


Secondly if the image of the man sitting amongst the crowd was indeed taken on the 3 December then could it not have been possible for him to go upstairs and redress as a woman in order to get close to the ministers and carry out the attack.


There are many questions that need to be answered here and these pictures have not refuted or ruled out anything yet.

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"Al-Shabaab ayaa u kala jabtay laba garab,waxayna ku dagaalameen degmadda Dayniile ee duleedka Mogadishu halkaas oo ay ku leeyihiin talis Ciidan.

Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Cali Mohamud Raage ayaa xilkii laga xayuubshay ,waxayna taasi ka dhalatay sida laga yeelayo qaraxii ka dhacay Hotel Shamo.

Kooxda hada la baxday Milatu Ibrahim ee Cali dheere ka mid yahay waxay qabaan inaan la sheegan Karin falkii argagaxa lahaa ee lagu halaagay waxgalka Somalia 3 December 2009 laakiin xulufadda Ahmed Godane waxay ku doodayaan inuu ahaa fal ishtihaadiya"

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The Zack   

^shaydaanka maxaa ugu soo celcelineysaa ma adaa sheydaan ah? Kuwa wax sawiro waxaa la yiri waa shayaadiin mrka that makes u sheydaan la kor dhabay sheydaan la hoos dhabay. Stop judging the dead body isku xishoo Adeer. No court has proven this neither have any witnesses. Its good if we leave it like that.

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ZAck, ha is dimbaajinin intii aad nin shaydaan eh oo wax galka somaliyeed laayay difaaceeysid. teedakale why personall attack me?? hadii aad adiga difaaceeysid shaydaanka dadka leeyay. waa mid adiga ku qoseeyso. masa argaxaxii fuusha xumaa waxuu ahaay "jihaad"?.hadalkaan waxaa laga haayaa dadka adiga aad difaaceeyso maalin iyo habeen.


"Ahmed Godane waxay ku doodayaan inuu ahaa fal ishtihaadiya"




waxaa jiro cajalad oo laga hayo shaydaankii kale oo Baledweyne umada waxba galabsan ku laayay. taana waxaa lagu tilmaamay "jihaad" acuudi billah. iyo madadaxda al.shababa oo qiraday kuna tilmaamay argagixii fuusha xumaa jihaad. adiga d hadaad difaaceeyso shaydaamadaan ilaah na abuurtay ayaa kulo xisaab tami doono.


ugoow!runta qofna maqari karto. walaa adiga walaa wahi kula mid eh.



Originally posted by The Zack:

^shaydaanka maxaa ugu soo celcelineysaa ma adaa sheydaan ah? Kuwa wax sawiro waxaa la yiri waa shayaadiin mrka that makes u sheydaan la kor dhabay sheydaan la hoos dhabay. Stop judging the dead body isku xishoo Adeer. No court has proven this neither have any witnesses. Its good if we leave it like that.

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The Zack   

^If you are blaming a group or an entity that is all good. Plus, we all agree that the Shaamow suicide bombing was disgusting and whoever was behind it will, Insha'allah, pay the price for it one way or another. What is also disgusting is that you keep referring a SHEYDAAN to a dead person as you were there when the explosion went off or as you have a hard evidence.

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ZAck,muranka maxaa keeney? oo waxa aad ila murmeeysid maba fahansani bal i sharax.? Zack, ma waxaad diidantahay qofkii kadambeeyey argagaxii fuusha xumaa in loogu yeero "SHAYDAAN"?


ilaaheey waxuu na faray in aan maskaxdeena isticmaalno. hadaba qof walba hadii wax yar maskaxdiisa kashageeysiiyo wuu garankaraa kooxdii iyo qofkii ka dambeeyay argagaxii fuusha xumaa. lakiin aniga madiidani ugu dambeendii alaah baa ug.


ZAck, ma Ugsoontahay hadii aad geeriyooto waxaa lagu ugu yeedhaa ,magaca hooyadaa. cuz waxaa uun lahubaa in hooyo kudhashay qof walbana waxaa lagu yeedha magaca hooyadii. taasna waxaa ku keeney wax walba ilaah baa ogsoon.lakiin ha iloobin ilaah wuxuu ku faray in aad masgaxdaada isticmaasha.



Originally posted by The Zack:

^If you are blaming a group or an entity that is all good. Plus, we all agree that the Shaamow suicide bombing was disgusting and whoever was behind it will, Insha'allah, pay the price for it one way or another. What is also disgusting is that you keep referring a SHEYDAAN to a dead person as you were there when the explosion went off or as you have a hard evidence.

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Complicated,dumar maa tahay? hadii aad dumar tahay iga raali naqo.sxb, magacaada dumar ama rag waxuu yahay mala garanaayo. teede kale maxaa igu dul tadleeysaa??

Originally posted by Complicated:

Kan yari meel kaluu ka shidan yahaye iska daaya. Adeer call it what you may.

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