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PM Sharmarke under attack

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Sharif Hotel, Sharif Xasan & Ibbi are waging a personal vendeta against PM Sharmarke who is the o ly honest broker at the top of the government.


This attack is centered on greed, these men want to steal the money the international community has donated to Somalia.

PM Sharmarke will prevail against these failing clowns who could not even travel to the regions they represent. When Ibbi goes to Marks, Illeterate Sharif Xasan to Baidia & happless Sharif Hotel to Jowhar we shall talk.

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Shekh Shariif oo jilaafo la goobay heshiiskii Dowlada Federaalka iyo Puntland ee Galakacyo.


Khilaaf xoogan iyo loolan Siyaasadeed oo u dhexeeya Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif iyo R/wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid oo soo shaac baxay.


Tan iyo markii u dhacay heshiiskii Tariikhiga ahaa ee Magaalada Galkacyo ku kala saxiixdeen dhinacyada Puntland iyo DFKMGS ayaa waxaa soo baxayay loolan siyaasadeed oo u dhexaya Madaxda ugu sareya DFKMGS waa Sheekh Shariif iyo Cumar Cabdirashiide, kasoo salka ku haya muran soo jiitamay mudo dheer oo ku saab san awood qeeybsiga Dowlada iyo ku dhaqanka Dasturka DFKMGS.


Isku dhaca siyaasadeed ayaa soo biloowday tan mrkii uu afkiisa isku magacaabay Wasiiru Dawlaha Gaashaandhiga ninka lagu magacaabo Yusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indhacade) kadib markuu ka biyo diiday R/wasaare Sharmaake inuu saxiixo wareegtadii lgu magacaabi lahaa Indhacade ayaa waxaa soo baxayay mad madoow,kala shaki iyo isku qab qabsi xaga shaqada ah, kasoo ka dhex curtay labada akhiyaar ee aan wali heykal Dowladeed soo marin.


Marunkaas ayaa waxuu cirka isku sii shareeray kadib markii u Dakada weyn ee Magaalada Moqdisho kusoo xirtay Markab siday Hub loogu talagalay Ciidamada Dowlada Somalia iyo kuwa AMISOM, Hubkasoo la isku mari wayay qaabka loo qeybinayo iyo cida la siinayo, ayadoo u madaxweynuhuna soo jeediyay in Hubka lagu warejiyo Cidamo gaar u aha asga kuwasoo loogu magac daray Daraawishta, halka R/wasaarahana u qabay in la xulo Ciidamo Qaran oo ka kooban 4.5 laguna xareeyo Xeryah ka baxsan Magaalada si taba bar ku filan loo siiyo kadibna loo qeeybiyo Hubka.


Ugu danbeyntiina wuxuu dibada usoo baxay kala fikir duwanaanshahan markii u R/wasaaraha safar ku tagay deegamada Puntlnad gaar ahaan Magaalada Galkacyo, halkasoo ay heshiis dhinacyo badan tabanayay ku soo kala saxiixdeen DFKMG iyo Puntland, heshiiskaas ayaa Madaxwynahu aad uga hor yimid,waxyana wadahadal wakhti dheer qaatay kuwada qaateen labada masul Madaxtooyada, ayagoona isla gorfooyay arktiyo farabadan, inkastoo aysan isla meel dhigin ujeedadii wadahadalka ee aheyd in dib loo dhigo fulinta Heshiiska Galkacyo. 


Dhinac kale Madaxweynaha ayaa bilaabay talaaboyin ka dhan ah R/wasaaraha kadib marku ku darsaday rag asga matalkiisa khaas u ah shirkii Libiya oo u hogaaminaya R/wasaare Sharmaake, waxanaa ragaas ka mid ahaa C/Raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur asgoo loo wakiishay inu gaarsiyo waraqad Madaxweynaha Libiya Qadaafi, tasoo fajiciso ku noqotay kadib markuu Boqshad xiran  jeebka kala soo baxay C/Raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur una dhiibay Qadaafi ayaa waxaa aad uga arga gaxay R/wasaare Sharmaake oo aan waxba lagala socod siin warqadaas iyo wixii ku qorna intaba.


Intaas kuma harin Sheekh shariif iyo asxaabta la talisa caradii ay ka qaadeen heshiiskii ay Puntland iyo dawlada federaalka ku kala saxiixdeen magaalo madaxda gobolka mudug ee gaalkacyo,Waxaa uu sheekh shariif heshiis la saxiixday dawlada jabuuti oo beryahan maherad ka dhigatay somaliya si wax walba oo somaliya loo sameeynayo ay uga hesho komishin. Heshiiskaas ayaa waxaa ay kuwada saxiixdeen jabuuti. kasoo dhigaya in la dhiso Ciidamada bada Somalia xaruna looga dhigo Dalka jabuuti, si marka looga hor tago carqaladna loo gasho qorshaha Putnaland, waxyana kala saxiixdeen  in la dhiso Xarun  lagu taba bari doono ciidamada bada ee somaaliya. Waxaana labada dal dhex mari doona wada shaqeyn buuxda iyo in wada jir dawlada jabuuti iyo tan somalia ula dagaalami doonaan burcadbadeeda. ayagoona kula dagaalami doona burcada raas casery ilaa reaaskambooni.


Hadaba heshiiskaan ayaa u muuqada  mid soo da dajin doona bur bur ku yimaada DFKMG madaama ay talaabadani tahay mid lagu jilaafeenayo howlaha Xukuumada iyo xal u helida Burcad Badeed Somalia, waxaan iska cad in u yahay mid caro iyo carqaladeen loola jeedo Madama Shariifka iyo kooxdiisa oo aaminsan hadii Puntland laga sameeyo xarumo taba baro iney halkaas ku weyayaan dhaqaalo aad u fara badan ay ta badalkeeda bilaabeen qorshe ah sidii ay uga barbar furi lahaayeen heshiiskaas wax burinkara ama baabiya.


Hadaba su aasha aay dad badani is weydiyeen ayaa waxay tahay dawlada sheekh shariif oo degan inta u dhexeysa madaxtooyo ilaa Airporka oo awoodeedi lagu soo koobay intaas hadeysan carqaladeen u jeedin  maxay  Burcad badeed ka qaban kartaa? ayadoo lawada ogayahay in ay waxba ka qaban wayeen boqolaalka markab ee reer galbeedku leeyahay ee jooga biyaha Somalia.


Waxa ay qaban waayeen marakiitbaas farah badanse ma qaban karaan jabuuti iyo sheekh shariif?


soow kama hobooneen inta aysan wax aysan qaadi karan haaban inay marka hore raadsato Ciidamo iyada difaaca? maadama aysan ku filneyn kuwa hada wardiyeeya ee  AMISON.

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The Navy Base project will proceed, Inshalah, in the face of all these frantic attempts by some to derail it so as to keep the nation from making headway out of the status quo. If Shariif is behind Ibbi's unreasonable ventures, then surely the PM and Shariif will come to blows very soon.

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I know this is obvious to all. All this navy base talk comes down to one thing and one thing only, Money! Whoever gets to have the navy base put in their area wants control the enormous amount of money that will be coming through there. The international community will be shelling out tons of resources to that area. Djibouti wants it really bad so they can get some of it and so does Puntland. Those in Mogadishu know that they control very little and can't hold a navy base anywhere in south so they have made an agreement to put it in Djibouti with the government there and split some of that money. However it is only logical that the training base be situated in Puntland Somalia and not another nation, especially when the majority of the piracy problem involves Puntland. I believe Puntland President Faroole and Prime Minister of the Federal Government Omar Abdirashid are correct in wanting the base to be put in Puntland. President Sharif and Sharif Xasan will definitely fight but most likely back down. Depends how much money is involved.

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^^^The base should be in Somalia, what on earth has this got to do with Djibouti?


The PM made the right calculation, and got the support of a power block in Somalia.


Sharif Ahmed, & the others are just upset, again what do they offer? Nothing at all.

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And this man wants the training to take place on Djibouti soil so he can send a few crumbs to President Sharif, Sharif aden and co.


It just doesn't make sense why they would be against having the training on Somali soil. It's their greed and only that. I know they will come back and say that the Prime Minister is not autorized to sign any such deal on his own. Even though it was the logical thing to do. It makes me think more and more, is Puntland really compatible with the Government in the south. It seems they do everything to undermine it.

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The Djibouti President is a greedy bast*rd. I heard even the so-called Somali troops he is training in Djibouti on behalf of the TFG are, in fact, Djiboutian citizens. It's just a gimmick to steal monies in the name of Somalia and the UN is complicit in the matter.


I can't say I'm surprised that the two Sharifs are totally blinded by such obvious cupidity; but the prime minister should hold his ground and fight tooth and nail, to ensure the Navy base ends up in Somalia. Period!

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I agree, Puntland needs to support the Prime Minister. If he has a whole state behind him, he will be powerful. I am still shocked that those guys would want the navy to be trained in another country. It's unbelievable. Have you ever heard that before? What's wrong with Puntland, it has so much land available. Because of it's safety the police academy was built there, why not a naval academy. There is no excuse.

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^^^ These men are creating new enmity between Puntland and the south. The deal the PM signed was a good one for Somalia. Puntland came on board and everything was progressing nicely. This Djibouti move smacks of desperation and sends Puntland a clear message, today the state knows who is behind the troubles aimed at it's door. It's time to unite behind the PM, two refugees in Ibbi & Sakin can not talk to Sharmarke.

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In all the previous Pres-PM struggles this was Duke's choice:



Geedi vs A.Yusuf


Geedi was bad, A.Yusuf good


Nur Adde vs A.Yusuf


Nur Adde was bad, A.Yusuf is good.


Sharmarke vs Sh.Sharif


Sharmaarke good, Sh.Sharif bad


What else did we expect from a person who would swear on his clan?

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It just doesn't make sense why they would be against having the training on Somali soil.

Jabuti is Somali SOIL.

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Originally posted by Meiji:

In all the previous Pres-PM struggles this was Duke's choice:



Geedi vs A.Yusuf


Geedi was bad, A.Yusuf good


Nur Adde vs A.Yusuf


Nur Adde was bad, A.Yusuf is good.


Sharmarke vs Sh.Sharif


Sharmaarke good, Sh.Sharif bad


What else did we expect from a person who would swear on his clan?



Just as well... in all the previous tussles between the President's office and the prime minister, M Society's finest(Meiji, Juje and Abwaan) took the following sides...


Insect Geedi vs Halyey Yusuf---> They supported the insect.


Moron Nur Adde vs Halyey Yusuf--> They supported the moron.


And now...


Genius Sharmarke vs Clown Sharif--> They choose to support the clown.


Now, tell us, how are you any different from Duke who you allege "swears on his clan"??

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